Аddress: Bulgaria, 1797 Sofia, 10 „Kliment Ohridski“ Blvd., University of Forestry, Ecology & Landscape Architecture Faculty
Location: Administrative building „А“, floor 4
Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. PhD Svetlana Viktorovna Anisimova
Administration assistant of the training: Eng. Zlatina Ivanova Todorova – building „А“, floor 4, room 406, tel. 91907/396
Department History
During the 70 years of its existence the Landscape Architecture Department has followed the development of the specialty "Landscape Architecture", which is a successor of the subject "Green Urban Construction", established in 1951 and named later in "Settlement Landscaping" (1953), "Garden and Park Construction" (1954) and "Landscaping" (1963). In 1994 the specialty adopted the internationally acknowledged name "Landscape Architecture". At the beginning the department was lead by a member of the VLTI leadership or one of the heads of forestry Departments. Assoc. prof. Lyuben Stoychev was the first elected Head of the Department "Green Urban Construction" in 1956. In 2001, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the specialty "Landscape Architecture", the Department was awarded the Honorary badge of the University of Forestry (Certificate No. 96 / May 17, 2001). In 2005, the Department was divided into two separate Departments: the Department of Park&Landscape Design and the Department of Park&Landscape Construction. In 2019 the two departments were reunited under the name "Landscape Architecture" with assoc. prof. Plamen Alexandrov, PhD as a Head Department.
Department's staff:
- Prof. landsc.arch. Emil Galev, PhD
- Assoc. prof. landsc.arch. Zlatka Kabatliyska, PhD
- Assoc. prof. landsc.arch. Svetlana Anisimova, PhD
- Assoc. prof. landsc.arch. Diana Malinova, PhD
- Assoc. prof. landsc.arch. Veselin Rangelov, PhD
- Assoc. prof. landsc.arch. Veselin Shahanov, PhD
- Chief as. landsc.arch. Maria Gurkova, PhD
- Chief as. landsc.arch. Mariela Marinova, PhD
- Chief as. landsc.arch. Desislava Dancheva, PhD
- Chief as. landsc.arch. Vladimir Tomov, PhD
- Chief as., Maria Stoycheva, PhD
- Chief as., Konstantin Markov, PhD
- Chief as., arch. Todor Yankov Mihaylov, PhD
- Chief as. Prof. Milen Dinkov Sariev, PhD
- Assist. Prof. Galina Ivancheva Yancheva, PhD
Eng. Zlatina Ivanova Todorova – Administration assistant
Educational process
The Landscape Architecture Department includes subjects teaching future professionals to acquire biological, architectural, engineering and urban planning knowledge. During the course students receive complex fundamental and practical training, as a result of which they acquire knowledge and skills for designing, constructing and maintaining objects in the green settlement system and for landscaping not urban territories. Students are trained in a curriculum that complies with the requirements of IFLA Europe (International Federation of Landscape Architects) for training in landscape architecture. As a result, they acquire design and practical skills to construct sites that are spatially, functionally, environmentally and aesthetically incorporated in the surrounding landscape.
Research fields
The department deals with the following scientific fields: plants ecology and morphology, tree species introduction, polymorphism of tree and shrub species, reproduction of tree and shrub species in vivo and in vitro, green areas soil substrates, soils water regime and its optimization in the park territories, quarry sites recultivation, landscape-ecological territory planning, typology & protection of landscapes, vegetation use in landscape organization, technologies, construction and maintenance of sports lawns & roof gardens, construction of decorative pavements, floriculture (general and applied), propagation and introduction of ornamental plants (flowers), flower production, long-term storage of flowers seeds, flower compositions inside & outside of the buildings.
The academic staff of the department is dedicated to the idea to provide sites with comfortable conditions of work, living and recreation in the contemporary landscape. The department is constantly developing according to normative documents related to the construction and maintenance of the green systems in the Republic of Bulgaria. Projects under the European programs for the 2014/2020 period are being implemented. The quality of training and practical training of students is improving. The international exchange of students and academic staff with partners from the European Union has increased.