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Computer systems and Informatics

Goal and objectives of the course: The course Basics of scientific researchaims to introduce students to a common approach to conducting research, starting from observation and experiment - to implementation of research results using traditional and modern methods for designing, optimizing and analyzing technical systems technology and economic processes.Students should learn mathematical methods and models for the purposes of scientific experiments that allow objectively evaluate quantitative and qualitative results of experimental research into the physiology of plants, forestry, forest plantations, forest taxation, soil science, genetics and selection and other scientific areas that are essential for the Master degree in Forestry students. After successfully completing the course, students are familiar with the general principles, methods and elements of the methodology for complex research and methodology of experimental research. The student should mastered the essence of scientific and common-specific scientific-research methods; and methods for making management decisions based on the interpretation of data from experimental studies.

Purpose and objectives of the course:
The course aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of advanced information technology and in-depth knowledge and skills aided design, computer support the production and use of CNC centers in production in woodworking and furniture industry.

The main objectives of the training are:

  • To understand the different aspects of information technology;
  • To understand the approaches and methods to increase the efficiency of work processes in the woodworking and furniture industry through the application of CAD / CAM systems;
  • To assess the importance of information technology as a strategic resource and a source of added value for the organization;
  • To learn practical methods and approaches to the use of modern CAD / CAM systems in specific professional field;

The main objective of the course is: by harnessing the theoretical and practical foundations of modern CAD / CAM systems to build competency base of students to further their development as professionals and leaders in their professional field.
The modern approaches and principles for working with CAD/CAM systems. Special attention is paid to the possibilities of CAD software to automate the design and working process. Present possibilities of CNC woodworking centers, methods of organizing workflow and software through which these methods are formulated and implemented. Approaches and methods for increasing the efficiency of work processes in the wood and furniture industry through the application of CAD/CAM systems.

The aim of the exercise is for students to gain practical skills to work with modern CAD/CAM systems to solve specific application problems in production management in the forest industry, learn AutoCAD, BiesseWorks and the relationship between them.

The course "Computer Systems for managing projects" is designed for students graduate of the specialties "Business Management", " Wood Technology " and "Plant Protection". The course aims to introduce students with basic stages of the development and project management.

Presents the logical stages of the design process, teamwork, resource management, cost optimization and more. Special attention is given to the techniques, tools and methods to identify, developing, produce, implementation, management and assessment of projects.

Practical exercises are designed to develop skills in creating and managing projects including: an optimal organizational structure, building a network model of the project and estimate the parameters of the network schedule, identifying the critical path and reserves of time / resources value, duration of the project, etc. /. Students are divided into interest groups with task - team developing the project (in freely chosen area). Prepare project documentation, incl. analysis of the state and the critical moments, time and resource plan for insurance. Course projects are presented and defended and in their preparation using specialized software for designing, managing and reporting on projects.

The learning process should include best practices in the management and implementation of projects, the construction of the relevant skills for financial management and control, monitoring and evaluation. The developed course offers students the knowledge, practical skills and capacity for successful development and management of projects financed by the European Union.

Course "Computer systems" is designed for students who majored "Business Management" and "alternative tourism". The objective is to get acquainted with various aspects of computer systems / CS / - hardware and software, basic skills and patterns of using modern computer equipment, as well as to provide practical knowledge to assess and analyze the effectiveness of implementation and the use of information technology in business.

Discussed are basic concepts for building computer systems, system software and hardware features and a choice of advanced STS technologies for creation, presentation and analysis of documents / functional characteristics and applications/. Presents the fundamental aspects of Internet technology, and introduction and use languages for creating web pages to acquire practical skills in the use of information resources of the global network.

The subject gives basic knowledge of computers and informatics. Creates a basis for learning by the students modern information technologies in the management of corporate activity. The course aims to build students' practical skillsreflected in the curriculum of lectures, the planned exercises, self-development assignments, and the system for monitoring and evaluation of knowledge.

The main purpose of the course is to acquaint the students (and future managers) with information technologies, which are the grounds of the most modern systems used by the management teams of business organizations - intelligent solutions systems. The theoretical foundations of information technology systems are demonstrated in in this class. Practical implementation of the theory is performed through usage of software tool, which integrates the functionalities of intelligent business management system.

The course rolls back to the basics of IT, on which the intelligent business systems, supporting the management decision-making process, are further developed. They include integrated object-oriented data storages; model and scheme of the data storage; analytical processing of data from the storage in real time – the core of the technology and the type of the information structures, on which it is executed; technologies for detection of hidden interconnections in the data storage, for forecasting and evaluation analysis.

The course "Database in the management" is designed for students - undergraduates specialty "Business Management" and "Alternative Tourism". The aim of the training is to introduce the basic theory of designing databases, introduction to relational data model and principles of functioning of relational databases / DB / and development of custom applications based on database management system / DBMS.

Presents the basic questions of the theory for designing database, the use of database management systems, development of custom applications.Give knowledge of the architecture and development of database management systems, and distributed systems and integration of databases with global network Internet.

The course gives basic knowledge of modern information technologies and in particular the use of automated information systems in areas such as systems analysis; organization in storage DB; systems for decision, mobile and personal DB; geographic DB; media DB; distributed information systems; DBfor global network World Wide Web.

Тhe course’s main purposes and objectives: The main purposes of the course are to introduce students to the benefits of the Internet and modern information and communication technologies required for the design, creation and effective use of e-business applications to meet the needs of organizations and businesses in the different sectors of economics, in terms of their use for :

  • Evaluation of the specific features of the migration of traditional business processes to their electronic analogues;
  • The effectiveness and competitiveness improvement related to better internal communications, accelerating the issues related to the administration and implementation of the various transactions, the sale of goods and services, optimize communication in the distribution chain and etc.;
  • Specific requirements regarding information security of modern electronic assets of the organizations and business entities, and correct positioning of multilingual information resources in the context of globalizing markets and increased competition;
  • The basis for the creation of business models for selling goods and services based on use of e-commerce as a part of e-business, providing reliable electronic payment systems of the transactions to facilitate the participants of the tourism market and ensuring security for the underlying payments.

Goal and objectives of the course: The course Econometrics aims to provide students with the basics of econometrics. Future Business Managers have to acquire basic skills and habits to quantification, analysis and forecasting the business processes in the company; to give practical knowledge of students for a wide range of issues related to analyzing, planning and regulation of management company activities. For studying and successful implementation of the material underlying the discipline, students need basic knowledge in economics and business management of the companies operating in the market economy, but also by fundamental training in mathematical analysis and economic statistics. The course broadens and deepens the knowledge and experience of students in mastering modern methods of business management. The course has practical aims to build students mostly practical skills, which are tailored educational content, exercises and planned system for monitoring and evaluation of acquired knowledge and skills. Discipline strengthens, and enrich the knowledge and skills students learned in the courses Mathematics and Mathematical Methods in Business Management, Microeconomics and Computer systems.

Purpose and objectives of the course:

  1. Increasing the skills of students associated with the acquisition of basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills for working with geographic information systems, which provide the opportunity to further develop these skills-based on the system for lifelong learning;
  2. To prepare specialists in the field of GIS technology through the acquisition of professional skills and competences through access to modern ICT, specialized software and modern high-tech laboratory for training;
  3. Improve the quality of education through the use of advanced platform to facilitate communication between all stakeholders including representatives of the target group of businesses.
  4. Study of existing best practices and approbation of experience solving scientific and applied problems in the field of "geographic information systems".

GIS – EQD, Business management bachelor degree program

Goal and objectives of the course: The course Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in tourism aims to introduce students to the possibilities of GIS as a modern information technology and as a tool to support the decision making process in the field of tourism. The main tasks of the training course aimed at preparing future economists in the field of tourism using geo-information technologies for economic organization and management of business processes in the field of tourism, to provide practical knowledge and skills of students to work with GIS applications-software. With the successful completion of the training course on GIS in tourism students can solve a wide range of theoretical and practical issues related to the design, creation and use of generic and thematic GIS projects, and their use in solving different in the analysis of geospatial data. The course provides comprehensive training of students on the use of geospatial information and gives the relationship of the knowledge and skills to use modern methods of organization and management of tourism activities. For teaching and successful learning process underlying the discipline, students need a solid background in analytical geometry of 2-D and 3-D spaces, the relational data model, statistics, computer systems, as well as basic knowledge the economy, organization and management of the company's business in a market economy. The course has a practical focus and aims to provide the necessary minimum of theoretical knowledge of the nature of GIS as a modern and dynamic interdisciplinary field of science, the nature and structure of GIS as a modern information technology models of geo-spatial data the use of 2-D and 3-D coordinate systems and projections in computer modeling of geographical processes and phenomena it studies the basics of geo-statistics. Planned laboratory and system for monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and skills aimed at developing the basic operations in GIS, the creation and use of GIS projects in the field of tourism with the help of the software package ArcMap 10.x.

Тhe course’s main purposes and objectives: The main purposes of the course are to introduce students to the contemporary trends and technologies in the area Intranet, Extranet and Internet as a part of modern information and communication environment for organizations and economic entities. The main objectives of the course affect:

  • Description and understanding of physical and logical organization of contemporary computer networks and access methods for end user’s devices to them;
  • Technologies and devices used to create computer networks according to organization and economic entities needs; Methods for connection of business networks to Internet;
  • Contemporary network models and architectures;
  • Protocol suits, protocols and services used for business and communication purposes into modern computer networks]
  • Technologies for creation of contemporary on-line business applications;
  • Ensuring the availability of business resources online.

The course aims to give a thorough theoretical knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets and presentation, practical skills for using functionalized full capabilities of MS Office; To understand the approaches and methods to increase the efficiency of working through their application; To learn practical models for the application of MS Office in the field of ecology and environmental protection respectively - plant protection and agronomy, as well as the acquisition of skills for working with modern ICT, which form the basis for independent future career development in accordance the system of lifelong learning. The main objectives of the training are to prepare students to cover the following criteria:

1.1. Knowledge:

  • Acquisition and use of highly practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of information technologies that form the basis for originality in developing and implementing new ideas and solutions;
  • Receive wide range of theoretical and practical expertise for the implementation of programs of MS Office in EEP respectively - plant protection and agronomy.

1.2. Skills:

  • Mastery of a wide range of practical and cognitive skills and approaches that allow solving complex problems and developing creative solutions for applying IT in EEP respectively - plant protection and agronomy;
  • Ability to diagnose problems and their solution, based on recent studies by integrating knowledge from interdisciplinary fields such exhibits ability to generate new knowledge and procedures related to the conduct of research and innovation in the application of IT in EEP respectively - plant protection and agronomy;

1.3. Competences:
1.3.1. Autonomy and responsibility:

  • Taking responsibility for decision-making in complex conditions under the influence of various factors and difficult to predict;
  • Ability to administratively manage complex professional activities, including teams and resources;
  • Be creative and practical skills in the development and implementation of projects;
  • Objectively assess its performance and others;
  • Assess the training needs of others in order to increase team effectiveness;

1.3.2. Competences for learning:

  • Critical assessment of the extent of their training and knowledge accordance with appropriate professional qualifications;
  • Demonstrate a high degree of autonomy and easily navigate the complex content, applying their own methods and approaches to mastering it;
  • Use a variety of methods and techniques for utilizing complex educational content;
  • Determines their educational needs for training and / or retraining.
  • Formulating and a clear statement of ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists;
  • Expression of understanding and respect by applying the methods of qualitative and quantitative descriptions and evaluations.

3.4. Professional competence:

  • Collection, classification, evaluation and interpretation of data from the field of EEP respectively - plant protection and agronomy in order to solve specific problems;
  • Integration of a wide range of knowledge and sources of information in a new and relatively unknown context;
  • Application of acquired knowledge and skills in new or unfamiliar conditions and manifestation of the ability to analyze a broad or interdisciplinary context.


The course aims to give students theoretical and practical knowledge and skills that help them perform analyzes related to the design, construction and operation of specialized database in the field of EEP, acquiring skills and competences through access to modern ICT specialized software and modern high-tech laboratory for training. The course builds on knowledge gained in the eponymous discipline undergraduate degree. The main objectives of the training is to prepare students to cover the following criteria:

1.1. Knowledge:

  • Acquisition and use of highly practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of database management systems that form the basis for originality in developing and implementing new ideas and solutions;
  • Receive a wide range of theoretical and practical expertise in application database in the field of EEP, building achieved in the previous stage of training.

1.2. Skills:

  • Mastering a wide range of practical and cognitive skills and approaches necessary to understand abstract problems and develop creative solutions to implement the database in the EEP;
  • Ability to diagnose problems and their solution, based on recent studies by integrating knowledge from interdisciplinary fields such exhibits ability to generate new knowledge and procedures related to the conduct of research and innovation in the use of the database in EEP;
  • Formulating an adequate judgment in situations characterized by incomplete or limited information and unpredictability;
  • Finding and maintaining arguments in solving problems, interdisciplinary;

1.3. Competences:
1.3.1. Autonomy and responsibility:

  • Taking responsibility for decision-making in complex conditions under the influence of various factors and difficult to predict;
  • Ability to administratively manage complex professional activities, including teams and resources;
  • Be creative and practical skills in the development and implementation of projects;
  • Objectively assess its performance and others;
  • Consider the need for training of others in order to increase team effectiveness;
  • Initiate processes and organizes activities requiring a high degree of consistency formulate policies and demonstrate leadership qualities for their realization.

1.3.2. Competences for learning:

  • Systematic and thorough evaluation of knowledge and identifies the needs of new knowledge;
  • Demonstrate a high degree of autonomy and easily navigate the complex content, applying their own methods and approaches to mastering it;
  • Use a variety of methods and techniques for utilizing complex educational content;
  • Master the rich conceptual apparatus and shows the ability to conceptual and abstract thinking.

1.3.3. Communication and social competences:

  • Formulating and a clear statement of ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists;
  • Expression of understanding and respect by applying the methods of qualitative and quantitative descriptions and evaluations. Justify proposals for improved or no change;

1.3.4. Professional competence:

  • Collection, classification, evaluation and interpretation of data from the field of EEP to solve specific problems;
  • Integration of a wide range of knowledge and sources of information in a new and relatively unknown context;
  • Ability to solve problems by integrating complex knowledge s

Goal and objectives of the course: The course aims to introduce students to basic principles of operation of modern CAD / CAM systems, to provide lasting knowledge regarding their use, to create a high level practical skills and habits in terms of working with them, and to illustrate the modern trends and existing best practices in creating, processing, analysis and exchange of CAD / CAM information.

The main objectives of the course include the building of a complex of systematic knowledge and skills necessary for independent decision making on practical issues related to the creation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional digital models, high quality design documentation and preparation and visualization of decisions related to post-processing or industrial production of the designed solutions.

The course studies the practical possibilities of: MS Word as a word processor; MS Excel - as commonly used spreadsheet software and MS Power Point - the most widely used software for creating interactive multimedia presentations.

The aim of the laboratory is for students to consolidate the theoretical knowledge obtained during lectures and literature used to acquire skills to work with modern ICT to form the basis for future self-professional development in accordance with the system of lifelong learning.

Goal and objectives of the course: The aim of the discipline is training students to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the use of the full capabilities of MS Office functionally. Discusses the practical possibilities of: MS Word as a word processing program; MS Excel - like mass software used for spreadsheets, and MS Power Point – as the most widely used software for creating interactive multimedia presentations. On this basis, aims the acquisition of skills for work with modern ICT can form the basis for future professional development in accordance with the system of lifelong learning.

The course aims to give students theoretical and practical knowledge and skills that help them perform analyzes related to the design, construction and operation of specialized database in the field of Agronomy and Plant Protection, acquiring skills and competences through access to modern ICT specialized software and modern high-tech laboratory for training. The main objectives of the training are to prepare students to cover the following criteria:

1.1. Knowledge:

  • Acquisition and use of highly practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of database management systems that form the basis for originality in developing and implementing new ideas and solutions;
  • Receive a wide range of theoretical and practical expertise in application database in the field of Agronomy and Plant Protection.

1.2. Skills:

  • Mastering a wide range of practical and cognitive skills and approaches necessary to understand abstract problems and develop creative solutions to implement the database in the Agronomy and Plant Protection;
  • Ability to diagnose problems and their solution, based on recent studies by integrating knowledge from interdisciplinary fields such exhibits ability to generate new knowledge and procedures related to the conduct of research and innovation in the use of the database in Agronomy and Plant Protection;
  • Formulating an adequate judgment in situations characterized by incomplete or limited information and unpredictability;
  • Finding and maintaining arguments in solving problems, interdisciplinary;

1.3. Competences:
1.3.1. Autonomy and responsibility:

  • Taking responsibility for decision-making in complex conditions under the influence of various factors and difficult to predict;
  • Ability to administratively manage complex professional activities, including teams and resources;
  • Be creative and practical skills in the development and implementation of projects;
  • Objectively assess its performance and others;
  • Consider the need for training of others in order to increase team effectiveness;
  • Initiate processes and organizes activities requiring a high degree of consistency formulate policies and demonstrate leadership qualities for their realization.

1.3.2. Competences for learning:

  • Systematic and thorough evaluation of knowledge and identifies the needs of new knowledge;
  • Demonstrate a high degree of autonomy and easily navigate the complex content, applying their own methods and approaches to mastering it;
  • Use a variety of methods and techniques for utilizing complex educational content;
  • Master the rich conceptual apparatus and shows the ability to conceptual and abstract thinking.

1.3.3. Communication and social competences:

  • Formulating and a clear statement of ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists;
  • Expression of understanding and respect by applying the methods of qualitative and quantitative descriptions and evaluations. Justify proposals for improved or no change;

1.3.4. Professional competence:

  • Collection, classification, evaluation and interpretation of data from the field of Agronomy and Plant Protection to solve specific problems;
  • Integration of a wide range of knowledge and sources of information in a new and relatively unknown context;
  • Ability to solve problems by integrating complex knowledge sources in conditions of insufficient information available in a new unfamiliar environment.

Goal and objectives of the course: The course Management Information Systems (MIS), aims to introduce students to the basic methods and tools for the creation, maintenance and development of management information systems for the needs of business management; the future economists have to learn basic skills and habits for systematic analysis of the management structure and functional model of company management; to give practical knowledge of students for assessment and analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation and operation of business information systems. For studying and successful implementation of the material underlying the course students need a basic knowledge of computer technology, informatics and the foundations of a market economy. The course has practical aims to build students mostly practical skills, which are tailored educational content, exercises and planned system for monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and skills. Discipline strengthens, and enrich the knowledge and experience of the students learned in the courses Macroeconomics, Computing, Database management, GIS and Global networks and telecommunications

Goal and objectives of the course: The course Mathematical Methods and Models (MMM) aims to provide students with fundamental training in selected chapters of calculus with priority application in practice of the management of the tourism industry. The main tasks of the training course is designed to acquire the basic knowledge and skills in the application of mathematical methods in the field of linear algebra, analytic geometry, functions of a real variable integral and differential calculus in analyzing, forecasting and regulation of economic processes and phenomena a modern market economy. With the successful completion of the training course in MMM students can solve a wide range of theoretical and practical tasks used quantitative methods in the management of tourism. The course provides fundamental knowledge of students in mathematics, gives the relationship of the knowledge and skills to use modern methods of organization and management of tourism activities. For learning and successful learning process underlying the discipline, students need a solid background in mathematics, as well as of basic knowledge in economics, organization and management of the company's business in a market economy. The course has a practical focus and aims to demonstrate and apply fundamental mathematical approaches which are widely used in the development of computer models used. The consistent curriculum, the planned exercises and the system for monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and skills are based on these practical tasks.

Goal and objectives of the course: The course Mathematical Methods and Models in Business Management (MMMBM) aims to provide students with fundamental training in selected chapters of calculus with priority application in practice of the management of the business management. The main tasks of the training course are designed to acquire the basic knowledge and skills in the application of mathematical methods in the field of linear algebra, analytic geometry, functions of a real variable, integral and differential calculus in analyzing, forecasting and regulation of economic processes and phenomena in the modern market economy. With the successful completion of the training course in MMMBM students can solve a wide range of theoretical and practical tasks used quantitative methods in the management of business processes. The course provides fundamental knowledge of students in mathematics, gives the relationship of the knowledge and skills to use modern methods of organization and management of business activities. For learning and successful learning process underlying the discipline, students need a solid background in mathematics, as well as of basic knowledge in economics, organization and management of the company's business in the market economy. The course has a practical focus and aims to demonstrate and apply fundamental mathematical approaches which are widely used in the development of computer models used. The consistent curriculum, the planned exercises and the system for monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and skills are based on these practical tasks.

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