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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) trains students in Veterinary Medicine since 1994. In 1999 the Faculty obtained its first accreditation for training students at M.Sc. level and professional qualification “veterinary surgeon”. The training takes 5.5 years in accordance with the requirements of the “Regulations for unified state requirements” and the respective EU directive. The entering exam is Biology. Gender ratio of the students is equal (50 %) and the M.Sc. degree may be followed by a Ph.D. degree.

FVM trains M.Sc. and Ph.D. students from Bulgaria and many other countries – Macedonia, Serbia, Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Turkey, Syria, Lybia and others.

The graduation is preceded by a three-month practice and passing of exam on two groups of subjects: I. Internal noncommunicable diseases, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology; II Hygiene, technology and a veterinary examination of raw foods of animal origin, infectious diseases and parasitology.
The knowledge of students in FVM in Sofia provides them with opportunities as future veterinarians to a career in all areas subject to veterinary medicine, including: research and veterinary diagnostic laboratories and institutes of NVMS, National Center for Agricultural Science, in the NVMS system for the needs of national animal health and veterinary public and border control, in higher and secondary education, Veterinary Service, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Transport, as consultants to insurance companies and companies dealing with import and export of animals as representatives of foreign companies to distribute drugs, biologically active substances, disinfectants, and other substances. 
The knowledge of veterinarians allows them to participate in solving technical problems in animal reproduction.
Law on Veterinary Medicine and the qualifications of graduates at UF FVM allows them to open and run private veterinary offices (dispensaries, clinics, laboratories and pharmacies.)
Part of graduate studies at the Faculty perform successfully in Austria, Germany, Spain, Canada, Greece, Israel, Macedonia and other countries, and the assessment of employers for their skills is markedly positive.


In 1994, by a decision of the Academic Council of 16.08.1994, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was opened at the Higher Institute of Forestry. Subsequently, by a decree of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria of July 27, 1995, the Higher Institute of Forestry was renamed the University of Forestry. Since 1995, University of Forestry includes in its structure 6 faculties, one of which is "Veterinary Medicine".
Since the opening of the faculty in 1994, the following lecturers have been elected deans:
  • Prof. Dr. Georgi Kovachev (FVM) 1994–1997;
  • Prof. Dr. Lyubomir Kanchev (FVM) 1998–1998;
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yordan Kostadinov (FVM) 1999–2007;
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iliya Ralchev (FVM) - temporarily holding the position 2007-2007;
  • Prof. Dr. Yotko Kamenov (FVM) 2007–2011;
  • Prof. Dr. Bogdan Aminkov (FVM) 2011–2020;
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krassimira Genova (FVM) - from 2020 to the present.
Since its establishment, the faculty is one of the two in the country, in which graduates students with higher education in "Veterinary Medicine". In 2011, for the first time in Bulgaria, teaching in English was opened at the Faculty. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine annually trains about 550 students in the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" in the degree of "Master" (in full-time) and educational scientific degree "Doctor" (in independent, full-time and part-time) in Bulgarian and English. With a history of 27 years, the academic staff of FVM is proud of the achievements of its more than 1600 graduates who care for the health and welfare of animals and humans in Bulgaria and around the world.


In 2021, the professional field / specialty of the regulated professions "Veterinary Medicine" received another accreditation from the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation.
The training in the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" is carried out only in a regular form and in an educational qualification degree - "Master". Under 10 accredited doctoral programs, full-time and part-time doctoral students and doctoral students are trained in an independent form of education.

The Faculty prepares doctoral students in the following scientific specialties:

  • Breeding of farm animals, biology and biotechnology of reproduction
  • Animal and human physiology
  • Animal pathology
  • Parasitology and invasive diseases of animals and humans
  • Surgery, radiology and physiotherapy of animals
  • Obstetrics and gynecology of animals and diseases of newborn animals
  • Veterinary and sanitary expertise
  • Epizootology, infectious diseases and prevention of infectious animal diseases
  • Zoohygiene and organization of veterinary services
FVM has signed contracts for scientific and educational cooperation with numerous institutions from Bulgaria and abroad, like Veterinary Medicine Research Institute Prof. G. Pavlov, Sofia, Institute of Microbiology “Acad St. Angelov” – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction – BAS, Institute of Experimental Pathology and Parasitology (BAS), National Center for Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Mountain Agriculture and Livestock Breeding – Troyan, Institute of Livestock Breeding in Kostinbrod and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – University of Sassari, Italy.
FVM organizes a traditional annual scientific conference "Tradition and Modernity in veterinary medicine”, with participation of researchers and students from Bulgaria and from abroad, and the papers presented are published in Proceedings of the conferences.  

I. Overview
The clinical laboratory was established in 2000, after transferring of some of the departments of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine's Student Town. In 2006, a project of the Ministry of Education and Science is completely reequipment with new, modern apparatuses and currently meet all the demanding needs of a modern laboratory. This laboratory is in the Department of Internal diseases and Pharmacology and is an important link in the overall clinical diagnostic process of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at University of Forestry. The purpose of the lab is to perform a wide range of paraclinical tests in the development of research topics and research projects of graduate students, professors from universities and other research units. The other main feature is a diagnostic and laboratory studies.

II. Working team
In laboratory work a one associate professor, one chief assistant and a laboratory assistant. In developing research projects that involve students they become part of the working team. Students on duty at the Department of Internal Medicine IV and V - course also participate in the laboratory upon receipt of patients with a need to undertake certain clinical examinations.

III. Scientific and laboratory diagnostic range

  1. The laboratory performed hematology analysis with a high reliability of:
    Haemoglobin, Hct, ESR, total number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, MCH, MCHC, MCV, RDW, MPV, PCT, PDW, Differential blood count, morphology of erythrocytes.
  2. Biochemical analyzes in blood serum and plasma:
    Glucose, total protein, albumin, bilirubin, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid, electrolytes (Na, K, Cl), macroelements (Ca, P, Mg), enzymes (AF, ALAT, ASAT, KK, LDH, GGT, lipase, ά-amylase).
  3. Urinalysis
  4. Research of puncture fluids

IV. Diagnostic activities
The laboratory is the only place in Sofia, where can a high professional level to perform, interpret and to provide competent clinical evaluation of diagnostic tests. The analytical range of the laboratory covers most necessary for diagnosis analysis. There are opportunities to explore new indicators.

V. Amount of activity
From patients to citizens, studies with students from V course and research projects of faculty each year enter a few hundred patients. On each made from 3 to 10, analysis of various indicators.

VI. Equipment
The laboratory is equipped with an automatic hematology analyzer, automatic biochemical analyzer, microscope with digital camera and video image of the observed objects in real time and all necessary supporting technical equipment for proper functioning of a modern clinical laboratory.

VII. Activities in the laboratory related to school work
Paraclinical tests performed on patients in the practical and clinical classes in the propaedeutics, internal medicine and mobile clinics with students of III, IV and V course, are made entirely in the laboratory and the results obtained are analyzed and interpreted by students in order clarify and put an accurate diagnosis.

Prof. PhD Krasimira Ivanova Genova
Address:10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1756 Sofia, Building А, office 105
Inner phone:(+359 2) 91 907/236
Direct phone:(+359 2) 868 02 35
Fax:(+359 2) 862 28 30
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislav Miladinov Radanski
Address:10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1756 Sofia, Building А, office 105
Inner phone:(+359 2) 91 907/236
Direct phone:(+359 2) 868 02 35
Fax:(+359 2) 862 28 30
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Assoc. Prof. PhD Tandzhu Nailov Mehmedov
Address:10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1756 Sofia, Building А, office 105
Inner phone:(+359 2) 91 907/236
Direct phone:(+359 2) 868 02 35
Fax:(+359 2) 862 28 30
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Inspector regular (full time) education
Eng. Doroteya Hrisanova Vyaneva
Address:10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1756 Sofia, Building А, office 104
Inner phone:(+359 2) 91 907/344
Direct phone:(+359 2) 868 02 35
Fax:(+359 2) 862 28 30
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Eng. Maria Georgieva Puchinkova

Address:10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1756 Sofia, Building А, office 104
Inner phone:(+359 2) 91 907/344
Direct phone: (+359 2) 868 02 35
Fax:(+359 2) 862 28 30
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


1. Prof. Vasil Kostadinov Manov, PhD

2. Prof. Teodora Petrova Popova, DSc

3. Assoc. Prof. Andrei Aleksandrov Kurtenkov, PhD

4. Assoc. Prof. Veselin Kirov Kirov , PhD

5. Assoc. Prof. Georgi Ivanov Georgiеv, PhD

6. Assoc. Prof. Georgi Malinov Stoimenov, PhD

7. Assoc. Prof. Ilian Manev Manev, PhD

8. Assoc. Prof. Kalin Jordanov Hristov, PhD

9. Assoc. Prof. Kostadin Pavlov Kanchev, PhD

10. Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Ivanova Genova, PhD

11. Assoc. Prof. Nadia Zlatozarova Zlateva-Panayotova, PhD

12. Assoc. Prof. Roman Pepovich Petkov, PhD

13. Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Miladinov Radanski, PhD

14. Assoc. Prof. Tandzhu Nailov Mehmedov, PhD

15. Assoc. Prof. Toni Atanasov Todorоv, PhD

16. Assoc. Prof. Chavdar Kamenov Philipov, PhD


17. Chief Assist. Prof. Iliana Stefanova Ruzhanova-Gospodinova, PhD

18. Chief Assist. Prof. Georgi Stoychev Popov, PhD

19. Chief Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Aleksandrov Stoimenov, PhD


20. Silvi Toneva Vladova – IV course

21. Raya Velichkova Staneva – IV course

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Forestry perform the responsible mission to train students in "Veterinary Medicine" subject, which is included in the classification of higher education areas and professional fields in the Republic of Bulgaria, and according to state requirements agreed with the European Directive 2005/36/EC as amended by Directive 2013/55/EU, as so accredited curriculum and training programs according to Bulgarian legislation.

Aim and tasks
The major aim in front of the FVM is to teach the students and to prepare the veterinary physicians with “Master” degree, capable for operating in the diagnostic and therapeutic area of the veterinary medicine profession, in expert work control and food safety, in the scientific research sector, in administrative and organizational and legislating function, and other business both public and private sectors, requiring expert veterinary medicine competence. In line with this objective are laid several tasks, through which is ensured a quality education, better professional communication, more functional scientific development and full students realization after graduate and obtained Day One Competences.

In 1994, by a decision of the Academic Council of 16.08.1994, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was opened at the Higher Institute of Forestry. Subsequently, by a decree of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria of July 27, 1995, the Higher Institute of Forestry was renamed the University of Forestry. Since 1995, University of Forestry includes in its structure 6 faculties, one of which is "Veterinary Medicine".

Since the opening of the faculty in 1994, the following lecturers have been elected deans:

  • Prof. Dr. Georgi Kovachev (FVM) 1994–1997;
  • Prof. Dr. Lyubomir Kanchev (FVM) 1998–1998;
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yordan Kostadinov (FVM) 1999–2007;
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iliya Ralchev (FVM) - temporarily holding the position 2007-2007;
  • Prof. Dr. Yotko Kamenov (FVM) 2007–2011;
  • Prof. Dr. Bogdan Aminkov (FVM) 2011–2020;
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krassimira Genova (FVM) - from 2020 to the present.

Since its establishment, the faculty is one of the two in the country, in which graduates students with higher education in "Veterinary Medicine". In 2011, for the first time in Bulgaria, teaching in English was opened at the Faculty. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine annually trains about 550 students in the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" in the degree of "Master" (in full-time) and educational scientific degree "Doctor" (in independent, full-time and part-time) in Bulgarian and English. With a history of 27 years, the academic staff of FVM is proud of the achievements of its more than 1600 graduates who care for the health and welfare of animals and humans in Bulgaria and around the world.

In 2021, the professional field / specialty of the regulated professions "Veterinary Medicine" received another accreditation from the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation.
The training in the specialty "Veterinary Medicine" is carried out only in a regular form and in an educational qualification degree - "Master". Under 10 accredited doctoral programs, full-time and part-time doctoral students and doctoral students are trained in an independent form of education.

The Faculty prepares doctoral students in the following scientific specialties:

  • Breeding of farm animals, biology and biotechnology of reproduction
  • Animal and human physiology
  • Animal pathology
  • Parasitology and invasive diseases of animals and humans
  • Surgery, radiology and physiotherapy of animals
  • Obstetrics and gynecology of animals and diseases of newborn animals
  • Veterinary and sanitary expertise
  • Epizootology, infectious diseases and prevention of infectious animal diseases
  • Zoohygiene and organization of veterinary services

Dean's office

I. Overview
Functional office was established in 2006 with funds from a project by the Ministry of Education and Science. Functional studyt as a structure is a component of the Department of Internal diseases and pharmacology. Represents an integral and important part of teaching and research clinical diagnostic process in the work of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at University of Forestry. The aim of functional study is to perform specialized clinical trials on patients to develop research topics and research projects of graduate students, professors from universities and other research units. Another major goal of functional surgery to improve the clinical training of students.

II. Working team
The work of the function room is secured by one assoc. professor and three chief assistants of discipline internal diseases. Students on duty at the Department of Internal Medicine IV and V course when necessary to carry out gastroscopy, ultrasonography and electrocardiography participate in preparing and carrying out the manipulations.

III. Scientific and diagnostic range of functional office

  1. Gastroscopy: performed a clinical study of various diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract by endoscopy of pharynx, esophagus, stomach, with the possibility of biopsy and histological examination of the material;
  2. Ultrasonography of internal organs (liver, kidney, spleen, bladder, etc.).
  3. Electrocardiography Heart.

IV. Diagnostic activities
Functional study is the only place in Sofia, where based on the specialization of workers in human medicines clinics can a high professional level to perform these clinical examination to interpret and to provide competent clinical evaluation of established findings.

V. Amount of activity
Annually in the functional study of patients of citizens under the clinical training of students of III, IV and V course through research projects carried out dozens of faculty clinical research.

VI. Equipment
Functional cabinet is equipped with fibrogastroscope, portable ultrasound and 12 channel ECG.

VII. Activities in the functional study related to school work

Gastroscopy, ultrasonography and electrocardiography, and specific clinical research methods are considered in detail a practical Propedeutics of Internal Medicine. Clinical studies performed on patients in the office used in training the students of IV and V course in internal medicine.


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1. The Scientific Conference will be held in a non-attended format electronically, in accordance with the amended rules.2. Each applicant submits in English a summary of his/her scientific...

The Scientific-educational Immunology laboratory is created in 2002 and is a part of the Department of “Animal Sciences”, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry.

At present, the laboratory has polyvalent functions, with the members of the team participating in working with students in addition to developing scientific problems.
The staff, alone or in collaboration with colleagues from the department, faculty and other scientific organizations, works on the following scientific tasks:

  • Assessment of humoral and cell-mediated immune response parameters
  • Phagocytic and oxidative activity of neutrophils in different types of pathology
  • Preparation of primary cell cultures and cultivation of stable cell lines
  • Cytotoxic activity of various biological products and pharmaceuticals
  • Problems of environmental impact on various factors of the immune system

From the beginning of the functioning of the laboratory to the present day, with the available equipment and resources, immunological studies of 9 theses have been prepared for obtaining a doctoral degree.

The Scientific-educational laboratory of “Ecological biotechnologies in stock-breeding and control of fodder and animal feed” was established after a special project of the Ministry of Education and Science. It is a scientific–educational unit of the department of “Animal Science” of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry.

Currently the laboratory is used from the members of the department for research on scientific topics and for educational activity in many disciplines.
The staff work on topics related to the quality and safety of fodder and animal feed. They continue also the development connected to the production of biogas. The laboratory disposes of biogas installation that allows the research on different sources of biogas.

The Microbiological Laboratory in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry, is situated in "Tzarigradsko shosse" № 73. The person in charge is assoc. prof. Teodora Popova, Ph.D.
It is a teaching, diagnostic and research laboratory and is a part of clinical - diagnostic unit of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Forestry. It provides the following activities:

  • Teaching: ● Practical training of students of Veterinary Medicine in the discipline Microbiology. ● Postgraduate study in the specialty "Microbiology and diagnostic of bacterial infections”.
  • Diagnostic. Microbiological and mycological diagnostic tests of clinical and pathological materials from domestic and wild animals are carried out. Isolation and identification of pathogens through application of complex microscopic, cultural, biochemical and serological methods are performed, as well as in vitro determination of the sensitivity of isolated bacteria to antibiotics and chemotherapeutics.
  • Research.

We are currently working on the following projects:

  • Alien terrestrial arthropods and their impact on biodiversity in Bulgaria (ATARTIB) - on-going (partner) - Project N 827/17.12.2008.
  • Ecologization of anaerobe biotechnologies by combination of energy cultures and waste biomass (Project N DVU 02-282/2010 ).

Much of the results of research and diagnostic activities are implemented in the educational process. They are demonstrated to students during the practical classes. Permanent preparations are made, by which the collection for practical exercises is filled regulary. In some cases, pictures and other visual materials are made and used for academic work.

The laboratory has the necessary equipment for microbiological work (research microscope with camera and capabilities for ultramicroscopic and fluorescent study, educational microscopes, thermostats, refrigerators, autoclave, sterilizers, water bath, scales, centrifuges, distiller, etc.). Also a large collection of microbial strains, permanent microscopic preparations and necessary glassware, culture media, diagnostic kits, chemicals and other supplies are available.

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