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Faculty of Forestry

gorsko stopanstvo

Faculty of Forestry

The Faculty of Forestry is a successor of the Forestry Department of the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry of Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”, founded in 1925. The tradition and experience obtained during the 90-year history of the Faculty allow the staff to be proud of the achievements of the many generations graduates, more than 6000. They work for establishing new forests and are responsible for the sustainable management of the “green gold” of the planet.

The training of students is provided by highly qualified instructors. There are 7 full professors, 19 associate professors and 21 assistant professors in the Faculty, which are engaged both in teaching and in research activities. Forty two of them hold degrees Ph.D. and D.Sc. Also, more than 60 professors from other faculties are engaged in the training of students. Most of the Faculty and Ph.D. students work within the frameworks of international projects and programs, many of them are members of international research and professional organizations and keep contacts with colleagues from USA, Russia, Japan, and all the European countries. This is a prerequisite for sound teaching process and obtaining by students of a solid background, promoting the successful performance of the graduates in the conditions of free competition in the European Union.

The Faculty of Forestry trains students in Forestry in thгee degrees: undergraduate with academic degree Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. Forms of training are „full-time“ and „part-time“.

During their training the students study general, fundamental, applied and specialized courses that provide knowledge and skills necessary of forestry engineer. In all major disciplines there are traineeships. The training is organized by curriculum with compulsory, elective and optional subjects linked to a system of credit transfer in ECTS, according to the Higher Education Act. After successfully completing a diploma for a completed degree of higher education and European Diploma Supplement in English with full information about the training are provided. The engeneers graduated in Forestry acquire the right to work in jobs requiring higher education in the system of the Executive Forestry Agency at Ministry of Agriculture and Foods, Ministry of Environment and Water and other governmental, public, non-governmental organizations, and private companies engaged in business in forestry, community forestry and forest cooperatives.

The Faculty of Forestry guides the Experimental and Training Forestry Services in Yundola and Petrohan and issues the journal Forestry Ideas.

Courses in English - Forestry


Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Ivanov Stoyanov, PhD

Post Address

University of Forestry

Building А, office 222

10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.

1797 Sofia


Phone: (+359 2) 862 28 54

Fax: (+359 2) 862 28 54

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Vice Dean for Scientific and Research Activities

Assoc. Prof. Momchil Panayotov Panayotov, PhD

Post Address

University of Forestry

Building А, office 222

10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.

1797 Sofia


Phone: (+359 2) 862 28 54

Fax: (+359 2) 862 28 54

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Vice Dean for Educational Activities

Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Hristov Ivanov, PhD

Post Address

University of Forestry

Building А, office 222

10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.

1797 Sofia


Phone: (+359 2) 862 28 54

Fax: (+359 2) 862 28 54

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Inspector regular (full time) education

Manoela Sergeeva Kolova-Eneeva

Post Address

University of Forestry

Building А, office 223

10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.

1797 Sofia


Phone: (+359 2) 862 28 54

Fax: (+359 2) 862 28 54

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Inspector regular (full-time) education

Petya Georgieva Tzakova

Post Address

University of Forestry

Building А, office 223

10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.

1797 Sofia


Phone: (+359 2) 862 28 54

Fax: (+359 2) 862 28 54

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Inspector external (part-time) education

Evelina Yordanova Dimitrova

Post Address

University of Forestry

Building А, office 109

10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.

1797 Sofia


Phone: (+359 2) 962 39 53

Fax: (+359 2) 862 28 30

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Ivanov Stoyanov, PhD


А. Professors and Associate Professors

  1. Prof. Ivan Petrov Paligorov, PhD
  2. Prof. Marius Alipiev Dimitrov, PhD
  3. Prof. Petar Zhelev Stoyanov, PhD
  4. Assoc. Prof. Biser Emilov Hristov, PhD
  5. Assoc. Prof. Boyka Zdravkova Malcheva, PhD
  6. Assoc. Prof. Daniela Petrova Georgieva, PhD
  7. Assoc. Prof. Elena Ilieva Dragozova, PhD
  8. Assoc. Prof. Evgeni Ivanov Tsavkov, PhD
  9. Assoc. Prof. Georgi Georgiev Kostov, PhD
  10. Assoc. Prof. Hristo Danchev Mihaylov, PhD
  11. Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Hristov Ivanov, PhD
  12. Assoc. Prof. Kiril Georgiev Stefanov, PhD
  13. Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Ivanov Marinov, PhD
  14. Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Nikolov Kolev, PhD
  15. Assoc. Prof. Mariya Tzankova Asenova, PhD
  16. Assoc. Prof. Momchil Panayotov Panayotov, PhD
  17. Assoc. Prof. Nasko Aleksandrov Iliev, PhD
  18. Assoc. Prof. Ofelia Kirilova Lazova-Velinova, PhD
  19. Assoc. Prof. Radka Georgieva Koleva, PhD
  20. Assoc. Prof. Simeon Bogdanov Bogdanov, PhD
  21. Assoc. Prof. Stanimir Jordanov Stoilov, PhD
  22. Assoc. Prof. Stanislava Draganova Kovacheva, PhD
  23. Assoc. Prof. Svetoslav Mladenov Anev, PhD
  24. Assoc. Prof. Violeta Georgieva Dimitrova, PhD

B. Chief Assistant Professors and Assistant Professors

  1. Chief Assist. Prof. Martina Vasileva Stancheva, PhD
  2. Chief Assist. Prof. Neno Aleksandrov Aleksandrov, PhD
  3. Chief Assist. Prof. Nickolay Angelov Tsvetanov, PhD
  4. Chief Assist. Prof. Pavel Ventsislavov Pavlov, PhD

C. PhD Students and Students

  1. Dayana Emilova Bayraktarova – 3rd year student
  2. Ivan Ivaylov Todorov – 3rd year student
  3. Maria Stanislavova Zlatkova – 3rd year student


The mission of the Faculty of Forestry is to educate and train qualified staff and to ensure the development of science in the field of Forestry and Wildlife management.
The main goals of the Faculty are:

  • To prepare competitive and adaptable professionals in educational degrees Bachelor and Master, and the PhD degree;
  • To develop research in the field of Forestry Sciences;
  • To provide opportunities for mobility of students and teachers;
  • To create conditions for the development of academic staff;
  • To provide opportunities for continuing education and training for teachers and staff, as well as graduates from other professional fields and specialties.


The Faculty of Forestry is a successor of the Forestry Department of the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry of Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”, founded in 1925.

The legal foundation of higher forestry education in Bulgaria was laid on 28th January 1925, when the Academic Council of the University of Sofia decided to set up a Department of Forestry at the Agronomy Faculty of the university. That decision was preceded by a long-standing struggle of Bulgarian foresters against the plundering and destruction of forests after the 1878 Liberation from Turkish rule. Many opinions and proposals appeared in the specialized newspapers and magazines, in the daily press as well, regarding both the management of forests and their use and the forest ranger and his or her professional training, especially after the publishing of the Laws on Forests from 1883, 1889, 1897, 1904 and 1922. However, only after the graduation of Bulgarian young people from higher forestry universities abroad (mainly in the Czech Republic, Germany and France) and their appointment to administrative positions in forest management units, did a truly purposeful and well-founded defense of the Bulgarian forest begin. As a result of the increased awareness of the necessity for the training of specialists with a degree in forestry, a State Committee was set up in 1915. The task of that Committee was to explore the possibility of opening of an independent Forestry Faculty at the University of Sofia. Although finally no positive result was achieved, there was some progress in this direction. Thus in 1921 the Law on the National Education was amended and new higher specialized school was to be established: Academy of Forestry with a three-year course of study.

In 1923 was established the Department of Specific Silviculture at the Faculty of Agronomy in Sofia University. The aim of that Department was to provide a thorough training in Silviculture to agronomical specialists and to establish certain prerequisites for the opening of a Department of Forestry at the Faculty of Agronomy. Todor Dimitrov, Associate Professor, was appointed as Head of the Department. The new name of the Faculty of Agronomy becomes the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry. On December 1925 two training and experimental forest ranges had been allocated for the training needs of the students at the Department of Forestry. The first one was situated in the coniferous area of Yundola, called Geshova Planina (now named after G. St. Avramov) and the second one was situated in the broadleaved area of the village of Barziya, called Petrohan Pass (now called Petrohan).

The Department of Forestry existed in the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry at the Sofia University until 1945. In the same year was established a new state university in the town of Plovdiv with two faculties – a Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry and a Medical Faculty. The idea for the establishment of a single center for training of foresters by merging the two forestry departments in the Faculties of Agronomy and Forestry at the University of Sofia and at the University of Plovdiv, emerged soon after that. An independent Faculty of Silviculture at the University of Sofia was established in 1947. That faculty existed only for one year. The faculties of Agronomy, Forestry, Veterinary medicine and zootechnics were separated from the University of Sofia from September 1948. These faculties formed the basis of a new higher educational establishment – the Academy of Agriculture, with a seat in Sofia. On the following year the Faculty of Silviculture, which until then had had a biological specialization, was reorganized into a Faculty of Forestry with two departments – the Department of Forestry and the Department of Forest Industry. Two years later a reorganization of the Faculty of Forestry at the Agricultural Academy was carried out from October 1951. Two new departments were established. Thus the total number of the departments became four: Department of Forestry; Department of Forest Industry; Department of Forest Use and Transport; and Department of Urban Afforestation.

In the academic year 1953/1954 the Agricultural Academy ceased to exist. It was replaced by three independent higher educational establishments: Higher Institute of Forestry; Higher Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Academy, the three of them being located in Sofia. Five major options with a period of study of 4 years and 10 months were identified in the Higher Institute of Forestry: Forestry; Urban Landscape Design; Mechanical Wood Technology; Chemical Wood Technology and Forest Use and Engineering.

On July 1995, the Higher Institute of Forestry was given the status of a university by the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria. The National Assembly also approved of the name – the University of Forestry. One of the five faculties is the Faculty of Forestry.


The Faculty of Forestry trains students in Forestry in thгee degrees: undergraduate with academic degree Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. Forms of training are „full-time“ and „part-time“.

The program accreditation of Professional field 6.5. Forestry for the bachelor and master program of Forestry (full-time and part-time) is valid until 2025.

Faculty of Forestry prepare Ph.D. students in the following accredited doctoral programs:

  1. Forest Plantations, Selection and Seed Production (valid until 2025, Professional field 6.5. Forestry).
  2.  Forest Management and Mensuration (valid until 2025, Professional field 6.5. Forestry).
  3. Silviculture (incl. Dendrology) (valid until 2025, Professional field 6.5. Forestry).
  4. Forest Melioration, Forest Protection and Special Forest Uses (valid until 2025, Professional field 6.5. Forestry).
  5. Wildlife management (valid up to 2025, Professional field 6.5. Forestry).
  6. Pisciculture, Fisheries and Fishing Industry (valid until 2023, Professional field 6.5. Forestry).
  7. Machinery and Equipment in Forestry, Timber harvesting, Woodworking and Furniture Industry (valid until 2025, Professional field 5.13 General Engineering).
  8. Technology, Mechanization and Automatisation in Forestry and Timber harvesting (valid until 2025, Professional field 5.13 General Engineering).
  9. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (valid until 2024, Professional field 5.7 Architecture, Construction and Geodesy).
  10. General, Advance and Applied Geodesy (valid until 2023, Professional field 5.7 Architecture, Construction and Geodesy).

Chairperson of the General Assembly of the Faculty of Forestry

Prof. Petar Zhelev Stoyanov, PhD

Vice Chairperson of the General Assembly of the Faculty of Forestry

Assoc. Prof. Mariya Tzankova Asenova, PhD


А. Professors and Associate Professors

  1. Prof. Ivan Petrov Paligorov, PhD
  2. Prof. Marius Alipiev Dimitrov, PhD
  3. Assoc. Prof. Biser Emilov Hristov, PhD
  4. Assoc. Prof. Boyan Petrov Milchev, PhD
  5. Assoc. Prof. Boyka Zdravkova Malcheva, PhD
  6. Assoc. Prof. Daniela Petrova Georgieva, PhD
  7. Assoc. Prof. Elena Ilieva Dragozova, PhD
  8. Assoc. Prof. Evgeni Ivanov Tsavkov, PhD
  9. Assoc. Prof. Georgi Georgiev Kostov, PhD
  10. Assoc. Prof. Hristo Danchev Mihaylov, PhD
  11. Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo Hristov Ivanov, PhD
  12. Assoc. Prof. Kiril Georgiev Stefanov, PhD
  13. Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Ivanov Marinov, PhD
  14. Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Nikolov Kolev, PhD
  15. Assoc. Prof. Momchil Panayotov Panayotov, PhD
  16. Assoc. Prof. Nasko Aleksandrov Iliev, PhD
  17. Assoc. Prof. Ofelia Kirilova Lazova-Velinova, PhD
  18. Assoc. Prof. Radka Georgieva Koleva, PhD
  19. Assoc. Prof. Mariya Tzankova Asenova, PhD
  20. Assoc. Prof. Stanimir Jordanov Stoilov, PhD
  21. Assoc. Prof. Stanislava Draganova Kovacheva, PhD
  22. Assoc. Prof. Stoyan Ivanov Stoyanov, PhD
  23. Assoc. Prof. Svetoslav Mladenov Anev, PhD
  24. Assoc. Prof. Violeta Georgieva Dimitrova, PhD

B. Chief Assistant Professors and Assistant Professors

  1. Chief Assist. Prof. Adriana Vaneva Marinova, PhD
  2. Chief Assist. Prof. Bilyana Boyanova Grigorova-Pesheva, PhD
  3. Chief Assist. Prof. Dimitar Petrov Peev, PhD
  4. Chief Assist. Prof. Evlogi Emilov Angelov, PhD
  5. Chief Assist. Prof. Georgi Georgiev Angelov, PhD
  6. Chief Assist. Prof. Gradimir Valentinov Gruychev, PhD
  7. Chief Assist. Prof. Ivan Todorov Evtimov, PhD
  8. Chief Assist. Prof. Kalin Karamfilov Karamfilov, PhD
  9. Chief Assist. Prof. Kamelia Georgieva Petrova, PhD
  10. Chief Assist. Prof. Martina Vasileva Stancheva, PhD
  11. Chief Assist. Prof. Neno Aleksandrov Aleksandrov, PhD
  12. Chief Assist. Prof. Nickolay Angelov Tsvetanov, PhD
  13. Chief Assist. Prof. Nikolay Dyankov Kodzhabashev, PhD
  14. Chief Assist. Prof. Pavel Ventsislavov Pavlov, PhD
  15. Chief Assist. Prof. Slavcho Asenov Savev, PhD
  16. Chief Assist. Prof. Teodor Totev Nedelin, PhD
  17. Chief Assist. Prof. Tihomir Petrov Krumov, PhD
  18. Chief Assist. Prof. Toma Ivanov Tonchev, PhD
  19. Chief Assist. Prof. Vasil Ivanov Kolev, PhD
  20. Chief Assist. Prof. Yordan Georgiev Ivanov, PhD
  21. Assist. Prof. Stanimira Stoyanova Stoyanova
  22. Assist. Prof. Teodora Milchova Markova

C. PhD Students and Students

  1. Angel Dianov Hristov – 4th year student
  2. Dayana Emilova Bayraktarova – 3rd year student
  3. Denitsa Valentinova Barakova – 1st year student
  4. Erika Danielova Dimitrova – 1st year student
  5. Hervet Fikri Ib – 2nd year student
  6. Ismail Uruch Dzhugdan – 2nd year student
  7. Ivan Ivaylov Todorov – 3rd year student
  8. Maria Stanislavova Zlatkova – 3rd year student
  9. Simona Ventsislavova Zaimova – 1st year student
  10. Tsetomira Rumenova Todorova – 4th year student

Г. Administrative staff

  1. Kalin Elenkov Nikolov
  2. Manoela Sergeeva Kolova-Eneeva
  3. Velichko Angelov Draganov

The governing bodies of the faculty are: General Assembly, Faculty Council and Dean's office.

Faculty of Forestry is located in the main building (A) Forestry University, II floor, room 222 - dean and Room 223 - inspectors phone +359 2 8622854, +359 2 91 907 ext. 467 and 475.
Chairman of the General Assembly of the faculty is prof. Peter Zhelev, and Deputy chairman is assoc. prof. Maria Asenova

6–9 May 2015, Sofia, BulgariaUniversity of Forestry Sofia has the pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Scientific Conference “Forestry: Bridge to the Future”, which will take...
19 April 2015
6–9 May 2015, Sofia, BulgariaUniversity of Forestry Sofia has the pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Scientific Conference “Forestry: Bridge to the Future”, which will take...

• Central University Environmental Laboratory

• University Laboratory for Biotechnology and Molecular Genetics

• University Laboratory for New Information Technologies in Training

• Dendrology Laboratory

• Plant Physiology Laboratory

Botany Laboratory

• Forest Plantations Laboratory

GIS Laboratory

• Game management Laboratory

• Fisheries Management Laboratory

• Zoology Laboratory

• Forest Soils Laboratory

Microbiology Laboratory

• Technology and Mechanization of Harvesting Laboratory

• Forest and Agricultural Machines Laboratory

• Mechanization of Forest Operations Laboratory

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Справочник за студентите от ФГС

Указания за дипломиране

По време на магистратурата се изучават по-задълбочено и на по-високо ниво управленски, специализиращи и методично-изследователски дисциплини, селекционирани в зависимост от избраната специализация. Задълбочената фун­даментална подготовка се осъществява чрез пет задължителни дисциплини – Горска политика, Многофункционално стопанисване на горите, Управление на горското стопанство и човешките ресурси, Географски информационни системи, Математически методи и модели.

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