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News Forestry

6–9 May 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
University of Forestry Sofia has the pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Scientific Conference “Forestry: Bridge to the Future”, which will take place on 6–9 May 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The Conference is dedicated to the 90th Аnniversary of higher forestry education in Bulgaria and is organized by the University of Forestry, Sofia and Faculty of Forestry.
The venue of the Conference will be Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia.
The Conference sessions will be focused to various topics, starting from global problems like impact of climate change on forests, forest ecology and dynamics to applied issues related to management and use of forest resources.
Eminent keynote speakers will take part in the work of Conference:

  • Kevin O'HARA (University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA)
  • Marcus LINDNER (European Forest Institute, Germany/Finland)
  • Jean-Luc PEYRON (ECOFOR, France)
  • Ivan RAEV (Forest Research Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria)

Further information about the Conference concerning all details of registration, accommodation, program, and abstract submission can be found on the official conference web-site:

6–9 May 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
University of Forestry Sofia has the pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Scientific Conference “Forestry: Bridge to the Future”, which will take place on 6–9 May 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The Conference is dedicated to the 90th Аnniversary of higher forestry education in Bulgaria and is organized by the University of Forestry, Sofia and Faculty of Forestry.
The venue of the Conference will be Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia.
The Conference sessions will be focused to various topics, starting from global problems like impact of climate change on forests, forest ecology and dynamics to applied issues related to management and use of forest resources.
Eminent keynote speakers will take part in the work of Conference:

  • Kevin O'HARA (University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA)
  • Marcus LINDNER (European Forest Institute, Germany/Finland)
  • Jean-Luc PEYRON (ECOFOR, France)
  • Ivan RAEV (Forest Research Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria)

Further information about the Conference concerning all details of registration, accommodation, program, and abstract submission can be found on the official conference web-site:

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