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Faculty of Forest Industry


Department of Woodworking Machines

Work collective:
Leader: Zhivko Gochev Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.
     Assistant Professor Eng. Petar Nikolov
     Eng. Bach. Daniel Kojnov – MS. student
     Eng. Bach. Georgi Kovachev– MS. student
The proposed project will be developed in the following directions: investigations on CNC machines from woodworking and furniture industries of Bulgaria, analysis of the production process, the work, it characteristics, tools, their possibilities and principles of work as well as the whole complex of problems which the bearing determine of the new technical resolution. The CAM systems of graphic programming for CNC machines will be investigating, theirs application, opportunities, a method of work, options, computability with different CAD products and requirements towards the hardware for some CAM systems as well.
The research works will be carried out in the production conditions of the firms “GYUL” Ltd. – Asenovgrad, “MOSKOM” Ltd. – Novi Han, University of Forestry – Sofia etc.
By this project that is proposed to be realized in the frameworks of 2 (two) years, will be consolidated and developed the experience on automatic operation with modern CNC machines for working of wood and wood materials with advanced information technologies, for increasing performance and accuracy of mechanical processing.
The results will be exploited as in the practice, so in the instructional process as well.
On the ground that will be developed curriculum for educational qualification degree “Master” for the students of the University of Forestry in direction “CNC MACHINES, TECHNOLOGIES AND TOOLS“
Key words: CNC machines, technologies, tools, education, CAD/CAM systems and modules

Address: Department “Woodworking Machines”, University of Forestry, Faculty of Forest Industry, 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria

Location: Building A, ground flour, Office 11.

Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. Eng. Pavlin Vitchev, PhD, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administrative Secretary: Petya Pusheva, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 Katedra DM


  • Prof. Zhivko Bonev Gochev, PhD
  • Prof. Georgi Yordanov Vukov, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Pavlin Bisserov Vitchev, PhD
  • Assoc, Prof. Valentin Atanasov Atanasov, PhD
  • Chief Assistant Prof. Petar Nikolkov Nikolov
  • Chief assistant Prof. Izabela Kirilova Radkova, PhD
  • Chief Assistant Prof. Georgi Konstantinov Kovachev, PhD
  • Assist. Prof. Engindzhan Ali Halim

Scientific expertise and laboratories:

  • Laboratory "Wood cutting and cutting tools";
  • Training and demonstration center for power tools;
  • Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering;
  • Laboratory "Woodworking Machines";
  • Laboratory "Industrial transport";
  • Laboratory "CNC machines, tools and technologies";
  • Laboratory "Automation and Automation";
  • Mechatronics Laboratory;
  • BLUM Training and Demonstration Center.

The Department of "Woodworking Machines" was found in 1953 and throughout the years has been named as follow: from 1953 to 1972 – “Machines and Tools”, from 1972 to 1994 – “Mechanization and Automation of Woodworking” (the curriculum included the discipline "Electronic Computing Equipment"). Due to the structural changes occurred in 1994 at the University of Forestry, two independent departments, namely: “Machine Science and Automation of Production” and "Electronic Computing Equipment" were separated sequentially and the old department was renamed to "Woodworking Machines".

The first head of the department:
• Assoc. Prof. Valko Gochev, PhD (1953 – 1966).

Consistently the heads of the department have been:
• Prof. Tacho Iliev, PhD (1966 – 1989);
• Prof. Georgi Filipov, DSc (1989 – 1990);
• Prof. Hristo Shehtov, DSc (1990 – 1993);
• Assoc. Prof. Petar Savov, PhD (1993 – 1999);
• Assoc. Prof. Stefan Velkov, PhD (1999 – 2002);
• Prof. Bozhidar Dinkov, PhD, (2002 – 2007);
• Assoc. Prof. Zhivko Gochev, PhD (2007 – 2016);
• Assoc. Prof. Vasil Vlasev (2016-2020);
• Assoc. Prof. Pavlin Vitchev (2021 – Present).

Academic and research staff of the Department during the years:
Assoc. Prof. Valko Gochev, PhD; Prof. Tacho Iliev, PhD; Prof. Georgi Filipov, DSc; Prof. Hristo Shehtov, DSc; Prof. Nencho Deliiski, DSc; Prof. Petko Grigorov, PhD; Prof. Bozhidar Dinkov, PhD; Prof. Petar Obreshkov, PhD; Prof. Slavcho Sokolovski, PhD; Prof. Zhivko Gochev, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Gencho Genchev, PhD; Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Barnekov, PhD; Assoc. Prof. Boris Asenov, PhD; Assoc. Prof. Stefan Velkov, PhD; Assoc. Prof. Peycho Marvakov, PhD; Assoc. Prof. Nikolina Ilkova, PhD; Assoc. Prof. Vasil Vlasev; Assoc. Prof. Pavlin Vitchev, PhD; Chief Asisst. Prof. Dancho Sabevski; Chief Asisst. Prof. Stoyan Kostov; Chief Asisst. Prof. Petar Nikolov; Chief Asisst. Prof. Valentin Atanasov; Chief Asisst. Prof. Izabela Radkova, PhD; Chief Asisst. Prof. Georgi Kovachev, PhD; Asisst. Prof. Lachezar Nikolov; S.R.F. Radka Dimitrova; S.R.F. Anton Cheshmedzhiev, PhD; S.R.F. Nikolay Yordanov; Eng. Darina Dacheva; Eng. Todor Zlatarov; Eng. Radko Stoyanov; Petar Stoyanov; Hrisanta Tsalova; Eng. Valentina Haralampieva; Eng. Gergana Koleva.


Work collective:

Leader: Zhivko Gochev Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.
     Assistant Professor Eng. Petar Nikolov
     Eng. Bach. Plamen Denev – MS. student
     Eng. Bach. Daniel Kojnov – MS. student
The proposed project was developed in the following directions: comparatively experimental investigations on working capacity of wide band saw blades with setting, swaging and satellite – tipped teeth by sawing of pine and poplar logs.
The research works were carried out in the production conditions of the firms “Fagus Ltd. – Pernik, GP “Chakarov&Davidkov” – Boboshevo and Yundola Training Centre belong to University of Forestry.
They give answer to the questions what teeth do we use in the band saw blades: spring setting, swage setting, stellite tipping teeth when sawing of poplar and white pine wood and what are their advantages and defects as well. The quantitative and qualitative аnalyzes according to cutting processes and   wear-resistance of teeth were made.
The results were processed in the laboratory “Cutting of wood and woodworking tools” of the University of Forestry – Sofia. They will be exploited as in the practice, so in the instructional process as well.
The technology modes and the directions on the efficient use will be developed based on the investigations of the wide band saw blades with spring setting, swage setting or stellite tipping, according to the concrete production conditions.
The received solutions can be used in the workshop for processing round wood of Yundola Training Centre as interested from everybody as well companies from the practice. Moreover the samples of different band saw blades wee made as well photo materials showed separate technological stages of the teeth preparation. These materials will be used for the student needs out of the Speciality “Woodworking and furniture production” in the University of Forestry.
Key words: band saw blade, spring setting, swage setting, stellite tipping teeth, efficiency

In the period 2004-2019, the Department of Woodworking Machines had over 130 graduation theses, including about 100 by bachelor’s degree students and more than 30 by master’s degree students.

The topics of these theses are in the following main areas:

  • Processes related to wood cutting;
  • Maintenance and testing of woodworking tools;
  • In-plant transport;
  • Pneumatic transport in woodworking and furniture companies;
  • Heating and ventilation;
  • CNC machine technologies and tools;
  • Woodworking machines;
  • Machines for furniture production;
  • Automation in the furniture and woodworking industry.

Contract - No-2006 IRL/06/B/F/NT-153170 (2006÷2008)

The aim of project is to create a transnational network for improving VET (vocational education traning) in the forestry-wood sector.
Project information
InnovaWoodEDU is an eighteen month Transnational Network project involving 14 organisations in 13 countries, with an estimated total budget of 400 thousands euro – of which the European Commission (Leonardo programme) will contribute approximately half the total project’s funding.
EDU partners
Innovawood (IE), Lesotechnicheski Universitet (BG), European Network for Forest Entrepreneurs(DE), Aidima (ES), Teak oy –Teuve Adult Education Center (FI), Center de Formation Professionelle Forestiers CFPF (FR), Waterford Intitute of Technology (IE), Lietuvos Misku Institut (LT), Latvian University of Agriculture (LV), Warsaw Agriculture University (PL), Instituto Superior de Agronomia ISA (PT), Institut National al Lemnului (RO), Slovenski Lesarski grozd (SI), Berner Fachhoshschule Hochschule fr Architekture bau und Holz HSB (CH).
Key Objectives
The identification of skills gaps in Vocational Education and Training in the sector.
The development of a web-based information source to facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practice in VET in the forestry-wood chain (FWC) sector.
The organization of a European Workshop highlighting examples of good practice in Education in Europe in the FWC sector in the area of quality assurance.
The development of an InnovaWood Virtual Training Centre (dissemination platform).
Project Results
Web based database that includes:
An information exchange mechanism for educators and students.
Discussion forum related to specific education agendas.
Sectoral-based technical dictionary of terms available in languages of the project partner countries.
InnovaWood Virtual Training Centre.
Report on best practice gaps in Education in the FWC sector in Europe, particularly in relation to gaps between East and West.

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