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Faculty of Forestry

gorsko stopanstvo

Department Soil science

DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE is a part of the Faculty of Forestry – A Building, University Forestry, Sofia .

Head of Department - Assoc. Prof. PhD Simeon Bogdanov – A Building, 2nd fl., office 230, phone : 91907/270 .

Organizer of educational activity – eng. Yulia Hristova - A Building , 2nd fl., Lab. 207, phone: 91907/362 .

Teaching staff :

  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Simeon Bogdanov
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Biser Emilov Hristov
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Boyka Malcheva
  • Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Kamelia Petrova
  • Chief Asisst. Prof. PhD Pavel Ventsislavov Pavlov
  • Chief Asisst. Prof. PhD Bilyana Boyanova Grigorova-Pesheva

Responsible of quality: Assoc. Prof. PhD Boyka Zdravkova Malcheva – building "A", floor 3, room No 333, tel. 91907/416


Subjects of Soil Science were included in the educational program from the foundation of the Higher Forestry Institute in 1956, at the Department of Forestry .

During 1974-1994, the staff and the subjects of Soil Science were part of Ecology and Environment Protection Department . In 1994 independent Department of Soil Science and Soil Erosion was established. Since 1999, the department was renamed to a Department of Soil Science.


• Genesis and soil classification;
• Monitoring of soils;
• Pollution of soils;
• Reclamation of disturbed areas;
• Influence of fires on soil;
• Soil organic mater;
• Ecology of microorganisms;
• Impact of environmental pollution on soil microflora;
• Microbiology of soils in forest ecosystems and agro-ecosystems.
•Soil Erosion and control


- Prof. PhD. Boris Kitin - 1974-1980;
- Prof. PhD Svetla Gencheva -1980-1982;
- Prof. PhD Victor Donov - 1983-1992 ;
- Assoc. Professor PhD Dimitar Zackov - 1992-1994;
- Assoc. Professor PhD Tzvetan Yordanov - 1994 – 2016;
- Prof D.Sc. Lyudmila Malinova 2016 – 2020
- Assoc. Professor PhD Simeon Bogdanov 2020

Angel Georgiev was the first lecturer in Soil Science. In 1966 the name of the course was changed to Forest Soil Science, held by professor Victor Donov . In 1979 a new subject - Soil Science and Fertilization - has been developed and included in the educational program for the university specialty Landscaping , held by assoc. prof. Svetla Gencheva. In 1992 has been created a new subject of Soil Concervatiion by prof. Kitka Yorova.

Five new subjects - Microbiology , Soil Science, Soil Pollution and Impacts on Ecosystems , Soil Science and Soil Protection , and Soil Microbiology, the Department has developed after the opening of three new faculties in University of Forestry - Ecology and Landscape Architecture (1994), Agronomy (1994) and Business Menagement (1995) .

The Department of Soil Science runs its educational and scientific processes in two modern well equipped laboratories - Laboratory of Soil Science and Laboratory of Microbiology .

The staff of the department has been enlarged during the years by new assistant professors and researchers, who had successful academic carrier - assoc. prof. PhD Tzvetan Yordanov (1978), PhD (1988) and D.Sc (2014) prof. Lyudmila Malinova, prof. PhD Maya Nustorova (1996), prof. PhD Rositsa Petrova (1985), Simeon Bogdanov (2000), Chief assis. prof. PhD Boika Malcheva (2012), Assist. PhD Kamelia Petrova (2016) and Biser Hristov (2020)

At the moment there are six lecturers and one organizer of the educational process working in the department.


Department of soil science
From left to right: Assist . Prof. PhD Boyka Malcheva, Prof. PhD Rositsa Petrova, Assoc . Prof. PhD Simeon Bogdanov, Prof. D.Sc Lyudmila Malinova, eng. Yulia Hristova, Prof. PhD Maya Nustorova and Assist. Kamelia Petrova

Teodor Mihailov Microbiological control of food biowaste 2016 Master degree
Veselin Alexandrov Характеристика и пригодност на градски почви за земеделие и озеленяване 2018 Master degree
Irena Andreeva Content of heavy metals in the area of the Milin Kamak gold deposit 2018 Bachelor degree
Plamen Karmazov Soil monitoring in the area of the Western Stara Planina 2018 Bachelor degree
Eva Ivanova Study of the content of heavy metals in soils by "Petrohan" 2018 Bachelor degree

11 students bachelors and masters in the period 2010-2016 year.

Assoc. Prof. PhD Simeon Bogdanov

1. Bulgarian-Swiss forest program (BSFP), Silvica Fondation, Environmentally and sustainable forest development, № 41, 2003-2006.
2. Scientific research sector project at University of Forestry (UF), Changes in soil properties influenced by forest fires. № 41/10.07. 2002.
3. Scientific research sector project at University of Forestry (UF), DNA analysis of the damages on plant indicator species of regions in danger of pollution. № 39/13.04.2009.
4. Scientific research sector project at University of Forestry (UF), Changes in characteristics of soils influenced by forest fires. № 32/13.04.2009.

Prof. DSc Ludmila Malinova

1. International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (2020).

Assoc. Prof. PhD Boyka Malcheva

1. № 19 / 29.05.2007 Interrelation of soil and microbiological indicators for assessment of anthropogenic soils on the territory of Sofia Municipality, financed by Scientific Research Sector at University of Forestry.
2. № 152/07/ from 12/2012 Development of classification of types of combustible materials in forest ecosystems - 2012-2014, funded by Executive Forest Agency.
3. № 14 / 19.01.2016 Comparative study of different types of compost to determine the phases of composting, the quality of compost and methods of application, funded by Scientific Research Sector at University of Forestry.
4. № 158 / 08.03.2017 Study of the impact of biochar on soil fertility and crop development, funded by Scientific Research Sector at University of Forestry.
5. № 937/2018 Investigation of the possibilities for application of vermiculite in reclamation of areas from the Eastern facility for storage of mining waste at the Ellatsite mine and Benkovski-2 tailings pond by conducting container methods / ELACITE MED AD (937). Scientific Research Sector - Sectoral Contracts.
6. № 216512/2018 Feasibility study of the possibilities for cleaning soils contaminated with heavy metals by phytoremediation / Dundee Precious - Chelopech (938). Scientific Research Sector - Sectoral Contracts.
7. № NP11 / 2018 Creation of GIS model for assessment of the dependences pollen-vegetation and pollen-climate in agrocenoses, TU-Varna - Research Activity.
8. № 1069/2020 Laboratory-analytical activities, author's control and preparation of a project report for “reclamation-technical measures for restoration of the disturbed functions of the soils in Dundee Precious Metals Chelopech and their permanent preservation”, Scientific Research Sector - Sectoral Сontracts.

Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Kameliya Petrova

1. Scientific research sector project at University of Forestry (UF), 2018. "Study of qualifiers for updating the classification of soils on the territory of Training and experimental forest range (TEFR)" Petrohan ", funded by UF.
2. Scientific research sector project at University of Forestry (UF), 2018. "Study of technical, operational and environmental performance of nearby transport by mobile cableways." Project number – B-24 / 07.03.2018. Implementation period: 2018.
3. Scientific research sector project at University of Forestry (UF), 2018. “Risk assessment of degradation processes in the soils on the territory of Vitosha Nature Park”. Project number № B-22 / 07.03.2018. Implementation period: 2018-2019.
4. Scientific research sector project at University of Forestry (UF), 2020. “Soil research in the Lower and Middle mountain vegetation belt from the northern slope of the Western Balkan mountains. Project number № B-1072 / 16.03.2020. Implementation period: 2020-2021.

Assist. Prof. PhD Bilyana Grigorova – Pesheva

1. Scientific research sector project at University of Forestry (UF), 2018. “Risk assessment of degradation processes in the soils on the territory of Vitosha Nature Park”. Project number № B-22 / 07.03.2018. Implementation period: 2018-2019.
2. Scientific research sector project at University of Forestry (UF), 2020. “Soil research in the Lower and Middle mountain vegetation belt from the northern slope of the Western Balkan mountains. Project number № B-1072 / 16.03.2020. Implementation period: 2020-2021.

Soil Science Laboratory at the department of Soil Science

The Soil Science Laboratory in Faculty of Forestry, University of Forestry, is a teaching and research laboratory and is a part of The Central University Laboratory at the University of Forestry. It provides the following activities:
- Practical training of students.
- Research of soil physical and chemical properties.
The laboratory has modern equipment for determining the soil texture, pH, soil organic matter, carbonates and content of various chemical elements.

Microbiologycal Laboratory at the department of Soil Science

The Microbiological Laboratory at Faculty of Forestry - University of Forestry is a teaching, diagnostic and research laboratory and is a specialized unit of the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Forestry.
• Practical training in the discipline "Microbiology" of students from specialties: Ecology and Environmental Protection, Agronomy and Plant Protection - Bachelor's degree.
• Practical training in the discipline "Soil Microbiology" of students from specialty: Forestry, direction: Forest Management - Master's degree.
• Practical training in the discipline "Microbiological Control" of students from specialty: Ecology and Environmental Protection, direction: "Settlement Ecology" and "Environmental Restoration and Ecological Monitoring" - Master's degree.
Microbiological and enzymatic analyzes of soils, water, air, organic substrates, food and other products are performed. Non-pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms are isolated by applying complex microscopic, cultural and biochemical methods. The influence of pollutants on the biogenicity and enzymatic activity of the soil microflora is determined. Sanitary-microbiological control of the environmental factors is performed.

Scientific Research:
• Scientific Research work of lectures on research projects and for publishing scientific articles.
• Scientific Research work of graduate students for diploma work.
• Research work of PhD students.

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