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Faculty of Forestry

gorsko stopanstvo

Department Technologies and mechanization in forestry

Address: 10 “Kliment Ohridski” Blvd., Sofia – 1797, Bulgaria, Department of Technologies and Mechanization in Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, University of Forestry, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administration – Building “А”, Office №110, 1st floor

Head of Department: Prof. PhD Eng. Konstantin Ivanov Marinov – Building “А”, Office №130, 1st floor, Phone: 91907/201, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

• Prof. Eng. Konstantin Ivanov Marinov, PhD
• Assoc. Prof. Eng. Stanimir Jordanov Stoilov, PhD
• Assoc. Prof. Eng. Ofelia Kirilova Lazova, PhD
• Assoc. Prof. Eng. Kiril Georgiev Stefanov, PhD
• Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Tihomir Petrov Krumov
• Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Georgi Georgiev Angelov
• Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Dimitar Petrov Peev

Promoters of Academic Affairs:
• Eng. Antoaneta Pavlova Boteva – building “А”, office №110, 1st floor, phone: 91907/225, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Department of “Technologies and Mechanization in Forestry” is the successor of the third department in the field of forestry - “Forest Exploitation with Forest Technology”. The Department of “Forest Exploitation with Forest Technology” was established in 1930 to the newly created “Agronomy and Forestry Department” of the University of Sofia. Its first head was Associate Professor Todor Dimitrov, who later became full Professor and Corresponding member of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Throughout the years the department has been named as follow: from 1945 to 1974 – “Forest Exploitation with Forest Transport”; from 1974 to 1994 – “Mechanization of Forestry” and from 1994 it was renamed “Technologies and Mechanization in Forestry”.

Consistently the heads of the department have been:
• Prof. Eng. Vasil Stojanov (1930-1958);
• Prof. Eng. Nino Statkov, PhD, Doctor honoris causa (1958-1961);
• Prof. Eng. Stoichko Hristov, DSc (1961-1984);
• Assoc. Prof. Eng. Dimitar Mladenov, PhD (1984-1989);
• Prof. Eng. Konstantin Asparuhov, PhD (1989-1993);
• Assoc. Prof. Eng. Dimitar Georgiev, PhD (1993-2002);
• Prof. Eng. Georgi Tassev, DSc (2002-2003);
• Assoc. Prof. Eng. Kiril Lyubenov, PhD (2003-2016);
• Assoc. Prof. Eng. Konstantin Marinov, PhD (2016 – 2020)
• Assoc. Prof. Eng. Kiril Stefanov, PhD (2020 – up now)

Academic and research staff of the Department during the years: Prof. Vasil Stojanov, Assistant Prof. Lyubomir Tamamdzhiev, Prof. Stoichko Hristov (1946-1987), Prof. Nino Statkov (1947-1983), Prof. Haskia Nisimov (1954-1974), Prof. Encho Enchev, Prof. Petar Kostov (1956-1978), Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Stojanov (1975-1978), Prof. Konstantin Asparuhov (1956-2000), Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Mladenov (1959-1993), Assoc. Prof. Gunio Gunev (1960-1989), Assoc. Prof. Najden Tchakarov (1974-2003), Assoc. Prof. Georgi Zhekov (1974-2003), Assoc. Prof. Nadka Mollova (1975-2008), Head Assistant Prof. Hristo Tassev (1976-1994), Head Assistant Prof. Stefan Stojanov (1988-2002), Head Assistant Prof. Krastina Vulova (1989-1998), Prof. Konstantin Delev (2000-2008), Prof. Georgi Tassev (1996-2011); Assistant Prof. Tihomir Krumov (2012-2016).

Classes and Lecturers in Department:

  • Building Structures in Forestry, Specialty “Forestry”, Faculty of Forestry - Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Ofelia Lazova, Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Georgi Angelov
  • Building Construction, Specialty “Landscaping”, Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture - Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Ofelia Lazova, Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Georgi Angelov
  • Mechanization in Landscaping and Labour Safety, Specialty “Landscaping”, Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture - Lecturer: Prof. PhD Eng. Konstantin Marinov
  • Mechanization of Agriculture, Specialty “Agronomy” and “Plant Protection”, Faculty of Agronomy - Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Kiril Stefanov
  • Mechanization of Forest Activities, Specialty “Forestry”, Faculty of Forestry - Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Konstantin Marinov, Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Dimitar Peev
  • Forest Transport, Specialty “Forestry”, Faculty of Forestry - Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Stanimir Stoilov, Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Tihomir Krumov
  • Forest Roads, Specialty “Forestry”, Faculty of Forestry - Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Ofelia Lazova, Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Georgi Angelov
  • Technology and Mechanization of Logging, Specialty “Forestry”, Faculty of Forestry - Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Dimitar Georgiev, Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Dimitar Peev
  • Safety Regulation of Labour in Forestry and Prevention of Forest Fires, Specialty “Forestry”, Faculty of Forestry - Lecturer: Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Tihomir Krumov
  • Technology Management and Use of Forests, Specialty “Business Management”, Faculty of Business Management - Lecturer: Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Dimitar Peev
  • Technological Projects in Logging, Master's Course in Specialization “Forest Use and Forestry Economics”, Faculty of Forestry - Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Dimitar Georgiev
  • Technological Projects in Forestry Activities, Master's Course in Specialization “Forest Use and Forestry Economics”, Faculty of Forestry - Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Kiril Lyubenov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Konstantin Marinov
  • Exploitation of Transport Vehicles in Forestry, Master's Course in Specialization “Forest Use and Forestry Economics”, Faculty of Forestry - Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Stanimir Stoilov
  • Machine Repair and Maintenance in Forestry, Master's Course in Specialization “Forest Use and Forestry Economics”, Faculty of Forestry - Lecturers: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Kiril Stefanov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Stanimir Stoilov
  • Machinery for Plant Protection, Master's Course in Specialization “Plant Protection”, Faculty of Agronomy - Lecturers: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Kiril Stefanov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Konstantin Marinov



Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Georgi Georgiev Angelov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Ofelia Kirilova Lazova-Velinova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Kiril Georgiev Stefanov (Head of Department), Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Dimitar Georgiev, Eng. Antoaneta Pavlova Boteva, Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Stanimir Jordanov Stoilov, Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Dimitar Petrov Peev, Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Konstantin Ivanov Marinov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Kiril Lubenov, Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Tihomir Petrov Krumov

Defenced theses at department “Technologies and mechanization in forestry”

# Student ID number Year Academic degree Thesis Thesis advisor
11 Eng. Rusko Georgiev Veskov 96488 2012 Master
Technologies and machines for primary processing of timber in shelterwood logging in coniferous forests at
Assoc. Prof. D. Georgiev
22 Eng. Stanimir Aleksandrov Simeonov 96433 2012 Master
Technologies and machines for beter rational use of beech wood in selective cutting at SFE “Zlatograd”
Assoc. Prof. D. Georgiev
33 Eng. Zlati Dimov Zlatev 96518 2012 Master
Analysis of the mechanized forestry activity in the region of TD SFE “Suvorovo”
Assoc. Prof. K. Marinov
44 Adriana Rumenova Delieva 11635 2012 Bachelor Study of the close transport of timber with a specialized wheeled tractor in the operating conditions of SFE-Dospat Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
55 Ekaterina Dimitrova Apostolova 11607 2012 Bachelor Study of the close transport of timber with a specialized tracked tractor in the production conditions of SFE-Vratsa Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
66 Emil Haralanov Ivanov 11588 2012 Bachelor Study of the close transport of timber with an adapted wheeled tractor in the operating conditions of SHE "Palamara" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
77 Borislava Haralambieva Licheva 11652 2012 Bachelor Study of the close transport of timber with a specialized wheeled tractor in the operating conditions of TD SFE-Buynovtsi Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
88 Chavddar Jordanov Ustabashiev 11688 2013 Bachelor Comparison and evaluation of technologies for wood logging in UOGS “G. St. Avramov ”. Assoc. Prof. D. Georgiev
99 Nikola Georgiev Nikov 11732 2013 Bachelor Study of the forest road network in SFE-Nevestino Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
110 Eng. Plamen Simeonov Stoyanov 96615 2014 Master Technologies and machines for better use of wood in carrying out shelterwood logging in SWSE SFE "Berkovitsa" Assoc. Prof. D. Georgiev
111 Daniela Mihajlova Lukova 11837 2014 Bachelor Study of the close transport of timber with an adapted tractor "Bolgar" TK-82N in the operating conditions of TD SFE "Aytos" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
112 Nikolai Mihailov Uchikov 11909 2014 Bachelor Study of the forest road network in TD SFE-Shiroka Laka Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
113 Joana Georgieva Lubomirova 11852 2015 Bachelor Study of the forest road network in DHS "Voden-Irihisar" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
114 Eng. Radoslav Blagov Manzurov 96745 2015 Master Analysis of seed yield in the regional forest seed production station in Razlog Assoc. Prof. K. Marinov
115 Aleksandar Georgiev Dragiev 11938 2015 Bachelor Study of the traction capabilities of a specialized wheeled tractor for transportation of wood in the production conditions of UOGS "Petrohan" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
116 Dimitur Iliev Uzunov 11974 2015 Bachelor Study of the close transport of timber with a short skyline in the operating conditions of FCOOP "Borika" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
117 Eng. Jordanka Ivanova Kuyumdjieva 91354 2015 Master Study of the efficiency of long-distance transport of timber at the operating conditions of UOGS Yundola Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
118 Eng. Chavdar Jordanov Ustabashiev 96877 2016 Master Evaluation and selection of technology for timber extraction by shelterwood cutting at UOGS "G. St. Avramov" Assoc. Prof. D. Georgiev
119 Eng. Petko Petrov Radichkov 91376 2016 Master Comparison, evaluation and selection of technologies for timber extraction in SFE "Kotel" - GSU "Bryazovets" Assoc. Prof. D. Georgiev
220 Eng. Dimitur Atanasov Nenov 96529 2016 Master Analysis of the technological variants for mechanized soil preparation in the creation of intensive poplar crops in the area of ​​TD SFE "Oryahovo" Assoc. Prof. K. Marinov
221 Eng. Daniela Mihajlova Lukova 91382 2016 Master Analysis of the efficiency of long-distance transport of timber at the operating conditions of TD SFE "Aytos" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
222 Eng. Nikolai Mihajlov Uchikov 91373 2016 Master Analysis of the efficiency of the close transport of timber at the operating conditions of FCOOP "Ela-2001" - Gela Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
223 Eng. Svetoslav Stoichev Veleshki 96881 2016 Master Analysis of the efficiency of the short-distance transport of timber with cableways at the operating conditions of TD "SFE-Cherni Osam" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
224 Eng. Todor Stoyanov Slavchev 96879 2016 Master Comparative analysis of the efficiency of long-distance transport of timber with a specialized truck and road train at the operating conditions of TD DHS "Kormisosh" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
225 Eng. Vladislav Antonov Slavov 91387 2016 Master Analysis of the efficiency of the sgort-distance transport of timber at the operating conditions of TD SFE "Plovdiv" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
226 Miroslav Georgiev Shumarov 12145 2016 Bachelor Study of the forest road network at the territory of TD SFE "Dobrinishte" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
227 Ivan Aleksiev Prihodkov 12084 2016 Bachelor Study of the nearby transport of timber with a specialized tractor at the operating conditions of TD SFE "Elena" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
228 Preslav Iv. Ganev 60589 2016 Bachelor Analysis and assessment of the fire activity in the forest territories of SFE "Sofia" and actions for its reduction Assoc. Prof. K. Lubenov
229 Engin Sadetinov Chobanov 12113 2016 Bachelor Study of the traction capabilities of a specialized wheeled tractor for transportation of wood at the production conditions of TD SFE " Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
330 Borislava Haralambieva Kosulieva 96874 2017 Master Analysis of the efficiency of timber transport from Batin Island. Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
331 Tereza Dobromirova Naidenova 96876 2017 Master Analysis of the efficiency of the short-distance transport of timber with tractors at the operating conditions of TD SFE "Berkovitsa" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
332 Nikola Georgiev Nikov 96938 2017 Master Selection of mechanized means for the transport development of the forest territories in TD SFE "Nevestino" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
333 Krasimir Ivanov Dimov 91423 2017 Master Technologies and machines for carrying out shelterwood cutting in TD SFE "Gurkovo" - GSU "Prohoda". Comparison and evaluation. Assoc. Prof. D. Georgiev
34 Borislava Kosulieva 12215 2017 Bachelor Design of a forest road in TD SFE "Tutrakan" Assoc. Prof. О. Lazova
35 Nikolai Nistorov 12188 2017 Bachelor Study of the forest transport network on the territory of TD SFE “Lovech Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
36 Ilko Mishev 61861 2018 Bachelor Design of a forest road in TD SFE "Trigrad" Assoc. Prof. О. Lazova
37 Taniya Panicharova 62021 2018 Bachelor Design of a forest road in municipal forest territories, Koprivshtitsa municipality Assoc. Prof. О. Lazova
38 Ana-Mariya Nikolova 61979 2018 Bachelor Design of a forest road in TD “SFE Elin Pelin" Assoc. Prof. О. Lazova
39 Eng. Musa Salih Abdul   2018 Master Operational tests of choker tractors for export of timber in the area of ​​TD SFE "Belitsa" Chief Asst. Prof. T. Krumov
40 Eng. Ivan Genov Ivanov 961105 2018 Master Mechanized technologies for creation and cultivation of intensive poplar crops on the territory of SE SWSE "Vratsa" Assoc. Prof. K. Marinov
41 Mitko Angeluhev 62200 2019 Bachelor Design of a forest road in TD “SFE Momchilgrad” Assoc. Prof. О. Lazova
42 Eng. Plamen Georgiev Dorosiev 91453 2019 Master Analysis of the efficiency of the short -distance transport by skyline in different types of plantations in the territorial scope of ME "Koprivshtitsa" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
43 Eng. Deliyan Oslekov 91353 2019 Master Comparative studies of the transport of timber with different specialized tractors in SHE "Vitinya" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
44 Eng. Ivo Anatoliev Ivanov 961210 2019 Master Analysis of the efficiency of long-distance timber transport in SFE "Slivnitsa" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
45 Zahari Kocev Georgiev 961315 2019 Master Comparative analysis of the technologies for export of timber in short-distance transport in the operating conditions of TD SFE - "Elin Pelin" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
46 Eng. Murad Ahmedov Shikirov   2019 Master Analysis of the logging types and the efficiency of the short-distance transport of timber in the operating conditions of TD SHE- "Vitinya" Chief Asst. Prof. T. Krumov
47 Eng. Merdin Mustafa Bajram   2019 Master Analysis of the efficiency of the short-distance transport of timber with tractors in the operating conditions of TD SFE "Varbitsa" Chief Asst. Prof. T. Krumov
48 Eng. Nikola Veselinov Vasilev 62198 2019 Bachelor Analysis of the mechanized soil preparation for afforestation in TD SFE “Dobrich” Assoc. Prof. K. Marinov
49 Eng. Luyben Yanakiev Stoiyanov 961100   Master
Study of the operational properties of forest milling cutters in TD DLS "Balchik"
Assoc. Prof. K. Marinov
50 Jeniya Stamatova 62096 2020 Bachelor Design of a forest road in TD “SFE Karnobat” Assoc. Prof. О. Lazova
51 Aneliya Asenova Serbezova 12625 2020 Bachelor Design of a forest road on the territory of TD "State Forestry Smilyan" Chief Asst. Prof. G. Angelov
52 Anton Nikolaev Nikolov 12398 2020 Bachelor Design of a forest road in Sofia State Forestry Chief Asst. Prof. G. Angelov
53 Eng. Pavel Nichev 961280 2020 Master Comparative studies of the short-distance transport of timber with different equipment atthe TD SFE "Sofia" Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
54 Eng. Dimitur Iliev Uzunov 961055 2020 Master Analysis of the efficiency of the short-distance transport of timber in the operating conditions of TD "SFE" Slaveyno "Slaveyno Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov
55 Eng. Anton Rumenov Dimov 961107 2020 Master Transport development of the forest territories at TD "SFE" Dupnitsa Assoc. Prof. S. Stoilov

Scientific Research Project: „Mechanized site preparation for establish of poplar plantations in forest lands of North-West State Forestry Enterprise Vratsa“
Contract No. 152 / 08.03.2017, University of Forestry, Scientific Research Sector
Project duration: 08.03.2017 ÷ 30.11.2018
Research Project Manager: Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Marinov
Members of the Research team: Prof. PhD Milko Milev, Assoc. Prof. PhD Kiril Stefanov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Krasimira Petkova, Eng. Velika Jordanova – PhD student, Eng. Ass. Prof. Dimitar Peev – PhD student, Eng. Ivan Ivanov – MSc student.

Scientific Research Project: „Study of techno-exploitation performance of forwarders“
Grant B-1007/2019. University of Forestry, Scientific Research Sector
Research Project Manager: Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Stoilov
Members of the Research team: M. Asenova, O. Lazova-Velinova, G. Angelov, D. Peev, V. Cholakov.

Scientific Research Project: „Research on the possibilities of gravitational transport of small size wood logs obtained by selection harvesting or clearcutting“
Contract No Б- 10008/27.03.2019.University of Forestry, Scientific Research Sector
Research Project Manager: Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Tihomir Petrov Krumov
Members of the Research team: Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. Konstantin Ivanov,Assist. Prof. Dimitar Petrov Peev, Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Georgi Georgiev Angelov, eng. Hristina Hristova Stefanova,
Edi Velinov Dervenilov, Ivaylo Petrov Denishev, Bogdan Kalinov Bogdanov.

Address: 10 “Kliment Ohridski” Blvd., Sofia – 1797, Bulgaria, Department of Technologies and Mechanization in Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, University of Forestry, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Head of Laboratory: Assoc. Prof. Eng. Dimitar Georgiev, PhD
Lab services
measurements, training, design, consulting, expertise, analysis, development of projects and programs
Lab equipment
measuring equipment, lab specialists, software
Key word about lab services
equipment, forestry, grades, expertise, consulting

Assoc. Prof. Eng. Dimitar Georgiev, PhD, Phone. 91907/216, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Eng. Dimitar Petrov Peev, Phone. 91907/ 207, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Address: 10 “Kliment Ohridski” Blvd., Sofia – 1797, Bulgaria, Department of Technologies and Mechanization in Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, University of Forestry, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Head of Laboratory: Assoc. Prof. Eng. Stanimir Stoilov, PhD
Lab services
measurements, training, design, consulting, expertise, analysis, development of projects and programs
Lab equipment
measuring equipment, lab specialists, software
Key word about lab services
equipment, forestry, agriculture, lab studies, grades, expertise, consulting

Assoc. Prof. Eng. Stanimir Stoilov, PhD, Phone. 91907/318, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Assoc. Prof. Eng. Kiril Stefanov, PhD, Phone. 91907/ 204, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Address: 10 “Kliment Ohridski” Blvd., Sofia – 1797, Bulgaria, Department of Technologies and Mechanization in Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, University of Forestry, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Head of Laboratory: Assoc. Prof. Eng. Konstantin Marinov, PhD
Lab services
measurements, training, design, consulting, expertise, analysis, development of projects and programs
Lab equipment
measuring equipment, lab specialists, software
Key word about lab services
equipment, forestry, plant protection, occupational safety and health, ergonomics, lab studies, grades, expertise, consulting

Assoc. Prof. Eng. Konstantin Marinov, PhD, Phone. 91907/201, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Assoc. Prof. Eng. Kiril Stefanov, PhD, Phone. 91907/ 204, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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