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“Upgrading distributed scientific infrastructure “Bulgarian Network for Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER-BG)”

The Bulgarian National Long-term ecosystem research network (LTER-Bulgaria) is starting the project “Upgrading the distributed scientific infrastructure”. The project has been launched with an online kick-off meeting on January 21, 2021.

The aim of LTER-BG is to streamline collection of scientific information on biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of the ecosystems and their services. The existing scientific infrastructure will be upgraded and will enable extending the range of standard observations from centralized activities and distributed physical infrastructure. Data will be collected from seven observation sites in Bulgaria: Petrohan-Ponor, Black Sea, Mesta River, Sozopol – Black Sea, Srebarna and Parangalitsa. One new socio-ecological platform in Belasitsa Mountain’s Castanea Sativa forests was established. The selected sites represent most of the major ecosystem types in Bulgaria – several forest types, marine and coastal ecosystems, rivers and wetlands.

The Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) coordinates the project. The University of Forestry, Sofia, the Institute of Oceanology “Fritjof Nansen” – BAS and the Forest Research Institute - BAS are the consortium partners. The project is implemented within the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructure (2020-2027) and the financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science. More information on the website.

Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research – BAS
Contact person: Assoc. Prof. Svetla Bratanova-Doncheva, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damayanova, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Institute of Oceanology – BAS
Assoc. Prof. Kremena Stefanova, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Forest Research Institute – BAS
Prof. Miglena Zhiyanski, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

University of Forestry (UF) is a research center for fundamental and applied research covering all aspects of sustainable use of biological resources.
The mission of the UF is the training and education of the future generation of researchers and business managers capable to meet the challenges of the 21st century as global warming, shortage of energy sources and problems with feeding the population.
Strategic objective of the UF is its establishment as a center for transfer of knowledge and technology, contributing to the development of the bio-economy of Bulgaria.

Priority tasks of the UF are focused on:

  • integration into the European Research Area by strengthening scientific cooperation and research on the scientific priorities of the European Union;
  • strengthening the link between science and business through the center of technology transfer and intensify the work of expert-consulting centers of the UF;
  • Improvement of the applied scientific collaboration with neighboring universities and research institutes in Bulgaria, the structures of secondary education and local government;
  • stimulate researches and the performances of students and PhDs.

University of Forestry has a wide range of experts in the field of forestry, forestry industry, ecology and environmental protection, landscape architecture, agriculture and plant protection, veterinary medicine, business management and alternative tourism. The accumulated expert advisory capacity at the university, allows for interdisciplinary research contributing to the development of bio- economy of Bulgaria based on the knowledge.
Our researches are focused on the development of environmentally friendly methods and technologies for the management and sustainable use of biological resources of Bulgaria. Scientific direction priorities for the UF are:

  1. Renewable energy sources (bioenergy crops, materials, technology);
  2. Risk factors for forestry and agriculture and urban environment (climate change, pollution, invasive organisms, diseases of economic importance, healthy food etc.);
  3. Space layout design of public spaces;
  4. Increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and farms (new materials, technologies, innovations etc.);
  5. Use of modern technologies for modeling processes and objects with a view to sustainable use of biological resources;
  6. Public health and lifestyle.

Users of scientific products of the UF are the business associated with the development of the bio-economy of Bulgaria as Forestry and agricultural farms, Hunting farms, Timber and furniture industry, Pharmaceutical industry and others. We are partner of the structures of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the State Forestry Agency, Ministry of Environment and Water, Ministry of Economy and Energy, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, municipal governments and non-governmental organizations working on issues in rural places, efficient use of water and soil resources, environmentally sound production of crops and others.

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mihajlov 1

Assoc. Prof. PhD Hristo Danchev Mihaylov
P Zhelev Prof. PhD Petar Zhelev Stoyanov
M Dimitrov Prof. PhD Marius Alipiev Dimitrov
stoyanov 01 Assoc. Prof. PhD Stoyan Ivanov Stoyanov
tzavkov Assoc. Prof. PhD Evgeni Ivanov Tsavkov
 M Panayotov Assoc. Prof. PhD Momchil Panayotov Panayotov
EDragozova 1 Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Ilieva Dragozova
V Zhivkov Assoc. Prof. PhD Vasil Jivkov Jivkov
D Angelski Prof. PhD Dimitar Hristov Angelski
PavlinVitchev Assoc. Prof. PhD Pavlin Biserov Vitchev
PetarAntov Prof. PhD Petar Yordanov Antov
snimka V savov Prof. PhD Viktor Petrov Savov
E Todorova Prof. PhD Ekaterina Ivanova Todorova
 E Galev   Prof. PhD Emil Nikolov Galev
 S Damyanova  Assoc. Prof. PhD Sonya Borissova Damyanova
 EKichukov 1  Assoc. Prof. PhD Emil Rozenov Kitchoukov
NNeykov Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikolay Konstantinov Neykov
Krasi Genova Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Ivanova Genova, PhD 
V Manov  Prof. PhD Vasil Kostadinov Manov
K Hristov Assoc. Prof. Kalin Yordanov Hristov PhD
tomov 03 Prof. PhD Rumen Ignatov Tomov
NAlexova 2 1 Assoc. Prof. PhD Nevena Vasileva Shuleva 

jordanova Assoc. Prof. PhD Milena Hristova Yordanova
 N Alexandrov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Neno Aleksandrov Aleksandrov
 T Tonchev Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Ivanov Tonchev
 Vl Tomov Chief Assist. Prof. Land. Arch. PhD Vladimir Tihomirov Tomov
M Gurkova Chief Assist. Prof. Land. Arch. PhD Maria Stefanova Gurkova
Zh Avramov Chief. Assist. Prof. PhD Zhelyu Georgiev Avramov
G Popov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Georgi Stoychev Popov
Borjana Tepelieva Boryana Kirilova Tepelieva
Velichko Draganov Eng. Velichko Angelov Draganov

Academic Board commissions

Updating of regulation documents
Budget and staffing
Administrative and business issues
Education Quality
Social and domestic issues
Scientific research activity and Development of the academic staff
International Cooperation and Public Relations

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A Ivanova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Adelina Gencheva Ivanova
Al Stoimenov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Alexsandar Alexsandrov Stoimenov
A Kostadinova Slaveva Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Alexsandrina Georgieva Kostadinova-Slaveva
A Kurtenkov Assoc. Prof. PhD Andrei Aleksandrov Kurtenkov
An Mladenova Assist. Prof. Anelia Plamenova Mladenova
A Kostadinov Assist. Prof. PhD Anton Simeonov Kostadinov
A Todorova Chief Asisst. Prof. Antonia Georgieva Todorova
no photo Assist. Prof. Antonia Antonieva Goleva
A Pankov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Atanas Georgiev Pankov
Teneva 1 Assoc. Prof. PhD Atanaska Todorova Teneva
BOvcharova 2 1 Senior Lecturer PhD Biliana Stefanova Ovcharova
Bilyana Pesheva Asisst. Prof. PhD Bilyana Boyanova Grigorova-Pesheva
B Hristov Prof. PhD Biser Emilov Hristov
Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Boriana Stoynova Petrova
BoyanMilchev Assoc. Prof. PhD Boyan Petrov Milchev
Боряна Плашкова Assist. Prof. Boryana Lyudmilova Plashkova
B Malcheva Assoc. Prof. PhD Boyka Zdravkova Malcheva
Untitled1 Senior Lecturer Bronislava Yordanova Ruseva
C Lombardi Assist. Prof. Carmella Luidgi Lombardi
Ch Filipov Assoc. Prof. PhD Chavdar Kamenov Philipof
Ts Moskova Assoc. Prof. PhD Cveta Momchilova Moskova
Cv Nikolva Assoc. Prof. PhD Cvetelina Alipieva Nikolova
DDoychevNew1 Prof. PhD Danail Dimitrov Doychev
D Koinov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Daniel Ivanov Koynov
DGeorgieva1 Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Petrova Georgieva
D Serbezova Assoc. Prof. PhD Denitza Dimitrova Serbezova
DAngelova Assoc. Prof. PhD Desislava Ivanova Angelova
D Hristodorova Chief Assist. Prof. Desislava Yordanova Hristodorova
D Dancheva Chief Assist. Prof. Land. Arch. PhD Desislava Ivanova Dancheva
dmalinova Assoc. Prof. PhD Diana Ilieva Malinova
D Tsotova Senior Lecturer PhD Diana Yurievna Tsotova
D Angelski Prof. PhD Dimitar Hristov Angelski
D Peev Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Dimitar Petrov Peev
Dobrinka Dimitrova Zakova-Aleksandrova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Dobrinka Dimitrova Zakova-Aleksandrova
no photo Assist. Prof. Dobrian Mishev Dobrianov
Ekaterina Ivanova Todorova Prof. PhD Ekaterina Ivanova Todorova
Elena Hristova Tzvetkova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Elena Hristova Tzvetkova
Elena Ilieva Dragozova Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Ilieva Dragozova
Emil Nikolov Galev Prof. PhD Emil Nikolov Galev
Emil Rozenov Kichukov Asoc. Prof. PhD Emil Rozenov Kichukov
Evelina Todorova Georgieva Senior Lecturer Evelina Todorova Georgieva
Evgeni Ivanov Tsavkov Assoc. Prof. PhD Evgeni Ivanov Tsavkov
Engin Halim Assist. Prof. Engindzhan Ali Halim
Evlogi Angelov Chief Assist. Prof. Evlogi Emilov Angelov
Galin Iliev Milchev Assoc. Prof. PhD Galin Iliev Milchev
Galina Kutova Assist. Prof. Galina Vasileva Kutova
G Yancheva Assist. Prof. PhD Galina Ivancheva Yancheva
G G Angelov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Georgi Georgiev Angelov
Georgi Georgiev Kostov Assoc. Prof. PhD Georgi Georgiev Kostov
Georgi Ivanov Georgiеv Assoc. Prof. PhD Georgi Ivanov Georgiеv
Georgi Marinov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Georgi Marinov Marinov
G Kovachev Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Georgi Konstantinov Kovachev
Georgi Malinov Stoimenov Assoc. Prof. PhD Georgi Malinov Stoimenov
Georgi Mitkov Dimitrov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Georgi Mitkov Dimitrov
Georgi Stoychev Popov Assoc. Prof. PhD Georgi Stoychev Popov
Georgi Yordanov Vukov Prof. PhD Georgi Yordanov Vukov
G Kadinov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Georgi Stoychev Kadinov
G Mladenova Assist. Prof.Gergana Yordanova Mladenova
Gradimir Valentinov Gruychev Assoc. Prof. PhD Gradimir Valentinov Gruychev
Hristo Atanasov Kolev Senior Lecturer Hristo Atanasov Kolev
H Neshovska Chief Assist. Prof. Christina Neshovska
Hristo Danchev Mihaylov Assoc. Prof. PhD Hristo Danchev Mihaylov
CV Photo Hristina Bancheva Preslavska 2017 Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Hristina Strahilova Bancheva-Preslavska
I Georgiev Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Ilian Stefanov Georgiev
Iliana Ilieva Senior Lecturer Iliana Aleksandrova Ilieva-Blagoeva
Iliana Maneva Maneva Assoc. Prof. PhD Ilian Manev Manev
Apostolova 1 Prof. PhD Iliana Naumova Apostolova
I Ruzhanova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Iliana Stefanova Ruzhanova-Gospodinova
no photo Assist. Prof. Iliyana Ivanova Atanasova
Ilko Antov Dobrichov Assoc. Prof. PhD Ilko Antov Dobrichov
Ivan Petrov Paligorov Prof. PhD Ivan Petrov Paligorov
Ivan Todorov Evtimov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Ivan Todorov Evtimov
Ivanka Natova Natova Senior Lecturer PhD Ivanka Natova Natova
Ivaylo Hristov Ivanov Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Hristov Ivanov
Ivona Vasileva Dimitrova Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivona Vasileva Dimitrova
Izabela Kirilova Radkova Chief Asisst. Prof. PhD Izabela Kirilova Radkova
Kalin Jordanov Hristov Assoc. Prof. PhD Kalin Jordanov Hristov
Kamelia Georgieva Petrova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Kamelia Georgieva Petrova
K Karamfilov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Kalin Karamfilov Karamfilov
Katya Georgieva Trencheva Assoc. Prof. PhD Katya Georgieva Trencheva
Kiril Georgiev Stefanov Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Kiril Georgiev Stefanov
Konstantin Bogdanov Aminkov Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Bogdanov Aminkov
Konstantin Ivanov Marinov Prof. PhD Eng. Konstantin Ivanov Marinov
Konstantin Nikolov Kolev Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Nikolov Kolev
Konstantin Yordanov Markov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Konstantin Yordanov Markov
Kostadin Pavlov Kanchev Assoc. Prof. PhD Kostadin Pavlov Kanchev
Krasimira Ivanova Genova Prof. PhD Krasimira Ivanova Genova
K Atanasova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Krasimira Aleksieva Atanasova-Aleksandrova
no photo Assoc. Prof. PhD Lilyana Markova Koleva
Lilia Petrova Assist. Prof. Lilia Ventsislavova Petrova
no photo Assist. Prof. Lybka Danailova Ivanova
L Hristakiev Chief Assist. Prof. Lubomir Ivanov Hristakiev, PhD
M Marinova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Maria Marinova Kokorska
M Gurkova Chief Assist. Prof., PhD Maria Stefanova Gurkova
Mariela Borislavova Marinova-Shahanova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Land. Arch. Mariela Borislavova Marinova
Marina Petrova Mladenova Prof. PhD Marina Petrova Mladenova
Marius Alipiev Dimitrov Prof. PhD Marius Alipiev Dimitrov
Maria Evtimova Prof. PhD Maria Dimitrova Eftimova
Mariya Stoycheva Stoycheva Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Mariya Stoycheva Stoycheva
Mariya Tzankova Asenova Prof. PhD Eng. Mariya Tzankova Asenova
M Gurkova Chief Assist. Prof. Land. Arch. PhD Maria Stefanova Gurkova
M Mihaylov Chief Assist. Prof PhD Marko Todorov Mihaylov
Martin Stanev Chief Assist. Prof. Martin Atanasov Stanev
M Nickolcheva Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Martina Vasileva Stancheva
Martina Todorova Assist. Prof. Martina Georgieva Todorova
M Neykova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Melina Vaniova Neykova
Metodi Petrichev Assoc. Prof. Metodi Hristov Petrichev
Miglena Spasimirova Valyova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Miglena Spasimirova Valyova
Milen Sariev Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Milen Dinkov Sariev
Milena Hristova Yordanova Assoc. Prof. PhD Milena Hristova Yordanova
M Danailova Chief Asist. Prof. PhD Milena Veselinova Danailova
M Cherbadzhi Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Mihaylova Hristova-Cherbadzhi
M Chervenkov Chief Assist. Prof. Mihail Stoyanov Chervenkov, dvm, PhD
Momchil Panayotov Panayotov Assoc. Prof. PhD Momchil Panayotov Panayotov
Nadya Zlatozareva Zlateva-Panajotova Assoc. Prof. PhD Nadya Zlatozareva Zlateva-Panajotova
Nasko Aleksandrov Iliev Assoc. Prof. PhD Nasko Aleksandrov Iliev
Neli Nikolova Staneva Assoc. Prof. PhD Neli Nikolova Staneva
Neno Aleksandrov Aleksandrov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Neno Aleksandrov Aleksandrov
Neno Ivanov Trichkov Assos. Prof. PhD. Neno Ivanov Trichkov
Nevena Vasileva Shuleva Assoc. Prof. PhD Nevena Vasileva Shuleva
Nikol Nikolova Assist. Prof. Nikol Yuli Nikova
NTsvetanov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Nickolay Angelov Tsvetanov
Nikolay Dyankov Kodzhabashev Chieff Assist. Prof. PhD Nikolay Dyankov Kodzhabashev
Nikolay Georgiev Zafirov Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikolay Georgiev Zafirov
Nikolay Ivanov Minkovski Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikolay Ivanov Minkovski
Nikolay Spasov Bardarov Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikolay Spasov Bardarov
Nikoly Konstantinov Neykov Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikoly Konstantinov Neykov
Ofelia Kirilova Lazova Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Ofelia Kirilova Lazova-Velinova
Patar Grozdanov Grozdanov Senior Lecturer Petar Grozdanov Grozdanov
Pavlin Biserov Vitchev Assoc. Prof. PhD Pavlin Biserov Vitchev
Pavlina Minkova Vodenova Prof. Pavlina Minkova Vodenova
P Spiridonova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Pavlina Ivanova Hristova
P Pavlov Asisst. Prof. PhD Pavel Ventsislavov Pavlov
Petar Gospodinov Petrov Assoc. Prof. PhD Petar Gospodinov Petrov
Petar Nikolov Nikolov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Petar Nikolov Nikolov
P Stamberov Assoc. Prof. PhD Petar Strahilov Stamberov
Petar Yordanov Antov Prof. PhD Petar Yordanov Antov
Petar Zhelev Stoyanov Prof. PhD Petar Zhelev Stoyanov
Pl Marinova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Plamena Atanasova Marinova-Dragozova
Radka Georgieva Koleva Assoc. Prof. PhD Radka Georgieva Koleva
RRafailov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Radoslav Mitkov Rafailov
Radostina Kancheva Popova Assoc. Prof. PhD Radostina Kancheva Popova-Terziyska
Ralica Todorova Simeonova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Ralitsa Todorova Simeonova
Ralitsa Teofilova Bankova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Ralitsa Teofilova Bankova
Ralitsa Todorova Kuzmanova Assoc. Prof. Ralitsa Todorova Kuzmanova
Roman Pepovich Petkov Assoc. Prof. PhD Roman Pepovich Petkov
R Grigorov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Rosen Ivanov Grigorov
Rumen Ignatov Tomov Prof. PhD Rumen Ignatov Tomov
S Brankova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Savina Rumenova Brankova
Seven Mustafa Assist. Prof. PhD Seven Ruzhdi Mustafa
Simeon Bogdanov Bogdanov Assoc. Prof. PhD Simeon Bogdanov Bogdanov
no photo Assist. Prof. PhD Slavko Naskov Nikolov
Slavcho Asenov Savev Assoc. Prof. PhD Slavtcho Asenov Savev
Sonya Borisova Damyanova Assoc. Prof. PhD Sonya Borisova Damyanova
Sonya Hristova Bencheva Prof. PhD Sonya Hristova Bencheva
Stanimir Yordanov Stoilov Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Stanimir Jordanov Stoilov
St Stoyanova Assist. Prof. Eng. Stanimira Stoyanova Stoyanova
Stanislav Miladinov Radanski Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislav Miladinov Radanski
Stanislava D. Kovacheva-Veleva Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava D. Kovacheva-Veleva
S Tasheva Prof. PhD Stela Borisova Tasheva
Stefan Iliev Yurukov Prof. PhD Stefan Iliev Yurukov
Stoyan Ivanov Stoyanov Assoc. Prof. PhD Stoyan Ivanov Stoyanov
St Ruseva Chief Asisst. Prof. PhD Stoyka Kostadinova Ruseva
Svetlana Taneva Staneva Chief Asisst. Prof. PhD Svetlana Taneva Staneva
Svetlana Viktorovna Anisimova Assoc. Prof. PhD Svetlana Viktorovna Anisimova
Sv Ivanov Assist. Prof. Svetlin Mitkov Ivanov
Svetoslav Ivanov Mitkov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Svetoslav Ivanov Mitkov
Svetoslav Mladenov Anev Assoc. Prof. PhD Svetoslav Mladenov Anev
Tandgu Nailov Mehmedov Assoc. Prof. PhD Tandzhu Nailov Mehmedov
Tanja Vaslieva Pancheva Assoc. Prof. PhD Tanja Vaslieva Pancheva
T Markova Assist. Prof. Teodora Markova
Teodora Petrova Popova Prof. DSc Teodora Petrova Popova
T Krumov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Tihomir Petrov Krumov
teodor nedelin Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Teodor Totev Nedelin
Todor Mihaylov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Arch. Todor Yankov Mihaylov
Toma Ivanov Tonchev Assoc. Prof. PhD Toma Ivanov Tonchev
Toni Atanasov Todorоv Assoc. Prof. PhD Toni Atanasov Todorоv
Tsvetelina Kalinova Simeonova-Zarkin Senior Lecturer PhD Tsvetelina Kalinova Simeonova-Zarkin
Tsvetina Tsvetanova Tsakova Senior Lecturer PhD Tsvetina Tsvetanova Tsakova
Cv Georgieva Assist. Prof. Tsveta Bogomilova Georgieva
Tzvetan Tsonev Yordanov Assoc. Prof. PhD Tzvetan Tsonev Yordanov
Valentin Atanasov Atanasov Assoc. Prof. PhD Valentin Atanasov Atanasov
V Tabakova Assist. Prof. Vanina Bozhidarova Tabakova
Vasil Ivanov Kolev Chief assist. Prof. PhD Vasil Ivanov Kolev
Vasil Jivkov Jivkov Prof. PhD Vasil Jivkov Jivkov
Veneta Stefanova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Veneta Veneva Stefanova
Vasil Kostadinov Manov Prof. PhD Vasil Kostadinov Manov
Veselin Iliev Kutev Assoc. Prof. DSc Veselin Iliev Kutev
Veselin Kirov Kirov Assoc. Prof. PhD Veselin Kirov Kirov
Veselin Malinov Shahunov Assoc. Prof. PhD Veselin Malinov Shahunov
Veselin Petrov Rangelov Prof. PhD Veselin Petrov Rangelov
V Petrova Assoc. Prof. PhD Vera Zamfirova Petrova
Viktor Petrov Savov Prof. PhD Viktor Petrov Savov
V Marincheva Chief Assist. Prof. Victoria Emilova Marincheva
Violeta Georgieva Dimitrova Assoc. Prof. PhD Violeta Georgieva Dimitrova
V Dudeva Assist. Prof. Viktoria Plamenova Dudeva
Vl Tomov Chief Assist. Prof. Land. Arch. PhD Vladimir Tihomirov Tomov
Vladimir Mihailov Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Vladimir Petrov Mihailov
Yancho Genchev Genchev Assoc. Prof. PhD Yancho Genchev Genchev
Y G Yordanov Chief Assist. Prof. Yordan Georgiev Ivanov
Yordanka Borisova Ivanova Assoc. Prof. PhD Yordanka Borisova Ivanova
Yordanka Metodieva Zlatarova Assoc. Prof. PhD Yordanka Metodieva Zlatarova
Y Dimitrov Assoc. Prof. PhD Yuri Mitkov Dimitrov
Zhelyazko Dimitrov Georgiev Senior Lecturer PhD Zhelyazko Dimitrov Georgiev
Zhelyu Georgiev Avramov Assoc. Prof. PhD Zhelyu Georgiev Avramov
Zhivko Bonev Gochev Prof. PhD Zhivko Bonev Gochev
no photo Prof. PhD Zlatka Gosheva Grigorova
Zlatka Spasova Kabatliyska Assoc. Prof. PhD Zlatka Spasova Kabatliyska
Zornitsa Karcheva Assist. Prof. Zornitsa Krasimirova Karcheva
 Name and surname Position E-mail Phone Building Floor Office
inner direct
Elena Nikolova Elenkova Chief Legal counsel eelenkova (+359 2) 91 907 /230 (+359 2) 868 02 54 A ground floor 1
Galia Ivancheva Andonova Head of "Human Resources" This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (+359 2) 91 907 /230 (+359 2) 868 87 32 А ground floor 1
Hristina Boianova Boneva Computer operator and courier This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (+359 2) 91 907 /445   А ground floor 6
eng. Mihaela Yankova Vaseva Host material resources This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (+359 2) 91 907 /487        
eng. Zlatina Strashimirova Beremska Host buildings and computers This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (+359 2) 91 907 /221   В 1 5
  Labor Protection   (+359 2) 91 907 /478 (+359) 0897 406 595      


The University of Forestry is a unique higher education institution in Bulgaria providing training of specialists in all three education and qualification degrees (Bachelor, Master and PhD) in the field of Forestry, Forest Industry, Landscape Architecture, Engineering Design, Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Business Management, Alternative Tourism and Ecology and Environmental Protection. The University of Forestry has been accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has been providing training of students in the speciality of Veterinary Medicine, education and qualification degree Master of Sciences since 1994.

The speciality of Veterinary Medicine is included in the Classifier of higher education areas and professional fields of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has a programme accreditation for training students in Veterinary Medicine.

The training in Veterinary Medicine is open to all applicants who have graduated from а secondary/high school. The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is in full compliance with the Uniform State Requirements. It is a full-time training, following the curriculum and training programmes that comply with the requirements of the EU Directive 2005/36/EC and the amending EU Directive 2013/55/EU as well as with the Bulgarian legislation.

The course of education takes 11 semesters (5,5 years) and ends with sitting state examinations. The students graduate by sitting a State Exam and are awarded the qualification “Veterinary Surgeon” and the degree “Master of Sciences” (M.Sc.), and they could proceed further on as post-graduate students for obtaining a PhD degree.

The practical training course of the students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Forestry is an important element of their education as veterinarians and it includes three practices – after VIth, VIIIth and Xth semesters. The first training practice concerns Animal Science and its duration is two weeks. The second training practice concerns clinical practice and its duration is four weeks. The third (probation) prediploma internship is the last stage (before getting the diploma) of the students’ training and it has characteristics of a professional specialization. The institutions for implementation of these practices are livestock institutes and husbandry complexes, agricultural cooperatives, private farms, vet-clinics or offices which are selected by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. There is a possibility to perform the practice abroad according to the specific conditions of the programme and permission by the Dean of Faculty.

The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is carried out by academic staff, consisting of highly-qualified, competent and internationally accredited university lecturers, in accordance with the requirements of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

Studying Veterinary Medicine, the students acquire knowledge in the following fields:

  • Anatomy, Physiology, Husbandry, Animal Reproduction and Hygiene;
  • Animal Nutrition, Technologies Related to Food Production for Animals;
  • Ethology and Animal Protection;
  • General Pathomorphology and Special Pathological Anatomy of the Animals.

The students obtain the skills to:

  • Determine the causes, nature, development, diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases; differentiate animal diseases;
  • Assess the risk connected with the possibilities of disease transmission from animals to human.

Furthermore, the students acquire competences in the following fields:

  • Preventive medicine related to research, analysis and certification;
  • Hygiene, technology, control, production, storage and processing of food of animal origin for human consumption, including abilities to understand and explain the best practices in this respect;
  • Responsible and adequate use of veterinary pharmaceutical products for the treatment of animals and ensuring the food chain safety as well as environmental protection.


The selection of applicants is based on sitting an entrance test. The test is in English language, entirely in the field of Biology. It is consisted of two main parts. The first one is a reading comprehension text (scientific or popular scientific), followed by ten multiple choice questions. The second one includes 40 multiple choice questions, aiming at assessing applicants’ knowledge in the field of Biology.

The following documents are required for application:

  1. Application form – application form with attached photo of the applicant, containing brief personal information and the desired speciality.
  2. Copy of the document (diploma) for completed secondary/high school education with an Appendix showing the grades in Biology and Chemistry of the applicant. The grades in Biology and Chemistry must be at least 62% of the maximum possible value according to the grading system of the respective country.
  3. Certificate issued by authorized institution indicating that the diploma hold by the applicant gives him/her the rights to continue his/her education at university in his/her native country.
  4. Medical certificate indicating that the applicant is clinically healthy.
  5. Copy of the applicant’s ID card.
  6. Two recent photos of the applicant (3,5/4,5 cm).

Documents concerning items 2, 3 and 4 have to be translated, legalized and certified in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Bulgaria with the State in which they were issued.

The rating of applicants is based on the total score of the following three components:

  1. Duplicated grade from the entrance test;
  2. The grade in Biology from secondary/high school diploma;
  3. The grade in Chemistry from secondary/high school diploma.



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The Bio-Resources Extension Service (BIOREX) at the University of forestry (UF) was created as part of a project funded by the America for Bulgaria Foundation and was designated as an unit of LTU in 2011 by a decision of the Academic counsil of UF.

The mission of the BIOREX is to act as a liaison between scientific output of University of forestry and the general public through:

  • Creating the conditions and environment for direct contact between academia, practitioners and administration, business and the local public
  • Knowledge transfer with a view to raising public awareness of the management and sustainable use of biological resources.

Basic activities:

  • Participation in meetings to identify business problems and other stakeholders
  • Development and offering of consulting and advisory programs within the competences of the University of forestry
  • Preparation of information and training materials
    o Popular science materials
    o Brochures
    o Leaflets
    o Manuals
  • Maintaining an information web portal
  • Dissemination of information and training materials
  • Organizing “Green Academy” information events
  • Promoting the expertise of the UF by promoting the scientific expertise and consulting activities of the UF;
  • Promotion and dissemination of educational and scientific materials published by the publishing house and the academic staff of the UF;
  • Maintaining databases and providing information about consultants , non-governmental organizations, teachers and training centers, state and municipal services, farms, etc.

The activities of the service cover the following areas:

  • Forestry and forest products;
  • Agriculture;
  • Environment;
  • Home and garden;
  • Food and health.


The establishment of Botanical Garden of the University of Forestry was initiated in 1954 by Professor Atanas Ganchev. The main objective of the garden is to help training of students, but serves also as experimental field for studies on the biology, ecology, taxonomy and introduction of plant species, and for ex situ conservation of some rare plants.
Two other gardens are affiliated with the Botanical garden - namely the arboreta in Yundola and Barziya. The first one is situated in the Rhodopes, at 1400 m a.s.l. and the second one - in Balkan Mountains (Stara planina), at 450 m. a.s.l. 
The plant collections include both arboreal and herbaceous species cultivated outdoor, and tropical plants cultivated in the greenhouse. The total number of cultivated plants exceed 1000 species and intraspecific taxa, belonging to more than 400 genera.
The Botanical garden issues Index Seminum since 1971 and exchanges seed with more than 1200 botanical gardens all over the World.
The Botanical garden is guided by Methodical Council headed by Prof. Plamen ALexandrov.

Acer monspessulanum L.

Viburnum opulis L.

Periploca graeca L.

Name and surname Position Phone
Radka Stoyanova Velinova garden designer 91 907/251
Eng. Polina Stefanova Filcheva garden designer 91 907/251
Veska Smilenova Mateina garden designer 91 907/251

Prof. DSc Ivan Alexandrov Iliev
Prof. PhD Milko Hristov Milev
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Neno Ivanov Trichkov
Eng. Iliya Cekov Benchev
Eng. Velichko Angelov Draganov
Eng. Kalin Elenkov Nikolov
Nikolay Ivanov Georgiev

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Telerik Academy - Free attendance and online courses in web development, desktop and mobile applications software engineers for beginners.

Grants for research and practical internships in Germany in an international program of DBU


Proposal for qualification

18-th Austrian-Bulgarian summer college

Ads in European projects

Career Development Center offers students:

  • Information on available internships and jobs;
  • Information on specific employers;
  • Career guidance - building a personal plan for career development;
  • Motivational training:

- Search strategies and job placement;
- Assistance in preparing a resume, cover letter and other necessary documents when applying for a position;
- Individual counseling and preparation for job interview;
- Trainings, seminars, training to link theoretical knowledge with practical skills upgrading of skills for problem solving for effective teamwork and more.

  • Services offered by the Career Development Center are free to all students of University of Forestry.
  • To register in the Career Development Center to send electronically or to provide a place (room 219) completed the registration card.

Career Development Center assists employers by:

  • offers quick access to information for students seeking internship and employment;
  • accepts and processes the documents selected by predefined criteria by the employer;
  • organizes company presentations and seminars.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nevena Vasileva Shuleva
1797 Sofia, 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.
Tel.: +359 882 602 009
Tel.: +359 2 426 1263
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CCE Inspector
Anita Terzieva
1797 Sofia, 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., building A, office 109
Tel.: +359 882 602 009
Tel.: +359 2 426 1263
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Specialization as a form of education that offers an opportunity to increase the acquired qualification in a given specialty, accompanied by a certificate of professional qualification after its successful completion.
Form of education: full-time and part-time; individual and group based
Duration of study: 2 - 4 semesters
Enrollment: all year round
Students can receive the necessary training for raising the qualification on topics from all spheres of veterinary medicine, forestry, ecology and environmental protection, agronomy, plant protection, landscape architecture, economy and management and tourism.


Education on acquiring professional qualification offers the opportunity to acquire an additional or new qualification, accompanied by a certificate of professional qualification.
Form of education: full-time and part-time; individual and group
Duration of study: not less than 1 year, according to the Curriculum adopted by the Academic Council of the University of Forestry.
Enrollment: all year round
The University of Forestry organizes training for acquiring teacher qualification, according to the Ordinance on state requirements for acquiring professional qualification "teacher" and ORDINANCE № 15 of July 22, 2019 on the status and professional development of teachers, principals and other pedagogical specialists. Graduates are issued a certificate of professional qualification "Teacher" , which entitles them to teach in secondary schools and vocational schools.

The training is designed for graduates in the following professional fields: forestry, veterinary medicine, crop production, plant protection, land sciences, administration and management, tourism and general engineering. Full-time and part-time students from all specialties at the University of Forestry can study in parallel with their main specialty.


Courses for raising qualification and refreshing of knowledge are organized at the request of the applicant or according to previously prepared programs by the teaching staff of the University of Forestry and / or other related organizations and institutions.
The aim of the training is to provide special knowledge, skills and competences lasting up to one semester. After the completion of each course, a certificate for the conducted training is provided.

The preparatory courses are organized to prepare candidate students for the specialties at the University of Forestry. Preparatory courses are organized for candidate students in biology, mathematics and drawing.
The training starts after recruiting a number of candidates necessary for the formation of a group. Intensive candidate student courses are held during the school holidays.

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.: +359 882 602 009
Tel.: +359 2 426 1263
Anita Terzieva – CCE Inspector

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The Research Support Centre was established in 2005 as a structure within the Research Sector of the Univesity of forestry.

The mission of the RSC is to provide the academic staff, students and doctoral students of UF with up-to-date information on open calls, forthcoming scientific forums, etc., as well as providing technical and methodological assistance in the preparation of scientific and applied projects. Within the framework of project BG051PO001- 3.3.06-0056 "Support for the development of young people at the University of Forestry", funded by the Operational Program "Human Resources Development", co-financed by the EU ESF, a Scientific Information Portal was created which fulfills the information functions of the The Center has created and maintains a detailed database with the scientific activity of the academic staff of the University of Technology.

Basic activities:

  • Maintaining the scientific database of UF
  • Maintaining R&D information on the UF in the NCID register
  • Administration of projects under OP
  • Participation in information events on project funding opportunities
  • Technical assistance in the administration of UF projects
    o purchase of project materials and equipment;
    o supplying project teams with items purchased under different procedures;
  • Technical assistance in the preparation of project proposals
  • Organizing information events
  • Implementation of the activities of the Scientific Information Center:
  • Maintenance of information expositions and boards
  • Searching for information and maintaining the created Internet portal of the information center, providing up-to-date information on:
    o open calls
    o upcoming forums
    o partnership opportunities
    o regulatory documents



The mission of the Center for Technology Transfer (TTC) of the University of Forestry is building a bridge between science, bio-industry and structures dealing with management and sustainable use of biological resources in Bulgaria.

  • Office of the Youth Innovational and Informational Society, established within the project "Computer knowledge" of the State Agency for Informational Technology and Communications;
  • Informational Centre of Bulgarian Institute for Standardization for full-access standards;
  • Mini informational-consulting center (MICC) "IP Point" of the University of Forestry - cooperation agreement in the field of protection of industrial property between the University of Forestry - Sofia and the Patent Office of the Republic - not currently working, but when renewing contacts of the UF with the Patent Office It can be reactivated in some form.

The specific tasks of TTC - UF are:

  1. Ensuring transparency on innovative products and researches results of the UF and the existing needs of Bulgarian enterprises and provide two-way exchange of information;
  2. Support for the commercialization of researches results and innovative products of the UF;
  3. Support for the protection of industrial and intellectual property of the UF, technical maintenance and negotiation of this protection in coordination with researchers and administrative services of the business;
  4. Search for markets in applied science products of the UF at national and international level;
  5. Provide funding for applications developed from various national and foreign resources from the public and private sectors.

Main activities of the TTC

  • Creating a database of scientific products and consumer of the products;
  • Maintaining virtual office for technological transfer;
  • Conducting meetings and events for presentation of innovative developments;
  • Developing a regulatory framework for intellectual property in the UF;
  • Developing of technical, financial, economic evaluations and assessments of intellectual property of innovative products, processes or services;
  • Performing consulting or legal services related to protection of intellectual property rights of innovative products, processes or services;
  • Analyzing of the needs of enterprises of R & D activity to optimize production technologies, respectively creating or realization of a particular innovative product, process or service;
  • Developing of business and marketing strategies for market realization of specific innovative products, processes or services;
  • Consultancy services of engineering and technical related to the process of introducing innovative products, processes or services;
  • Creating prototypes of innovative products and/or processes;
  • Participation in forums.

Directions, which are targeted in the services and activities of TTCO - UF

Services and activities of the TTC will be focused in the following areas:

Technologies related with the sustainable use of resources in the forestry and agriculture
Technologies in the field of the engineering design and furniture industry
Information Technology:

  • Application of ICT in modeling of environmental and biological objects and processes;
  • Developing products "virtual reality" for the needs of education and science;
  • Application of GIS technology to assess the risk of disasters, energy potential of the forest resources, modeling of processes in disturbed areas, alternative tourism and sports activities;
  • Developing of specialized informational systems, databases and more.

Eco and energy saving technologies:

  • Technologies and Projects for reclamation of disturbed areas, protection against erosion and floods;
  • Environmental technologies related to waste management;
  • Technologies for recovery of waste, poor and contaminated plant and animal biomass;
  • Technologies for complex use of biomass for energy production;
  • Sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity (an assessment of the impacts on the environment etc.).
  • Technologies for management of soil resources with a view to reversing the effects of climate change.

Technologies related to health:

  • Informational systems for tracing the origin of the food;
  • Technologies to evaluate the quality of food;
  • Designing the environment (interior and exterior) for people with disabilities.

Consumers of the services of TTC


  • Companies using the technologies for the production of renewable energy sources;
  • Design studios serving the furniture industry;
  • Companies engaged in interior and exterior design of public spaces (interior design and landscape architecture);
  • Companies producing machines and equipment for processing of materials for furniture production;
  • Tourist companies offering alternative tourism;
  • Pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries using bio-products;
  • Mining industry (except coal and steel mining) in need of consulting for reclamation of disturbed areas.

Organizations and structures:

  • Administrative structures and non-governmental organizations that preserve biodiversity and landscape;
  • Structures managing protected areas (developing of management plans);
  • Municipal administrations;
  • Bulgarian Agency for Food Safety (BAFS);
  • Educational institutions (kindergardens, secondary schools, universities);
  • State institutions;
  • Economic chambers, associations and associations of the above sectors.

The mini information patent office is part of the network "PatLib" of the Patent Department of Bulgaria. The office was established in 2008 and during the reporting period has been regularly supplied with updated information and material from Patent Department of the Republic of Bulgaria. With that it has become a place where researchers, students, teachers and others can obtain information and advice on various issues related to the intellectual property and access to various databases and websites in connection with intellectual property. Until the establishment of the Center for Technology Transfer at the University of Forestry, the patent department carries out activities related to technology transfer. The head of MICC is the coordinator of the intellectual property of the UF.
In collaboration with the Department for Harmonization of the Internal Market - DHIM and the Patent Department of the Republic of Bulgaria, the UF annually held days of brand and design community to which have great interest of students and teachers.

mihajlov 1

Assoc. Prof. PhD Hristo Danchev Mihaylov
Vice Chancellor
 K Hristov

Of Educational activities, Quality management, Students and PhD studies::

Assoc. Prof. Kalin Yordanov Hristov PhD, DVM

EDragozova 1
Of Accreditation, Communication Policy and Career Development (ACPCD):
Of Research and Project Activities, Digitalization, Innovations,
and International Relations:
Assistant Rector
 D Damynov


Eng. PhD Damyan Iliev Damyanov

Public Relations Manager  
 MKrastanova Milena Vasileva Krastanova  
Administrative Secretary
R Yanakieva

Eng. Ralitsa Dimitrova Yanakieva


Education – Experimental chemical work on subjects: Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Medical chemistry (in Bulgarian and in English language), Biochemistry (in Bulgarian and in English language), Polymer Chemistry, Water Pollution and impact on Ecosystems, Water supply in urban areas.

Research – Deposition Chemistry, Assessment of Surface Water Quality, Preparation of Plant samples for Analysis, Organic Synthesis.



10 Kliment Ohridsky Blvd., Sofia 1797, Bulgaria, University of Forestry

Department of Plant Pathology and Chemistry, Building A, labs: 202, 313


Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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1Weekly rehearsal schedule:

Monday – 19,00 – 20,30 часа - „Beginners”;

20,30 – 21,30 часа - „Dance ensemble”;

Wednesday – 19,00 – 20,30 часа - „Beginners”;

20,30 – 21,30 часа - „Dance ensemble”;

Thursday –  19,00 – 20,30 часа - „Dance ensemble” 

The rehearsals are held in Studentski grad, Prof. Nikolay Genchev, Sports Complex BONSIST, in the hall of UF.

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