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Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture


Department Plant Pathology and Chemistry

Address: Bulgaria, 1797 Sofia, Kliment Ohridski Blvd. 10, University of Forestry, Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture

Location: building A
Administrator – room 323, 3rd floor.
Lecturers – 2 and 3 floors
Laboratories – entomology (322), phytopathology (323), dendrochronology (320), chemistry (202, 313)

Head of department: Prof. PhD Danail Dimitrov Doychev

Department “Plant Pathology and Chemistry” was established in 2005 after the unification of Departments “Pathology and Plant Protection” and “Chemistry and Biochemistry”.

The Department “Pathology and Plant Protection” was established in 1947 under the name “Forest protection”. The first head of the Department was Prof. Dimitar Stefanov, who made significant contribution to the development of the university as Vice Chancellor (1953–1957) and later as Chancellor (1957–1958) of Higher Institute of Forestry. Head of the Department after 1962 was Prof. Bonko Zashev. In 1965, the Department joined with Department “Wildlife Management” and it was renamed “Forest Protection and Wildlife Management”. Prof. Nikola Botev was head of the Department after 1974. For different periods of time head of the Department were Assoc. Prof. Anelia Pencheva and Prof. Alexander Tashev as well. During these years, Prof. Georgi Ganchev and Assoc. Prof. Ivanka Daskalova also gave significant contribution to the development of forest protection and ornamental plants protection as long term lecturers. In 1995, both Departments were divided and head of the newly established Department “Plant protection” was Assoc. Prof. Dinko Ovcharov, and after the end of 1995 – Assoc. Prof. Stefan Mirtchev. Due to the association of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture and Faculty of Agronomy the lecturers Prof. Yordanka Stancheva Assoc. Prof. Georgi Trenchev, Assoc. Prof. Maria Todorova–Panayotova and Assoc. Prof. Rumen Tomov joined the Department during 1999–2003. At the end of 2003 the Faculty of Agronomy was separated again and the Department was divided into: Department of “Pathology and Plant Protection” as part of Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture and Department “Plant Protection” as part of Faculty of Agronomy.

Department of “Chemistry and Biochemistry”, originally named “Chemistry”, was established in 1953 by Prof. Buko Ronkov, who was its head until 1974. During the period 1965–1974 the Department existed under the name “Chemistry and Physics”. From 1974 to 1994 the Department of “Environmental Protection” was also part of this Department, which was subsequently divided again (1994). The newly formed Department was called “Chemistry and Biochemistry” and governed by Assoc. Prof. Viktoria Lachkova until 2000. Lots of associates contributed with their work to the progress of the Department: Assoc. Prof. Anka Parusheva, Assoc. Prof. Lilia Staeva-Bozhova, Prof. Nadka Ignatova, Assoc. Prof. Kristina Hadzhiivanova, Assoc. Prof. Lyudmil Antonov, Assist. Prof. Petar Velev, Assist. Prof. Anzhelina Georgieva.

The Department of “Plant Pathology and Chemistry” exists as structure, known up to nowadays, since 2005, when the union of the Department of “Pathology and Plant Protection” and “Chemistry and Biochemistry” took place. The first head of the newly established unit was Assoc. Prof. Stefan Mirtchev, followed by Prof. Ivan Genov (2012–2016). During this period part-time lecturers were Prof. Ivan Glavchev, Assoc. Prof. Viktoria Lachkova, Chief Assist. Prof. Petia Parvanova and Chief Assist. Prof. Vishnya Stoyanova.

Academic staff of the Department:

  • Prof. Sonya Hristova Bencheva, PhD
  • Prof. Danail Dimitrov Doychev, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Sonya Borissova Damyanova, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Borisova Ivanova, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Metodi Hristov Petrichev, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Georgiev Zafirov, PhD
  • Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Spasimirova Valyova-Seydeva, PhD
  • Chief Asisst. Prof. Antonia Georgieva Todorova, PhD
  • Chief Asisst. Prof. Stoyka Kostadinova Ruseva, PhD

Office Manager: Mariana Lybenova Krasteva-Bachvarova – building A, room 323, 3rd floor, tel. 91907/455

Courses and lecturers:

Forest protection:

  • Forest entomology (Bachelor degree Forestry). Lecturer: Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Prof. Danail Doychev and Asisst. Prof. Stoyka Ruseva
  • Forest phytopathology (Bachelor degree Forestry). Lecturer: Prof. Sonya Bencheva, Laboratory classes: Chief Asisst. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov
  • Forest protection (Master degree Forestry). Lecturers: Prof. Sonya Bencheva and Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Prof. Danail Doychev and Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov
  • Plant protection in greenhouses (Master degree Landscape Architecture). Lecturer: Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Asisst. Prof. Stoyka Ruseva
  • Ornamental plant protection (Master degree Landscape Architecture). Lecturer: Prof. Sonya Bencheva and Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Asisst. Prof. Stoyka Ruseva
  • Methods in environmental research (Master degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer and laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov
  • Integrated methods of plant protection (Master degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturers: Prof. Sonya Bencheva and Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Prof. Danail Doychev and Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov
  • Forest protection (Master degree Business management). Lecturers: Prof. Sonya Bencheva and Prof. Danail Doychev, Laboratory classes: Prof. Sonya Bencheva and Prof. Danail Doychev
  • Introduction of plant protection (Bachelor degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturers: Prof. Danail Doychev and Chief Asisst. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov, Laboratory classes: Chief Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Zafirov and Asisst. Prof. Stoyka Ruseva
  • Sustainable land use (Master degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer and laboratory classes: Prof. Sonya Bencheva


  • Analytical chemistry (Bachelor degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova, Laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova
  • Biochemistry (Bachelor degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova, Laboratory classes: Chief Asisst. Prof Antoniya Todorova
  • Biochemistry (Master degree Veterinary Medicine). Laboratory classes and part of the lectures: Assoc. Prof. Metodi Petrichev.
  • Water supply in populated areas (Master degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova, Laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova
  • Water pollution and effects on ecosystems (Bachelor degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova, Laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova
  • Medical chemistry (Master degree Veterinary medicine). Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova, Laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova
  • Inorganic and organic chemistry (Bachelor degree Ecology and Environmental Protection). Lecturer: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva, Laboratory classes: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva
  • Chemistry (Bachelor degree Forest management). Lecturers: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva and Chief Asisst. Prof Antoniya Todorova, Laboratory classes: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva and Chief Asisst. Prof Antoniya Todorova
  • Chemistry (Bachelor degree Agronomy and Plant Protection). Lecturers: Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova and Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova, Laboratory classes: Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova, Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova and Chief Asisst. Prof Antoniya Todorova
  • Chemistry of polymer materials (Bachelor degree Wood Technology). Lecturer: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva, Laboratory classes: Chief Assist. Prof. Miglena Valyova-Seydeva

Scientific directions of the lecturers in the department:
Forest protection:

  • Forest Melioration, Forest Protection and Special Forest Uses (Forest Phytopathology)
  • Forest Melioration, Forest Protection and Special Forest Uses (Forest Entomology)
  • Forest Melioration, Forest Protection and Special Forest Uses (Ornamental Plant Protection)


  • Ecology and Environmental Protection
  • Organic chemistry
  • Chemical technology

Bachelor/master theses at the Department of Plant Pathology and Chemistry (2020-2021)


Bachelor/master thesis

Graduate student Specialty Supervisor Reviewer
170 2020

Analysis of the forest pathological problems in the forests on the territory of Osogovo State Hunting Enterprise

Georgi Stoichkov

F. № 961172



Assoc. Prof. D. Doychev Chief Ass. N. Zafirov
171 2020

Analysis of the health condition of Pinus sylvestris L. plantations on the territory of Karlovo State Forestry

Lilia Neykova

F. № 961058



Assoc. Prof. D. Doychev Prof. S. Bencheva
172 2020

A study of the bark beetles (Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in the coniferous forests of Pirin National Park

Miroslav Shumarov

F. № 961177



Assoc. Prof. D. Doychev Prof. S. Bencheva
173 2020

Forest pathological analysis of the condition of beech stands after damage by abiotic factors in Svoge State Forestry

Izabel Videnova

F. № 91465



Prof. S. Bencheva Chief Ass. N. Zafirov
174 2020

Analysis of the health status of Pinus sylvestris L. plantations in the area of Strumyani State Forestry

Simeon Rizov

F. № 961278



Assoc. Prof. D. Doychev Prof. S. Bencheva
175 2020

Forest pathological analysis of the condition of Picea abies (L.) Karst.forests in the area of Shiroka Laka State Forestry

Georgi Bozov

F. № 96932



Assoc. Prof. D. Doychev Prof. S. Bencheva
176 2020

Phytosanitary condition of the lowland riparian forests on the territory of Trakia State Hunting Enterprise

Petar Zyapkov

F. № 96750



Prof. S. Bencheva Assoc. Prof. D. Doychev
177 2020

Analysis of the phytosanitary problems on the territory of Elin Pelin State Forestry for the period 2015-2019

Nadya Antonova

F. № 96847



Prof. S. Bencheva Chief Ass. N. Zafirov
178 2020

Phytosanitary condition of Scoth and Austrian Pine plantations on the territory of Breznik State Forestry

Snezhana Ivanova

F. № 961283



Prof. S. Bencheva Chief Ass. N. Zafirov
179 2020

Phytopathological analysis of the oak coppice forests in the area of Burgas State Forestry

Georgi Nikolov

F. № 961174



Chief Ass. N. Zafirov Prof. S. Bencheva
180 2020

Dynamics of the health condition of the forests in the area of Pirdop State Forestry

Daniil Dinev

F. № 91432



Chief Ass. N. Zafirov Prof. S. Bencheva
181 2021

Comparative analysis of the health status of Pinus sylvestris L. and Picea abies (L.) Karst.) plantations in the area of Pirdop State Forestry

Atanas Atanasov

F. № 961380



Assoc. Prof. D. Doychev Prof. S. Bencheva
182 2021

Assessment of the condition of forest plantations of Pinus sylvestris L. on the territory of Vitosha Nature Park

Nikolay Mikov

F. № 61738



Assoc. Prof. D. Doychev Prof. S. Bencheva
183 2021

Analysis of the health status of plantations of Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus nigra Arn. on the territory of Ihtiman State Forestry

Georgi Simidchiev

F. № 96993



Assoc. Prof. D. Doychev Chief Ass. N. Zafirov
184 2021

Forest pathological analysis of drying caused by Sphaeropsis sapinea (Fr.) Dyko et Sutton on coniferous plantations in Kirkovo State Forestry

Desislava Rusinova

F. № 96956



Prof. S. Bencheva Assoc. Prof. D. Doychev
185 2021

Distribution and control measures for Sphaeropsis sapinea (Fr.) Dyko et Sutton on the territory of Topolovgrad State Hunting Enterprise

Alexander Stoychev

F. № 961511



Prof. S. Bencheva Chief Ass. N. Zafirov
186 2021

Phytosanitary condition of coniferous plantations on the territory of Tundzha and Elhovo State Forestries

Stanislav Dikov

F. № 91477



Chief Ass. N. Zafirov Prof. S. Bencheva


Management and review of diploma theses at the Department of Plant Pathology and Chemistry for the period 2003-2021

Academic staff member Supervisor Reviewer
Bachelor Master Bachelor Master
Professor Sonya Bencheva 23 51 9 56
Associated Professor Sonya Damyanova 2
Associated Professor Danail Doychev 10 22 19 35
Chief Assistant Nikolay Zafirov 2 23 6 32
Professor Anelia Pencheva 1 1 2
Associated Professor Stefan Mirchev 11 43 2 3
Associated Professor Dinko Ovcharov 7 14 5 7

 International research projects

  • Project under COST – FP1106 STReESS “Studying Tree Responses to extreme Events: a SynthesiS”. Participation of Dr. Nikolay Zafirov and Dr. St. Mirtchev, 2013-2016. (Project leader: Dr. Ute Sass-Klaassen)
  • Project under COST – – FP0801 „Established and Emerging Phytophthora: Increasing Threats to Woodland and Forest Ecosystems in Europe”. Participation of Dr. St. Mirtchev, 2010-2013.
  • Mapping and identification of the conservation status of the natural habitats and species
  • Alien terrestrial arthropods and their impact on biodiversity in Bulgaria
  • Biodiversity and biology of entomopathogens of economical important forest pest insects in Bulgaria
  • Further development and implementation of an EU-level monitoring system (FUTMON) – “LIFE 07 ENV/DE/000218” (2009-2010)
  • Selection of plots and monitoring attributes for future intensive monitoring (FUTMON) – “LIFE 07 ENV/DE/000218” (2009-2010).
  • „Life+ Project Env Europe“ (Environmental quality and pressures assessment across Europe), 2010 – 2013. Project leader: Svetla Bratoeva – IBES-BAS, Members: N. Ignatova, R. Fikova, S. Damyanova, etc
  • International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests.

National research projects

  • Stocks and a role of the dead biomass in the forest ecosystems of Fagus Silvatica L. in West Balcan Range, 2016-2017. Project leader: D. Doychev, Members: S. Bencheva, S. Damyanova, V. Dimitrova, N. Kodjabashev, students: S. Dipchikova, I. Stamenova, K. Koceva.
  • Improvement of the Information system to the National System for Biodiversity Monitoring (IBBIS), task „Creation of module for collection of data and risk assessment of invasive alien species in Bulgaria, Participation of Nikolay Zafirov, 2015–2016.
  • ESENIAS – A tool to support the management of alien species in Bulgaria (ESENIAS-TOOLS) under East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species (ESENIAS), Participation of Nikolay Zafirov, 2015–2016.
  • 2(3H)-Benzoxa(thia)zolone derivatives – synthesis and biological activity - 12/19.01.2016, Project leader: prof. Genov, assist. prof. Ivanova, assist. prof. Valyova, associate prof. Genova, prof. Petrov, assist. prof. Gerova, associate prof. Stoyanov, prof. Tashev, assist. prof. Yordanova.
  • Training to enhance the knowledge, skills and competence of management and expert personal of the Food Safety Agency in order to ensure the effective functioning system of phytosanitary control, Participation of S. Bencheva, D. Doychev and N. Zafirov, 2014.
  • Atmospheric СО2 impact on vitality and bioproductivity of Fagus Silvatica L. in a process of diferentiotion, 2010 till now. Project leader: T. Tomchev, Members: S. Damyanova, V. Dimitrova, S. Anev.
  • Assessment of the Environmental components in park Central Balkan, 2014-2015. Project leader: M. Doncheva, Members: L. Malinova, S. Damyanova, L. Kenderov, E. Tcverkova
  • Atmospheric deposition impact on bioproductivity of spruce stands, 2013-2014. Project leader: N. Ignatova, Members: N. Tzvetkova, Y. Poryazov, S. Damyanova, V. Dimitrova, T. Tomchev, S. Anev.
  • Synthesis and isolation of biologically active compounds to evaluate cytotoxic and antioxidant activity – 13/14.03.2012, Project leader: prof. Genov, assist. prof. Ivanova, assist. prof. Valyova, associate prof. Genova, prof. Petrov, assist. prof. Gerova, assist. prof. Stoyanov, prof. Tashev, associate prof. Lachkova, associate prof. Ganeva, student Ivanova.
  • Bio productivity on beech forest. (2012)
  • Aphids (Hemiptera:Aphididae) in Greenhouses for ornamental plants and main pests on plants used in interior vertical gardens. ( 2009-2011).
  • Enhancing research potential by strengthening a local network of laboratories for studying wetland ecosystems functioning, restoration and management (WETLANET) funded by FP7 EC, CSA – SA, REGPOT-2008-2010. Project leader: Svetla Bratoeva – IBES-BAS, Members: N. Ignatova, R. Fikova, S. Damyanova, etc.
  • Impact of anthropogenic and biotic factors on pyitosanitary state and bioproductivity of beech forests, 2008-2010. Project leader: I. Mihov, Members: N. Ignatova, N. Tzvetkova, S. Mirchev, Ch. Hadjiivanova, A. Pencheva, S. Bencheva, M. Dimitrov, S. Damyanova, V. Dimitrova, T. Tomchev, S. Anev.
  • Studies of seed carried pathogens of g. Fusarium and g. Drechslera on some agricultural and forest species”. 2008-2010.
  • Species composition, economical importance and possibilities for control of the Bark beetles (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) in Scots pine plantations in the region of "Strumyani" State Forestry (2005-2009)



Education: Practical training of the students in the program "Landscape Architecture" in the courses “Ornamental plant protection” and “Plant protection in greenhouses”. Education of PhD students in the scientific specialty "Forest melioration, forest protection and special forest uses". Laboratory work of graduates in the courses “Forest entomology” and “Forest protection” in the program of Forestry.
Research: Investigations of the insect pests and their damages.
Diagnostic: Rearing insects from various plant parts. Identification of both of adult insects and their preimaginal stages using light microscopes and stereoscopes.

10 Kliment Ohridsky Blvd., Sofia 1797, Bulgaria
Department of the Plant Pathology and Chemistry, building A, room 322
Assoc. Prof. Danail Doychev, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Asisst. Prof. PhD Stoyka Ruseva, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Educational: Practical education of students in the fields of Forestry and Ecology and environmental protection. Education and scientific research of graduates and PhD students in the scientific specialty “Forest land improvement, forest protection and special uses in forests”.

Scientific: Conducting research and analysis on scientific and applied projects.

Diagnostic: Laboratory analyzes of plant material with disease symptoms for determination of the disease causes; consultations and conducting expertise.



10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia

Department Plant Pathology and Chemistry, building А, office 519


Prof. S. Bencheva, PhD, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assist. Prof. N. Zafirov, PhD, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Education: Practical training of the students in the program "Landscape Architecture" in the courses “Ornamental plant protection” and “Plant protection in greenhouses”. Education of PhD students in the scientific specialty "Forest melioration, forest protection and special forest uses". Laboratory work of graduates in the courses “Forest entomology” and “Forest protection” in the program of Forestry.

Research: Investigations of the insect pests and their damages.

Diagnostic: Rearing insects from various plant parts. Identification of both of adult insects and their preimaginal stages using light microscopes and stereoscopes.



10 Kliment Ohridsky Blvd., Sofia 1797, Bulgaria

Department of the Plant Pathology and Chemistry, building A, room 322


Prof. Anelia Pencheva, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assoc. Prof. Danail Doychev, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Educational: The laboratory provides practical education for students in the fields of Forestry and Ecology and Environmental Protection. It conducts scientific studies of graduates and PhD students in the scientific specialty "Forest land improvement, forest protection and special uses in forests". The learning process is ensured by studying modern dendrochronological methods for measuring, processing, analyzing and visualizing the results.

Scientific: The Laboratory of Dendrochronology conducts research and analyses on scientific projects. Modern research methods are being adopted and applied, and new approaches, if necessary, are being developed to solve specific problems in the field of dendrochronology.

Applied: The laboratory carries out expertise and other scientific and applied activities depending on the needs of the department and the university.

Facilities: The laboratory premises (office 320) is equipped with the following equipment and instruments:

  • Tools for field work: increment borers for collection of wood samples; saws; altimeter; binoculars; camera; magnifiers; compasses; long length roulettes; forest sprays; biodegradable tapes and more;
  • Tools for laboratory work: stereo and light microscopes; digital microscope; grinding machines with the necessary disks, tapes and other consumables; scanners for dendrochronological work (A3, 1600-1800 dpi); measuring table for tree rings with stereoscope and specialized software; rotary microtome; laboratory treatment tables and storage cabinets for dendrochronological probes.
  • Equipment for statistical analysis and computer processing: desktop and laptop computers; software for dendrochronological analysis (Cybis CooRecorder, CDendro, DendroStat, R, GTREND, RFA, DinoCapture, etc.); server with virtualization software, databases, web application platform; laser printer.



10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia

Department Plant Pathology and Chemistry, building А, office 320


Assist. Prof. N. Zafirov, PhD, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Education – Experimental chemical work on subjects: Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Medical chemistry (in Bulgarian and in English language), Biochemistry (in Bulgarian and in English language), Polymer Chemistry, Water Pollution and impact on Ecosystems, Water supply in urban areas.

Research – Deposition Chemistry, Assessment of Surface Water Quality, Preparation of Plant samples for Analysis, Organic Synthesis.



10 Kliment Ohridsky Blvd., Sofia 1797, Bulgaria, University of Forestry

Department of Plant Pathology and Chemistry, Building A, labs: 202, 313


Assoc. Prof. Sonya Damyanova, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Ivanova, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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