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The course is an introduction into the problem areas of the aesthetic theories. The main aesthetic categories are assimilated in the process of their cultural and historical generating. Special attention is paid to the aesthetic appreciation of nature in the context of the modern ideas in landscape architecture. At seminars students analyse original aesthetic texts and discuss major aesthetic problems which helps the acquired knowledge to be interpreted from a personal point of view and to improve professional competencies.

The course aims at providing basic knowledge on specificity of ethical issues in business. Established ethical concepts and methods for analyzing and resolving ethical conflicts are presented.

The central task of the course is to cultivate skills for identifying and resolving particular dilemmas and to train student’s ability in moral reasoning and decision making.

The discipline "Certification and standardization in tourism" is intended for students - Master degree Faculty of "Business Administration" - specialty "Management of alternative tourism" Graduates in PN 3.9. Tourism. The discipline "Certification and Standardisation in tourism" will acquaint students with the basic theoretical and methodological issues of standardisation and certification process for compliance with the quality of the services sector in tourism activities: hotels and restaurants; tour operator, agency activities and transportation services; medical spa and wellness tourism - spa tourism services; SPA tourism services; wellness tourism services; thalasso and tourist services.The accent is placed on internal management activities, provision of services; quality of services and human resources management.
Almost no area in which standards do not apply because they contribute to our health, safety and future.The new realities remove the command-administrative approach in standardization. Standards are not a mechanism for state control, and an important element of the market economy.

The course is to assist the development of personal communication skills, suggesting acquisition of basic knowledge of the communication processes. The program includes topics concerning the specific problems of communication:

  1. Main features of the interpersonal relations. The aspects of communication. The channels of communication.
  2. Communication and language. Encoding and decoding of signals. Symbolism and context. Communication barriers.
  3. Verbal communication. Basic techniques and rules. Ways of listening and listening skills. Conversation skills.
  4. Non-verbal communication. Gestures and behaviour.
  5. Difficult communication situations. How to eliminate poor communication and unproductive relationships.
  6. Communication and personality. Self-concept. Patterns and norms of behaviour.
  7. Formation of Personality. Abilities and character. Social attitudes and social behaviour.
  8. Values and value concepts. The nature of ethical behaviour. Principles, ideals and norms. Theories of moral development.

Issues related to the procurement, processing and presentation of statistical information in a form suitable for the needs of business management are analysed. The basics of the system of national accounts, methodologies and indicators for statistical study of population, labor force, labor productivity, gross domestic product, prices and inflation, income and final consumption of households and national wealth are included.

Purpose and objectives of the course: The course „Economics of the Public Sector” aims to give students advanced knowledge of economic theory and in particular to build on their knowledge gained in the course „Microeconomics”. The importance of the public sector in the economy has grown after the Second World War, when the economies of many countries undergoing transformation from purely market to mixed economies. This change is not about a significant increase in the share of public sector in the economy, as the perception of a different mechanism for the allocation of resources in society. The public sector in modern mixed market economies has a significant contribution, which is why the study of its specific characteristics and patterns is so vital to society.

Today, the global economy is notably more open and integrated. While the ideas travel between geographical and cultural boundaries, the fundamental question is “whether the economic principles that are taught in the west are actually suitable for their general application or they have their cultural limits?” These issues are particularly important in relation to the public sector because the nature of his case studies relationships between social, political and economic institutions. This scientific programme aims to present the basic concepts of economics of the public sector, both in theoretical and in practical application aspect.

The course of environmental ethics is an introduction to basic concepts and themes of moral philosophy, and methods of their application to current environmental problems. Different approaches to environmental ethics: anthropocentrism, biocentrism, gaia-centrism are discussed. The theoretical framework is combined with case studies, in order to obtain skills for application of ethical analysis in solving specific problems related to nature.

The main objective of the course is to promote student’s abilities of humanistic approach to nature and understanding of values of various human activities and long-term consequences.

The course "General Theory of Economics" aims to give students a basic knowledge of economic theory and in particular to provide knowledge about the behaviour of the main operators in a market economy - households (consumers) and firms (manufacturers) of specific commodity or resource markets. Attention is focused on the study of general notions, terms, concepts, patterns and dependencies in economic science and economic analysis of interrelated variables which is necessary for their career. Particular attention is paid to clarify the principles and rules for making economic choices, taking into account individual and subjective preferences of economic agents. The course aims to introduce students to the logic of economic phenomena which will be useful in starting own business. In view of the purposes and objectives of the course „General Theory of Economics", the key objectives of macroeconomic indicators to measure national production, the nature, properties, functions and evolution of money, are learned and also is paid special attention to the environmental indicators for sustainable economic growth. Special emphasis is placed on the integration and globalization of the economy and the benefits of the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union. In both assigned tasks the course aims at establishing an economic and rational behaviour of students, which will be beneficial for practical and professional development and help them to be sufficiently flexible and competitive on the labour market.

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The course “Microeconomics” aims to provide students with basic knowledge of microeconomic theory and in particular to provide fundamental knowledge of the behaviour of key economic actors in the market economy - households (consumers) and firms (manufacturers) of specific commodity or resource markets. The attention is focused on studying of general concepts in microeconomics, different theories, concepts, models, and analysing interrelated economic variables. Special emphasis is placed on clarifying the principles and rules for making economic choices, taking into account individual and subjective preferences of economic agents. The behaviour of households and consumer demand, manufacturing and production decisions of firms, market structure and the types of markets and resource markets (labour market, capital market and land market) are studied in detail. The primary objective of the course “Microeconomics” paid attention to research and analysis of general equilibrium and welfare economics. Special emphasis is placed on the types of taxes, the tax burden and optimal taxation.

The course “Microeconomics” aims to provide students with basic knowledge of microeconomic theory and in particular to provide fundamental knowledge of the behaviour of key economic actors in the market economy - households (consumers) and firms (manufacturers) of specific commodity or resource markets. The attention is focused on studying of general concepts in microeconomics, different theories, concepts, models, and analysing interrelated economic variables. Special emphasis is placed on clarifying the principles and rules for making economic choices, taking into account individual and subjective preferences of economic agents. The behaviour of households and consumer demand, manufacturing and production decisions of firms, market structure and the types of markets and resource markets (labour market, capital market and land market) are studied in detail. The primary objective of the course “Microeconomics” paid attention to research and analysis of general equilibrium and welfare economics. Special emphasis is placed on the types of taxes, the tax burden and optimal taxation.

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental philosophical issues and questions. Getting acquainted with the basic philosophical ideas (from pre-Socratic thinkers to the present day) and learning how to combine historical and systematic approach, students can develop their abilities for intellectual dialogue and creativity.

Reflection on fundamental philosophical questions helps students shape their attitude toward nature, society and human life as values of civilization. Particular attention is given to contemporary philosophical topics, focusing on humanism, personality, meaning of life, freedom. Critical and comparative study of different types of ethical theories aims to orient the individuals in contemporary moral issues.

During their studies students have the opportunity to work individually with philosophical texts. The aim of this approach is to train their ability of understanding complex ideas and critically appraise them.

The course is focused on the notion of nature in its cultural dimensions. The basic theories related to the idea of nature are introduced. As far as the understanding of nature is culturally defined, the various "images" of nature in the history of European culture reveal the roots of contemporary environmental problems. Main task of the course is for students to get acquainted with the origins of modern views on nature and to form their own position as an important element of their professional competence.

The Public Administration course provides the students with knowledge regarding the nature and scope of the public sector: its structure, powers and principles of the operation of management structures /central and local administrations/. The subject also covers topics regarding the status of public officials, administrative ethics and prevention of corruption.

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Issues related to the procurement, processing and presentation of statistical information in a form suitable for the needs of alternative tourism are analysed. The most commonly used in practice statistical methods are studied as the emphasis is made on the requirements for the correct choice of specific method, the correct application of computational procedures, computer implementation of the analysis and competent interpretation of the obtained results.

The course Sustainable development of tourism is one of courses in the Curriculum of Alternative tourism for Bachelor level and presents the theory and principles of concept sustainable development – in general and in tourism context. There are included: arising and development of the concept, key actors, institutions and policies in globalization era. It is considered a problem of tourist and recreational capacity of the environment. Main focus is set on indicators of sustainable development and design of indicators system. The special accent is put on the synergy model of sustainability development of tourism. It is taken into consideration possibilities for initiatives and projects for sustainable development of tourism financing, incl. EU’s Operational programmes.

The course “Tourist markets” is designed for students of specialty Alternative tourism. It aims to provide specialized information for tourist markets. The goal is students to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical information about the nature, structure and types of tourist markets, to know the specificities and characteristics of tourist demand and tourist supply, and in this way they can analyze a tourist market in terms of volume of supply and demand. Attention is focused on the study of the economic situation of the tourist market and in particular the mechanism of pricing of tourist products and services. Particular attention is paid to clarify the need for research and analysis of the tourist market. The advantages and disadvantages of globalization of tourist markets, transformation of tourist markets, trends in the tourist market, as well as the typology of tourist markets and in particular - the characteristics of emitive and receptive tourist markets are studied in detail. As main objective of the course “Tourist markets” is set study, analysis and evaluation of market strategy of the Bulgarian tourist market. Special emphasis is placed on financial instruments for the management of companies of the tourist market and the necessity of its macro-regulation.

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