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Faculty of Forestry

gorsko stopanstvo

Department Forest management


Address: Bulgaria, Sofia 1997, 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd, University of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Management
The Department of Forest Management is situated in building A, 3th floor, University of Forestry. The Department has 4 specialized teaching laboratories - № 306, № 310, № 506 and № 515, tel.: + 359 2 91907*381

Head of Department of Forest Management - Prof. PhD Eng. Mariya Tzankova Asenova

Office Manager is  -  A, 3th floor, laboratory 306, University of Forestry, tel.: + 359 2 91907*381

The Department of Forest Management was established in 1927 by Prof. Temelko Ivanchev, who became its first head.
During the period 1927-1974 the following professors have been working in the Department: Acad. Petko Petkov, Prof. Iliya Mihailov, Prof. Atanas Ganchev, Prof. Hristo Sirakov, Prof. Alexander Iliev, Prof. Ivan Mihov, Prof. Evgeni Dimitrov.
On 01.02.1974 the Department was merged with the Department of Geodesy. Other former members of the Department are Prof. Yurdan Duhovnikov, Prof. Mikhail Venedikov, Prof. Sava Ribarov, Prof. Yosif Zhelyazkov, Assoc. Prof. George Dimitrov and Assist. Prof. Hristo Chemshirov, PhD.

Heads of Department:
Prof. Temelko Ivanchev - from 1927 to 1949
Acad. Petko Petkov - from 1949 to 1964
Prof. Yurdan Duhovnikov - from 1964 to 1971
Prof. Alexander Iliev - from 1971 to 1984
Prof. Ivan Mihov - from 1984 to 1993
Prof. Evgeni Dimitrov (acting) - from 1993 to 1994
Prof. Youlin Tepeliev (acting) - from 1994 to 1995
Prof. Ivan Mihov - from 1995 to 1999
Prof. Kiril Bogdanov (acting) - from 2004 to 2005
Prof. Youlin Tepeliev - from 2005 to 2016
Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov - from 2016 to 2020
Prof. Youlin Tepeliev - from 2020 то 2022
Since July 2022 Head of the Department is Prof. Maria Asenova, Ph

Lectors worked in the Department of Forest Management:
Acad. Petko Dimitrov Petkov - from 1945 to 1964
Prof. Temelko Stoimenov Ivanchev - from 1927 to 1949
Prof. Iliya Simeonov Mihailov - from 1933 to 1946
Prof. Atanas Ganchev Atanasov - from 1944 to 1948
Prof. Hristo Todorov Sirakov - from 1948 to 1952
Prof. Alexander Ivanov Iliev - from 1949 to 1986
Prof. Yurdan Hristov Duhovnikov - from 1946 to 1978
Prof. Mikhail Ivanov Venedikov - from 1933 to 1973
Prof. Sava Todorov Ribarov - from 1950 to 1989
Prof. Yosif Jordanov Zhelyazkov - from 1950 to 1990
Prof. Ivan Vasilev Mihov - from 1971 to 2010
Prof. Evgeni Todorov Dimitrov - from 1967 to 2008
Prof. Kiril Martinov Bogdanov - from 1976 to 2018
George Dimitrov Ivanov - from 1952 to 1989
Assoc. Prof. George Jekov Georgiev - from 2004 to 2011
Assoc. Prof. Veneta Ivanova Kotseva - from 1995 to 2018
Assist. Prof. Hristo Slaveykov Chemshirov - from 1977 to 1995
Assist. Prof. Peyo Nachev Peev - from 1955 to 1965

Currently, there are eight full-time lecturers in the Department of Forest Management - one professor, three associate professors and three assistant professors.

Present academic staff of the Department of Forest Management:

Prof. Maria Tzankova Asenova - from 1989
Prof. Youlin Nikolov Tepeliev, PhD - from 1988
Assoc. Prof. Ilko Antov Dobrichov, PhD - from 1988
Assoc. Prof. Radka Georgieva Koleva, PhD - from 1994
Chief Assist. Prof. Toma Ivanov Tonchev, PhD - from 1999
Chief Assist. Prof. Yordan Georgiev Ivanov, PhD – from 2016
Chief Assist. Prof. Milena Veselinova Danailova, PhD – from 2021
Assist. Prof. Eng. Stanimira Stoyanova Stoyanova – from 2022

Responsible of quality: Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Tsankova Asenova – building "A", floor 3, room No 329, tel. 91907/375

Members of the Department lead the courses in 14 subjects for three faculties in the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree.

  B.Sc. degree M.Sc. degree
Faculty of Forestry  Geodesy Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Forest mensuration
Photogrammetry and remote sensing Forest growth and yield
Forest management
Management of protected forests and territories Evaluation of forests territories
Faculty of Ecology and Landscape architecture Fundamentals of forest management and forest mensuration GIS and Remote sensing
Geoinformation technologies Geodesy and vertical planning
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Faculty of Business Management Fundamentals of forest management and forest mensuration  

Leading professors in the department are:

  1. Prof. Maria Tsankova Asenova, PhD - Photogrammetry and remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), GIS and Remote sensing, Specialized applications of GIS, Geodesy and vertical planning.
  2. Assoc. Prof. Ilko Dobrichov, PhD - Forest mensuration, Forest management, Fundamentals of forest management and forest mensuration, Evaluation of forests territories.
  3. Assoc. Prof. Radka Georgieva Koleva, PhD - Geodesy, Photogrammetry and remote sensing, Geoinformation technologies;
  4. Assoc. Prof. Toma Ivanov Tonchev, PhD - Forest management; Forest mensuration; Forest growth and yield.
  5. Assist. Prof. Yordan Georgiev Ivanov – Forest mensuration; Forest management;
  6. As. Milena Danailova - Geodesy, Photogrammetry and remote sensing, Geodesy and vertical planning
  7. As. Stanimira Stoyanova - Geodesy, Photogrammetry and remote sensing, Geodesy and vertical planning

The main areas of the research in the Department are:

  • Forest mensuration;
  • Forest management;
  • Forest growth and yield;
  • Evaluation of forests territories;
  • Geodesy;
  • Geodesy and vertical planning;
  • Photogrammetry and remote sensing;
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS).


(name, family name)

Specialty Degree Theme Supervisor
2021 Blagovest Blazhev Forestry - Forest management MSc Research through computer analysis of natural disturbances in forests in the area of SFE "Elena Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2020 Victor Yordanov Forestry - Forest management MSc GIS-based approach for research of forest areas affected by diseases, pests and other damages, within the boundaries of SFE "Chirpan" Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2019 Tsanimir Hristov Forestry - Forest management MSc Determining the accuracy of the forestry maps of SFE "Gabrovo" through software for agriculture and cadastre Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2019. Stilyan Angelov Forestry - Forest management MSc Mapping of bark beetle-affected coniferous forests using Copernicus technology. Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2019 Toshko Petkov Forestry - Forest management MSc Mapping and analysis of the condition of the protective forest belts on the territory of SFE "Dobrich" through GIS. Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2019 Stiljan Angelov Forestry BSc Mapping of bark beetle-affected coniferous forests using Copernicus Program technology Assoc.Prof. PhD Radka Koleva
2019 Petar Atanasov Forestry BSc Diameter structure an height growth of coppice Hungarian oak stands in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Karnobat” Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev
2019 Ivan Iliev Forestry - Forest management MSc Forest management activities and silvicultural systems in coppice Turkey oak stands in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Elin Pelin” Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev
2018 Joanna Lyubomirova Forestry - Forest management MSc Mapping of old-age forests in the Steneto and Parangalitsa reserves by photogrammetric and remote sensing methods in the GIS environment Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2018 Ivan Gagov Forestry - Forest management MSc Creation of a specialized GIS database for protection of forest areas from fires in the area of SFE "Stara Zagora". Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2018 Iskren Savchev Forestry - Forest management MSc Spatial analysis of the existing digital models of agricultural and forest territories in the municipality of Lovech. Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2017 Petya Kanakova Forestry - Forest management MSc Assessment of the phytosanitary condition of the forests in the area of SFE "Plachkovtsi" through the means of GIS based on data from aerial photographs and freely available digital images Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2017 Georgi Donchev Forestry - Forest management MSc Technological approach for control of the implementation of the forestry activities on the territory of -Sliven with the means of mobile GIS applications Assoc.Prof. PhD Maria Asenova
2017 Kiril Ivanov Forestry - Forest management MSc Height growth and structure peculiarities of autochthonous stands of sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Nevestino” Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov
2017 Hristo Hristov Forestry BSc Height growth and diameter structure peculiarities of coppice Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) stands in the territory of State Hunting Enterprise “Voden-Iri Hisar” Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov
2017 Pavel Nichev Forestry BSc Height growth and diameter structure peculiarities of coppice sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) stands in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Belogradchik” Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov
2016 Mihail Chervenkov Forestry BSc Study on diameter structure and height growth of coppice silver linden stands (Tilia argentea Desf.) in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Svishtov” Assoc. Prof. PhD Yavor Poryazov

Assoc. Prof. Maria Asenova, PhD
Scientific advisor of 13 graduate and consultant of 6 graduates successfully defended their theses in “Bachelor” and “Master” degrees.

Assoc. Prof. Ilko Dobrichov, PhD
Scientific advisor of over 5 graduate successfully defended his thesis in “Master” degrees.

Assoc. Prof. Radka Koleva, PhD
Scientific advisor of 1 graduate successfully defended his theses in “Bachelor” degrees.

Assist. Prof. Toma Ivanov Tonchev, PhD
Scientific advisor of 4 graduates successfully defended their theses in “Bachelor” and “Master” degrees.


Project topic Participants in the project from dep. Forest management Assignor/Financing organization Period of execution
H2020-LC-CLA-2018-2019-2020/ H2020-LC-CLA-2020-2, № 101003890, № 285/20.10.2023, № 300099. FirEUrusk “FIREURISK - DEVELOPING A HOLISTIC, RISK-WISE STRATEGY FOR EUROPEAN WILDFIRE MANAGEMENT”

Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova

„Horizon 2020”


№ 4000134001/21/NL/CBi EDUSAR Revealing the power of SAR data in different application areas – educating the new generation of professionals Assoc.Prof. PhD Radka Koleva European Space Agency (ESA) 2021-2022
Copernicus Local Land monitoring services: Supporting activities of the National Reference Centres for Land Cover for the period 2017-2021

Prof. PhD Youlin Tepeliev

Assoc. Prof. PhD Radka Koleva

BAS - SRTI 2017-2021
Second specific contract № 3436 / R0-COPERNICUS / EEA. 57680, in implementation of the Framework Agreement EEA / IDM / R0 / 16/009 / Bulgaria - services for providing expert assistance for implementation of activity VI Assoc.Prof. PhD Radka Koleva BAS - SRTI 2019
BNSF UF KP-06-Н56/7 Study of interrelations in the system "soil - soil microorganisms - wood composition" in forest plantations on the territory of Vitosha Nature Park Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Yordan Ivanov Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF) 2021-2025
B-1291/2023 Investigation of the technical and operational indicators of short distance transport with specialized and adapted tractors Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova

University of Forestry

Scientific research sector

B-1292/2023 Assessment of the damage and the rate of recovery of the forests affected by the ice break in the "Petrokhan" ESFE using remote methods" Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova

University of Forestry

Scientific research sector


1. Project: MERA’92 PHARE.
- working team - from the University of Forestry: Assoc. Prof. Youlin Tepeliev, PhD, Assist. Prof. Radka Koleva, PhD
- contractor: Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria
- implementation period: 1992-1996

2. Project: CORINE Land Cover 2000 - Bulgaria (Coordination of the Information on the Environment). Contract № 3196 – 231/ 09.08.2002. Contractor Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria (MEWB). EU Project (29 countries).
- working team - from the University of Forestry: Assoc. Prof. Youlin Tepeliev, PhD – leading expert in image interpretation
- source of financing: 50% от ЕЕА и 50% от MEWB
- implementation period: 4 years
- accepted: February 2005

3. Project: CORINE Land Cover 2006 - Bulgaria. Topic “Mapping the territory of the country by land cover classes (ways of permanent usage) by means of satellite images interpretation – CORINE Land cover methodology”. Contract № 1218/20.12.2007 between the Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria (MEWB) and the Solar – Terrestrial Influences Laboratory – BAS (STIL-BAS). EU Project (32 countries).
- working team - from the University of Forestry: Assoc. Prof. Youlin Tepeliev, PhD – leading expert in image interpretation, Assist. Prof. Radka Koleva, PhD - expert in image interpretation, Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova - expert in image interpretation
- contractor: Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria
- implementation period: 2007-2008

* Annotation of the CORINE Land Cover Projects:
The aim of the projects is the creation of a data base for Bulgaria, containing a digital map of 44 land cover types by an unified EU nomenclature and tracing the changes in the environment. This is done on the basis of a common for all countries technology by means of computer assisted interpretation of satellite images.

4. Project: Geoinformation methods and technologies for remote sensing of the Earth. BAS (STIL-BAS).
- working team - from the University of Forestry: Assoc. Prof. Youlin Tepeliev, PhD, Assist. Prof. Radka Koleva, PhD
- contractor: BAS
- implementation period: 2007

5. Project: Contemporary methods for analysis of satellite images of the Earth. BAS (STIL-BAS).
- working team - from the University of Forestry: Assoc. Prof. Youlin Tepeliev, PhD, Assist. Prof. Radka Koleva, PhD
- contractor: BAS
- implementation period: 2008

6. Project: Development of new site index tables for natural coniferous stands from Scots pine, Norway spruce, Silver fir and Macedonian pine. University of forestry, Scientific research division. Funded by State Forestry Agency.
- working team: Prof. DSc Ivan Mihov – project manager, Prof. DSc Kiril Bogdanov, Assoc. Prof. Ilko Dobrichov, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD, Assist. Prof. Toma Tonchev, PhD, Eng. Miroslava Velinova – PhD student
- contractor: Executive Forest Agency (EFA)
- implementation period: 2006-2008

7. Project: Influence of anthropogenic and biotic factors over phytosanitary status and bio productivity of beech stands. University of forestry, Scientific research division.
- working team: Prof. DSc Ivan Mihov – project manager, Assist. Prof. Toma Tonchev, PhD
- contractor: Executive Forest Agency (EFA)
- implementation period: 2007-2009

8. Project: Development of new site index tables for beech and oak stands and stand volume tables. University of forestry, Scientific research division. Funded by State Forestry Agency.
- working team: Prof. DSc Ivan Mihov – project manager, Prof. DSc Kiril Bogdanov, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD, Assist. Prof. Toma Tonchev, PhD
- contractor: Executive Forest Agency (EFA)
- implementation period: 2008-2009

9. Project: Forest technical analysis of set up by “Dunav Agro” Ltd plantations from locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.). University of forestry, Scientific research division.
- working team from Department of Forest Management: Assist. Prof. Toma Tonchev, PhD
- contractor: “Dunav Agro” Ltd
- implementation period: 2007-2008

10. Project: Impact of atmospheric CO2 concentration on vitality and biological productivity of common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) during differentiation stage of stand development.
- working team: Assist. Prof. Toma Tonchev, PhD – project manager (from Department of Forest Management), Assist. Prof. Svetoslav Anev, PhD, Assist. Prof. Sonya Damyanova, Adriana Ivanova – student
- contractor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Science
- implementation period: 2010-2013

11. Project: Forest management planning and game management planning of the “Petrohan” Experimental and Training Forest Enterprise - Barzya village.
- working team: Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD – project manager, Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD, Assist. Prof. Toma Tonchev, PhD, Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova, Assoc. Prof. Hristo Mihaylov, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Petkova, PhD, Eng. Dobromir Stoikov, students – Vladimir Hadjikrastev
- contractor: “Petrohan” Experimental and Training Forest Ranges – Barzya village
- implementation period: 2004-2005

12. Project: Forest management planning and game management planning of the “Ribaritza” forest enterprise.
- working team: Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD – project manager, Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD, Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova, Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Petkova, PhD, Eng. Dobromir Stoikov, students – Vladimir Hadjikrastev
- contractor: Executive Forest Agency (EFA)
- implementation period: 2005-2006

13. Project: Forest management planning and game management planning of the “G. St. Avramov” Experimental and Training Forest Enterprise - Undola village.
- working team: Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD – project manager, Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD, Assist. Prof. Toma Tonchev, PhD, Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova, Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Petkova, PhD, Eng. Dobromir Stoikov, students – Vladimir Hadjikrastev
- contractor: “G. St. Avramov” Experimental and Training Forest Ranges - Undola village
- implementation period: 2007-2008

14. Project: Forest management planning and game management planning of the state hunting enterprise “Shiroka polyana” state hunting enterprise.
- working team: Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD – project manager, Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD, Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova, Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Petkova, PhD, Eng. Dobromir Stoikov, students – Vladimir Hadjikrastev
- contractor: Executive Forest Agency (EFA)
- implementation period: 2009-2010

15. Project: Forest management planning and game management planning of the “Krichim” state forest enterprise.
- working team: Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD – project manager, Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD, Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova, Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Petkova, PhD, Eng. Dobromir Stoikov, students – Vladimir Hadjikrastev
- contractor: Executive Forest Agency (EFA)
- implementation period: 2009-2010

16. Project: Forest management planning and game management planning of the “Pamporovo” state forest enterprise.
- working team: Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD – project manager, Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD, Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova, Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Petkova, PhD, Eng. Dobromir Stoikov, students – Vladimir Hadjikrastev
- contractor: Executive Forest Agency (EFA)
- implementation period: 2010-2011

17. Project: Forest management planning and game management planning of the “Varbitza” state forest enterprise.
- working team: Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD – project manager, Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD, Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova, Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Petkova, PhD, Eng. Dobromir Stoikov, students – Vladimir Hadjikrastev
- contractor: Executive Forest Agency (EFA)
- implementation period: 2010-2011

18. Project: Forest management planning and game management planning of the “Palamara” state forest enterprise.
- working team: Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD – project manager, Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD, Assist. Prof. Toma Tonchev, PhD, Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova, Assoc. Prof. Krasimira Petkova, PhD, Eng. Dobromir Stoikov, students – Vladimir Hadjikrastev
- contractor: Executive Forest Agency (EFA)
- implementation period: 2011-2012

19. Project: Implementation of GIS of multifunctional forest management plan of the “Rakitovo” State Game Breeding Station.
- working team: Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova, Eng. Evgeni Evangelov
- contractor: Bulgarian-Swiss forestry programme (BSFP) – Sylvica, Foundation
- implementation period: 2003

20. Project: Implementation of GIS of multifunctional forest management plan of the “Batak” State Forestry Enterprise.
- working team: Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova, Eng. Evgeni Evangelov
- contractor: Bulgarian-Swiss forestry programme (BSFP) – Sylvica, Foundation
- implementation period: 2004

21. Project: Implementation and maintaining of GIS of Multifunctional forest management plan of the “Berkovista” State Forestry Enterprise.
- working team: Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova, Eng. Evgeni Evangelov
- contractor: Bulgarian-Swiss forestry programme (BSFP) – Sylvica, Foundation
- implementation period: 2004-2005

22. Project: GIS applications for Forest management planning of the “Petrohan” Experimental and Training Forest Range (Barzya village).
- working team: Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova
- contractor: “Petrohan” Experimental and Training Forest Range (Barziya village)
- implementation period: 2007-2008

23. Project: Implementation of information system for multifunctional management, sustainble and effective development of the “G. Avramov” Experimental and Training Forest Range (Yundola village).
- working team : Assist. Prof. Maria Asenova
- contractor : “G. Avramov” Experimental and Training Forest Range (Yundola village)
- implementation period: 2009-2011


Project topic Participants in the project from dep. Forest management


Financing organization

Period of execution
Copernicus Local Land monitoring services: Supporting activities of the National Reference Centres for Land Cover for the period 2017-2021

Prof. PhD Youlin Tepeliev

Assoc. Prof. PhD Radka Koleva

BAS - SRTI 2017-2021
Second specific contract № 3436 / R0-COPERNICUS / EEA. 57680, in implementation of the Framework Agreement EEA / IDM / R0 / 16/009 / Bulgaria - services for providing expert assistance for implementation of activity VI Assoc.Prof. PhD Radka Koleva BAS - SRTI 2019
№ 4000134001/21/NL/CBi EDUSAR Revealing the power of SAR data in different application areas – educating the new generation of professionals Assoc.Prof. PhD Radka Koleva European Space Agency (ESA) 2021-2022
BNSF UF КП-06-Н56/7 Study of interrelations in the system "soil - soil microorganisms - wood composition" in forest plantations on the territory of Vitosha Nature Park

Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova

Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Yordan Ivanov

Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF) 2021-2024
Specific measures to reduce the effect of thermal islands in the urban environment through landscaping - a proposal for vegetation and development of applied models for landscaping in the green infrastructure of Sofia Municipality   " Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry 2021
The current state of the Green System of Sofia - quantitative and qualitative indicators" Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry 2020
NIS-B-1006/2019 Measuring the stand parameters of old -growth Beech and fir-spruce-beech forests using orthoimages, satellite data and terrain data analysis. Scientific supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Maria Asenova Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry 2019 - 2020
NIS-B-1005/2019 Building a sustainable information infrastructure for the implementation of GIS technologies in the professional fields of LTU Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry 2019 - 2020
NIS-1007/2019 Investigation of the technical and operational performance of nearby transport with assortment tractors Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Project funded by the Scientific and Research sector of the University of Forestry 2019
BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034:Operational program: Science and Education for Smart Growth (UMIS Number BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034-C01: Support for the development of the scientific capacity in the University of Forestry Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova Beneficiary 000670634 University of Forestry 2017 - 2019
B24/2018 Research on the technical, operational and environmental performance of nearby cableway transport Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Asenova University of Forestry 2018
Subalpine forest development in Bulgarian Mountain Forests under climate change Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Ministry of education and Science; Swiss Research foundation 2013-2016
Influence of atmospheric depositions on the bioproductivity of Norway spruce stands Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev University of Forestry 2014-2016
Providing data to report critical loads for sulfur, nitrogen, acidity, and heavy metals for major types of terrestrial ecosystems in Bulgaria Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Ministry of environment and water 2016-2018
Rationale and implementation of regional silvicultural systems for the management of coppice oak forests in the territory of Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad 2017-2018
Concept and implementation of regional silvicultural systems for the management of coppice oak forests in the territory of Northwestern State Enterprise - Vratza Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Northwestern State Enterprise - Vratza 2017-2018
Concept and implementation of regional silvicultural systems for the management of coppice oak forests in the territory of Southeastern State Enterprise - Sliven Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Southeastern State Enterprise - Sliven 2017-2018
Concept for differentiated management of Scots pine plantations in Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Southwestern State Enterprise - Blagoevgrad 2019-2021
Experimentation of regional silvicultural systems for management of coppice Turkey oak forests in the territory of State Forestry Enterprise “Seslav” – Kubrat Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev State Forestry Enterprise “Seslav” – Kubrat 2019-2021
Rationale of differentiated silvicultural systems for coppice Turkey oak stands in the territory of Northeastern State Enterprise – Shumen Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev Northeastern State Enterprise – Shumen 2019-2020
Adaptive changes in beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) after felling or natural disturbance Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev University of Forestry 2020-2021
Upgrade of a distributed research infrastructure “Bulgarian network for long term Ecosystem Research” (LTER-BG) Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Toma Tonchev National road map for research infrastructure, Ministry of Education and Science 2020-2027
Soil research in the Lower and Middle mountain vegetation belt from the northern slope of the Western Balkan mountains. Project number № B-1072 / 16.03.2020. Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Yordan Ivanov Scientific research sectorUniversity of Forestry 2020-2021

Laboratory of Geodesy and Photogrammetry (hall 306)
Activity - Educational: There are conducted all year-round lectures and practical classes in the following academic disciplines: Geodesy, Photogrammetry and remote sensing, Photogrammetry with remote sensing and geodesy, Remote sensing mapping methods, Geodesy and vertical planning and Geoformation technologies. The laboratory is equipped with geodetic instruments, photogrammetric devices and instruments, maps, aerial photographs, satellite images, showcases, boards, brochures and other demonstrative materials.
For the practical training in Geodesy of students in Forestry, Landscape Architecture, Ecology and Environmental Protection, the department has optical geodetic instruments: theodolites, levels and tachometers-self-reducers and seven GPS devices - a GPS TOPCON GMS-2, a GPS Etrex and 5 devices SPEEDDATA TT 45 with software Easy Map, loaded with vector and attribute data for forest territories. For the education in Photogrammetry and remote sensing methods 10 mirror stereoscopes with luminous tables and stereo micrometers are used, two stereo pantometers, 10 optical pantographs, three interpretation devices Interpretoskop B, stereo mapping device Topocart D, terrestrial stereo photogrammetric camera Zeiss 120 B, stereo comparator and digitizer CAL COMP 9500 size А0.

Laboratory of Digital stereo photogrammetry, Remote sensing and GIS (hall 506)
Activity - Educational: There are conducted all year-round lectures and practical classes in the following academic disciplines: Photogrammetry and remote sensing, Photogrammetry with remote sensing and geodesy, Remote sensing mapping methods, GIS, GIS and Remote sensing and Geoformation technologies.
The laboratory provides a high-tech level of education for students in Forestry, Landscape Architecture and Ecology and Environmental Protection through 5 digital photogrammetric workstations and 7 computer configurations, multimedia and Internet access. Throughout specialized software for processing aerial and satellite images, students gain knowledge and skills for the practical application of Digital stereo photogrammetry and Remote sensing methods for Earth research in the fields of forestry, ecology and environmental protection and landscape architecture.
Graduates and PhD students in the scientific specialties "General, Higher and Applied Geodesy" and "Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing" conduct researches in the laboratory of Digital Stereo photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS.

Prof. Youlin Tepeliev, PhD
• Member of the Union of Surveyors and Land Developers in Bulgaria

Assoc. Prof. Ilko Dobrichov, PhD
• Manager of the Forest management bureau – University of Forestry.
• Expert – valuer of land in forest areas in the Chamber of Independent Evaluators in Bulgaria.

Assoc. Prof. Yavor Poryazov, PhD
• Member of the Expert Council on Executive Forest Agency – Ministry of Agriulture and Foods.
• Expert at the Forest management bureau – University of Forestry.
• Expert – valuer in components “plants and wildlife” of Environmental Impact Assessment.
• Expert – valuer of land in forest areas in the Chamber of Independent Evaluators in Bulgaria.

Assoc. Prof. Radka Koleva, PhD
• Member of the Union of Surveyors and Land Developers in Bulgaria
• Member of Bulgarian Cartographic Association (BCA).

Assoc. Prof. Maria Asenova, PhD
• Member of the Union of Surveyors and Land Planners in Bulgaria
• Member of Bulgarian Cartographic Association.
• Member of Bulgarian Geographical Society
• License of Agency of Geodesy, Cartography, and Cadaster.

Chief Assist. Prof. Toma Tonchev, PhD
• Expert – valuer of land in forest areas in the Chamber of Independent Evaluators in Bulgaria.
• Lecturer at Lifelong Learning Center - University of Forestry, “Qualification improvement course for teachers of Forestry Vocational Schools”.

Chief Assist. Prof. Yordan Ivanov, PhD
• Expert – valuer of land in forest areas in the Chamber of Independent Evaluators in Bulgaria.

Assist. Prof. Milena Danailova
• Member of the Bulgarian Cartographic Association;
• Member of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ISPRS;
• Member of the International Geodetic Student Organization (IGSO);
• Member of the Union of Surveyors and Land Managers in Bulgaria, part of Federation of Scientific and Technical Unions;
• Member of the City Media Group.

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