The course "Computer Systems for managing projects" is designed for students graduate of the specialties "Business Management", " Wood Technology " and "Plant Protection". The course aims to introduce students with basic stages of the development and project management.
Presents the logical stages of the design process, teamwork, resource management, cost optimization and more. Special attention is given to the techniques, tools and methods to identify, developing, produce, implementation, management and assessment of projects.
Practical exercises are designed to develop skills in creating and managing projects including: an optimal organizational structure, building a network model of the project and estimate the parameters of the network schedule, identifying the critical path and reserves of time / resources value, duration of the project, etc. /. Students are divided into interest groups with task - team developing the project (in freely chosen area). Prepare project documentation, incl. analysis of the state and the critical moments, time and resource plan for insurance. Course projects are presented and defended and in their preparation using specialized software for designing, managing and reporting on projects.
The learning process should include best practices in the management and implementation of projects, the construction of the relevant skills for financial management and control, monitoring and evaluation. The developed course offers students the knowledge, practical skills and capacity for successful development and management of projects financed by the European Union.