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Faculty of Business Management


Faculty of Business Management

The training in Industrial Management, comprising two specialties - Forestry Management and Management of Forest Industry was established by the Decision made by the Academic Council of the Higher Institute of Forestry in 1993 and by the Decision made by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria in 1994. Since 1995 the training in both specialties has been carried out in the separate Faculty of Business Management. In 1997 the specialty, under the name Business Management, was transformed in accordance with the official state requirements. Since 2009, the faculty has been accredited to train students in the field of Alternative Tourism.

The educational objective set by the academic staff of the Faculty if Business Management is to train university graduates in Business Management in the three educational and qualification degrees of Bachelor of Sciences, Master of Sciences and PhD.

In the Bachelor course the students acquire fundamental and professional knowledge in the main methodological and methodical issues of the wide-profiled specialty of Administration and Management and Tourism. In the course of training the students acquire essential management skills, ranging from determining the mission and goals of the company to the assessment of company’s status, changes in business environment and decision-making, including risk circumstances.

The graduates from the Master degree course can perform scientific, research and training activities at the higher education institutions and scientific organizations, carry out economic diagnostic of companies, manage business risk factors, determine the financial and social policy of companies, develop strategies and prognoses, company budget and reports on its effective implementation, as well as present current information and proposals to the management teams.

The University of Forestry is accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency to carry out the training of PhD students in the scientific specialties: Economic and Management (in the respective fields), Industrial Organization and Management and Application of Computing in Economics. Since the establishment of the Faculty of Business Management over 40 PhD students have been trained and more than half of them have successfully defended their doctoral thesis before the Specialized Scientific Councils.

The training in this specialty is carried out by 75 professors, associate professors and assistant professors from all the faculties of the University of Forestry, a small part of them are guest lecturers and part-time lecturers.

Prof. PhD Ivan Petrov Paligorov
Address:10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1756 Sofia, Building А, office 217
Inner phone:(+359 2) 91 907/484
Direct phone:(+359 2) 868 08 04
Fax:(+359 2) 868 08 04
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vice Dean
Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Hristov Ivanov
Address:10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1756 Sofia, Building А, office 217
Inner phone:(+359 2) 91 907/484
Direct phone:(+359 2) 868 08 04
Fax:(+359 2) 868 08 04
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Inspector regular (full time) education
Fotina Genova Yordanova
Address:10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1756 Sofia, Building А, office 217
Inner phone:(+359 2) 91 907/484
Direct phone:(+359 2) 868 08 04
Fax:(+359 2) 862 28 30
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Faculty of Business Management (FBM) at the University of Forestry, Sofia was established by decision, made by the Academic Board of the University of Forestry in 1995.

The Faculty of Business Management (FBM) has been accredited and developed as a modern European educational and scientific centre in the area of economic sciences in the field of forestry, forest industry, agriculture, natural resources and tourism.

The Mission of the Faculty of Business Management is to ensure development of science, high quality education and competitively trained specialists in the area of economic sciences in the field of forestry, forest industry, agriculture, natural resources and tourism.

The educational objectives set by the academic staff of the FBM are:

  • To train competitive and adaptable university graduates in the educational and qualification degrees of Bachelor of Sciences and Master of Sciences;
  • To maintain and develop conditions ensuring high quality and competitiveness of the education and scientific research in scientific disciplines in the field of social, economic and legal sciences.
  • To provide students and lecturers with mobility opportunities as well as conditions for ongoing training of specialists, graduated from other professional fields and specialities.

The main tasks, performed by the faculty staff in order to fulfill their mission and objectives, are:

1. The establishment, maintenance and development of educational standards and conditions for training of university graduates for the needs of:

  • Speciality of Business Management – Bachelor of Sciences, full-time studies;
  • Speciality of Business Management - Master of Sciences, full-time studies;
  • Speciality of Alternative Tourism - Bachelor of Sciences, full-time studies
  • Speciality of Management of Alternative Tourism Master of Sciences, full-time studies.

2. The maintenance and development of the Quality Management System in the FBM in accordance with the certified QMS adopted by the University of Forestry in the training in the professional fields of Administration and Management and Tourism.

3. The establishment and development of conditions for training and scientific research in the priority areas of economics, management and organization of forestry, forest industry, agriculture, natural resources and alternative tourism.

The Faculty is a leading educational and scientific centre in the field of management and sustainable development. It is the driving force and organization body of one of the most popular and prestigious forums in this field – THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, Yundola.

The Faculty of Business Administration since 1999 publishes the scientific Journal "MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT" in three languages - Bulgarian, English and Russian.

The academic staff of the FBM (up to 2017) is comprised of professors, associate professors and assistant professors with permanent labour contract with the University of Forestry, working in 4 departments, located in the central building (Building A) – III and IV floors and the Educational and Laboratory Building at the University of Forestry.

Dean's office

The main management bodies of the Faculty are:

  • General Assembly of the Faculty of "Business Management";
  • faculty council and
  • Dean


Dean of the Faculty prepares an annual report on the activities during the past academic year. The reports contain the following documents:

  • Report before the General Assembly of the Dean:
  • Annex 1 - Report on academic activities of the faculty:
  • Annex 2 - Report on of Research Activity of faculty

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