Project |
Financing organization |
Duration |
Participants |
Research of regional and local socio-economic inequalities of Bulgaria (ReLoSEIn) (КП-06-М25/2/13.12.2018) |
National Science Fund |
December 2018–December 2020 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Classical line in modern economic theory |
University of National and World Economy, Economic Research Institute at Bulgarian Academy of Scinece |
November 2017–November 2020 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova |
Support for the development of scientific capacity at the University of Forestry (BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034) |
Science and Education for Smart Growth 2014–2020 Operational Program |
November 2017–December 2018 |
Prof. PhD I. Paligorov |
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Nash equilibrium for cyclically open positive games (80-10-84/20.04.2017) |
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” |
2017 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev |
Support for the development of young people at the University of Forestry (BG051PO001-3.3.06-0056) |
Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program |
July 2013–July 2015 |
Prof. PhD I. Paligorov |
Prof. PhD N. Stoenchev |
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Mihova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Updating the curriculums for the cpecialities of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture (BG051PO001-3.1.07-0074) |
Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program |
June 2013–June 2015 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Mihova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Updating the curriculums for the cpecialities of the Faculty of Business Management at the University of Forestry in accordance with the requirements of the labour market – EDUCOMP (BG051PO001-3.1.07-0041) |
Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program |
May 2013–April 2015 |
Prof. PhD I. Paligorov |
Prof. PhD N. Stoenchev |
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Mihova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD N. Delcheva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev |
Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Establishment of a unified system for the academic staff qualification and career development at the University of Forestry – Sofia (BG051PO001-3.1.09-0019) |
Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program |
April 2013–October 2014 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Training of PhD students, Innovators, Visionaries, Target Analysts and Implementers – Investment with European Dimension (BG051PO001-3.3.06-0032) |
Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program |
March 2013–March 2015 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev |
Improvement of management systems at the University of Forestry (BG051PO001-3.1.08-0033) |
Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program |
February 2013–October 2014 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev |
Development of a centre for electronic forms of distance learning at the University of Forestry (BG051PO001-4.3.04-0052) |
Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program |
October 2012–December 2014 |
Prof. PhD I. Paligorov |
Prof. PhD N. Stoenchev |
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Mihova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD N. Delcheva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev |
Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
INTEGRAL (Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes) (ENV.2011.2.1.6-1) |
EU FP7–Environment |
May 2012–October 2015 |
Prof. PhD I. Paligorov |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Student Practices (BG051PO001-3.3.07-0002) |
Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program |
January 2012–December 2015 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova |
Development of bio-resources extension service (BIOREX) at the University of Forestry |
America for Bulgaria Foundation |
2012–2013 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Mihova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Investigation of opportunities for optimization of economic relations between the logger operators |
University of Forestry |
May 2011–December 2011 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD N. Stoenchev |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Territorial distribution of production factors as a mechanism for enhancing the competitiveness of forestry (№ 78/17. 03. 2011) |
University of Forestry |
March 2011–December 2011 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev |
Research on business environment in Bulgaria (on the basis of expectations and assessments of Bulgarian companies) |
University of National and World Economy |
March 2009–December 2009 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev |
Study of methods and technologies for increasing the competitiveness of furniture manufacturing companies |
University of Forestry |
May – December 2009 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Alien terrestrial arthropods and their impact on biodiversity in Bulgaria (ATARTIB) |
National Science Fund |
January 2009–July 2010 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Methodology for assessing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies in the furniture industry in Bulgaria |
University of Forestry |
May–December 2008 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Development of applied methodology for design of marketing strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises in the furniture industry |
University of Forestry |
May 2006–December 2007 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Development of a logistic model for research and optimization of the stocks of equipment spare parts in the Forestry Training Center of the University of Forestry (№48/02.06.2003) |
University of Forestry |
May 2003–October 2003 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Wood market research in Bulgaria |
Bulgarian-Swiss Cooperation Programme |
2000–2001 |
Prof. PhD I. Paligorov |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva |
Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Mihova |
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov |
Supermolecular structure and physicomechanical properties of filled and elastified composites based on PP and PA (МУ-Х-01/1996) |
Science Researches National Fund |
1997–1999 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Investigation of the supramolecular structure and properties of mixtures of amorphous natural polymers with synthetic polymers or polyesters (№696/Х-430) |
Science Researches National Fund |
1995–1998 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Investigation of the effect of scale factor on the strength-deformation properties and aging of crystalline and amorphous polymers (№625/ТН 215) |
Science Researches National Fund |
1993–1996 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |
Phytoplastics – process study (№565/Х-84) |
Science Researches National Fund |
1992–1995 |
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva |