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Faculty of Forest Industry


Department of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

Bulgaria, Sofia - 1797, 10 "Kliment Ohridski" Blvd;

Administration – building “А”, office №302;

Head of Department :
Assoc. Prof. PhD Galin Iliev Milchev

Education Organizer:  – Mira Georgieva Kamenova  building “А”, office №302, tel.. 91907/383; 386


Assoc. Prof. Galin Iliev Milchev PhDAssoc. Prof. Nikolay Ivanov Minkovski PhD
Prof. Marina Petrova Mladenova PhD
Prof. Iliana Naumova Apostolova PhD
Prof. PhD Georgi Yordanov Vukov
Assoct. Prof. Yuri Mitkov Dimitrov PhD
Chief Assist. Prof. Martin Atanasov Stanev PhD
Chief Assist. Prof. Plamena Atanasova Marinova-Dragozova PhD
Chief Assist. Prof. Adelina Gencheva Ivanova PhD
Chief Assist. Prof. Melina Vanyova Neykova PhD

The teaching of Mathematics and Physics was introduced to the students of the program "Forestry" at the Faculty of Agronomy by the decision of the Academic Council of the Sofia University in 1925.
The training in the disciplines was assigned to Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University.
The first lecturer on mathematics was Acad. Ivan Tsenov and later the education was conducted by Prof. Arkadi Stoyanov and Corresponding Member, Prof Blagovest Dolapchiev.
Since 1945 the mathematics education in the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry at the Sofia University has been assigned to Prof. Blagovest Dolapchiev. During that time in the newly founded University of Plovdiv at the Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry the teaching of Mathematics has been assigned to Acad. Boyan Petkanchin.
The first Associate Professor of Matematics at the department was Nikola Ivanov Minkov in 1949.
The Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Forestry of the Higher Institute of Forestry (now University of Forestry) was established in 1952. The first Head of the department “Matematics” was N. Minkov. The department was later renamed to "Mathematics and Physics".

The heads of the department were:
Prof. Bozhidar Toshev – from 1958 to 1976
Assoc. Prof. Rayko Petrov – from 1976 to 1984
Prof. Kiril Chimev – from 1984 to 1987
Assoc. Prof. Stoyko Stoykov – from 1987 to 1995
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Batov – from 1995 to 1996
Assoc. Prof. Yordan Mishev – from 1996 to 1997
Assoc. Prof. Stoyko Stoykov – from 1997 to 1999
Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Georgieva – from 1999 to 2016
Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Minkovski – 2016

Lecturers who worked in the department:
Prof. Dimitar Minkov – from 1949 to 1958 – mathematics
Prof. Bozhidar Toshev – from 1958 to 1976 – theoretical mechanics
Prof. Kiril Chimev – from 1961 to 1995 – mathematics
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Mihov – from 1950 to 1987 – mathematics
Assoc. Prof. Rayko Petrov – from 1951 to 1987 – mathematics
Assoc. Prof. Tsvetan Bozhinov – from 1953 to 1982 – mechanics
Assoc. Prof. Lilyana Mateeva – from 1954 to 1976 – mathematics
Assoc. Prof. Encho Solakov – from 1960 to 1970 – mathematics
Assoc. Prof. Dragiya Kolev – from 1960 to 1992 – theoretical mechanics
Assoc. Prof. Issidor Mladenov – from 1962 to 1995 – physics
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Batov – from 1980 to 1996 – physics
Assoc. Prof. Stoyko Stoykov – from 1964 to 1997 – mathematics
Assoc. Prof. Yordan Mishev – from 1994 to 2000 – mathematics
Assoc. Prof. Radka Petrova – from 2000 to 2002 – mathematics
Assoc. Prof. Maria Mitreva – from 2003 to 2017 – mathematics
Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Georgieva – from 1973 to 2016 – physics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Stefan Stefanov – from 1984 to 1994 – theoretical mechanics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Mila Atanasova – from 1952 to 1973 – physics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov – from 1952 to 1962 – mathematics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Emilia Beleva – from 1960 to 1979 – physics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Asya Marinova – from 1984 to 1994 – mechanics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Ivan Gotchev – from 1989 to 1999 – mathematics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Lilyana Russeva – from 1975 to 1999 – mathematics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Yulia Andreeva – from 1974 to 2000 – mathematics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Gergina Dimitrova – from 1971 to 2014 – mathematics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Hristo Mintchev – from 1985 to 2004 – mathematics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Vesko Spassov – from 1976 to 2015 – mathematics
Chief. Assist. Prof. Branimir Kiradzhiev – from 2000 to 2016 - mathematics

This site is under construction!

  • Investigation of the torsional vibrations in the mechanical gears of wind turbines (Assoc. Prof. G. Vukov, 2009-2011, LTU)
  • Quantum Effects in Spin Systems with Strong Competing Interactions. (Assoc. Prof. I. Apostolova, NSF)
  • Theoretical and numerical modeling of the transformation of magnetic energy into heat by magnetic nanoparticles suitable for “in vivo in vitro” application in the treatment of tumors by magnetic hyperthermia. (with UACEG, Assoc. Prof. I. Apostolova)
  • Cross Polarized Wave Generation as an Efficient Method for Improvement of Quality of Femtosecond Laser Pulses (NSF, Rila Program, France-Bulgaria, Project Leader – Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • Second Order cascaded nonlinear optical processes for all optical photonic devices (NSF, Bi-lateral India-Bulgaria, Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • “Extreme Light Infrastructure – Preparatory phase (ELI-PP) EU project (Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • Laser system for amplification of femtosecond pulses NSF Infrastructure project (Leader – Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • Nonlinear Optical Activity Result of Cascaded Second and Third – order Processes (5-th Framework programs LIMANS III, with Laboraoire d'Optic Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique, France, Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • Nonlinear Cubic Effects in Tetragonal Crystals with Nonzero yxxx (xyyy) chi(3) components (5-th Framework programs LIMANS III, with Laboraoire d'Optic Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique, France, Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • Nonlinear Optical Activity Result of Cascaded Second and Third – order Processes (5-th Framework programs LIMANS III, with Laboraoire d'Optic Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique, France, Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • Nonlinear Cubic Effects in Tetragonal Crystals with Nonzero yxxx (xyyy) chi(3) Component (EU, 6-th Framework programs Laserlab Europe, with Laboraoire d'Optic Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique, France, Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • Efficient multicrystal scheme for femtosecond cleaner based on cross polarized wave generation (EU, 6-th Framework programs Laserlab Europe, with Laboraoire d'Optic Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique, France, Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • 30% increase of cross polarized wave generation efficiency in cubic crystals by optimization of the crystal orientation (EU, 6-th Framework programs Laserlab Europe, with Laboraoire d'Optic Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique, France, Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • Nonlinear optical generation of high contrast cross polarized femtosecond pulses in mixed crystals (EU, 7-th Framework programs Laserlab Europe, with Laboraoire d'Optic Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique, France, Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • Nonlinear optical transformation of the polarization state of circularly polarized light with holographic-cut cubic crystals (EU, 7-th Framework programs Laserlab Europe, with Laboraoire d'Optic Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique, France, Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • Investigation of the polarization properties of supercontinuum generation in cubic nonlinear crystals (EU, 7-th Framework programs Laserlab Europe, with Laboraoire d'Optic Appliquée, Ecole Polytechnique, France, Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)
  • Linear and nonlinear femtosecond photonics (NSF, Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski)

Specialized laboratory for dynamics, strength of materials and reliability of machines and equipment in furniture and woodworking industry
Room 412, University of Forestry - Sofia
Manager: Assoc. Prof. Georgi Vukov PhD
The laboratory has stands and systems for research in the areas
- Dynamics of machines,
- Strength of materials
- Reliability and quality of machinery and equipment in furniture and woodworking industry

Laboratory of Physical Measurements and Optical Properties of Materials
Room 303a, University of Forestry - Sofia
Manager: Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Minkovsky PhD
The laboratory has precision instruments for measuring of mass, density, viscosity of liquids, electrical properties – conductivity, capacity, inductance. Also instruments for various optical measurements - spectrometer in the visible and near ultraviolet range, monochromator from ultraviolet to near infrared, refractometer for measuring of refractive index of liquids and crystals, polarimeter for optical activity measuring.

Scientific Researches in the Department of Mathematics and Physics:

  • Mathematical real and complex analysis;
  • Probability theory;
  • Mathematical statistics;
  • Differential equations; Numerical Methods for Differential equations;
  • Mathematics education;
  • Algebra - number theory;
  • Mass service and teletraffic theory;
  • Nonlinear optics and laser technology;
  • Application of physical methods in ecology;
  • Magnetic methods in condensed matter physics;
  • Magnetic properties of crystalline and amorphous materials;
  • Hydrogen absorption and magnetic properties of rare earth metals and alloys hydrides;
  • Theoretical study of multielectric properties of nanoparticles;
  • Static and dynamic properties of ferromagnetic nanoparticles;
  • Plasma physics, cold plasma and applications;
  • Theoretical and applied mechanics.

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