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Faculty of Business Management


Department Economics and Management of Natural Resources

Address: Bulgaria, 1797 Sofia, 10 “Kliment Ohridsky” blvd., University of Forestry, Faculty of Business Management.

Location: building “A”, floor IV, room 411

Head of the department: Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Ilieva Dragozova

The Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources is a unit within the Faculty of Business Management, which provides education and which is engaged in research activity in the field of economics, administration and management of various spheres and activities related to natural management and natural sciences. The members of the department are recognized researchers and lecturers in the scientific specialties “Economics and Management” and “Organization and Management of Production”.

The department is an established scientific unit that manage education in the doctoral program “Economics and Management” (forestry and forest industry). Over the years, dozens of PhD students have been trained and graduated in the fields of: economics and management of forestry, forest industry, management of natural resources, landscape architecture; human resource Management; logistics, consulting and financing.

Academic staff of the department:

  • Prof. PhD Ivan Petrov Paligorov
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Draganova Kovacheva
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Ilieva Dragozova
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Petrova Georgieva
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Nikolov Kolev
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Hristov Ivanov

Guest and honorary lecturers:

  • Prof. PhD Nikolay Stoyanov Stoenchev
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Ivanova Mihova
  • PhD Milena Simeonova Licheva
  • PhD Paula Veselinova Malkovska

Office Assistant:  - building “A”, floor IV, room 411, tel. +359 91907/295

Quality manager: Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Ilieva Dragozova

History: The department originates from the Department of Economics, Organization and Planning, which was established in 1950. With the establishment of the Faculty of Business Management at University of Forestry in 1995, the Department of Economics, Organization and Social Sciences from the Faculty of Forestry is transformed into three departments at the Faculty of Business Management: the Department of Economics and Management, the Department of Organization and Planning and the Department of Humanities.

The first head of the Department of Economics, Organization and Planning from 1950 to 1964 was Assoc. Prof. Yuli Mihailov. After that the heads of the department were Prof. PhD Hristo Sirakov - 1965 - 1987; Prof. PhD Penyo Karadochev - 1988 - 1990; Prof. PhD Georgi Puhalev - 1990 – 1993. In October 1995 the head of the newly established Department of Economics and Management was Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikola Stoyanov - 1993-1995.
In April 1998, the Department of Economics and Management was transformed into the Department of Management of Natural resources, headed by Prof. PhD Georgi Puhalev.

Heads of the Department of Management of Natural resources from its foundation to the present are as follows. From 1998 to 2000 - Prof. PhD Georgi Puhalev. From 2000 to 2003 - Assoc. Prof. PhD Angel Petkov, from 2003 to 2013 - Assoc. Prof. PhD later Prof. Dr./DSc. Ivan Yovkov. From December 2013 to February 2016 Acting is Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Mihova and from 2016 to April 2019 with a regular term, the head of the department is Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Mihova.
In April 2019, with a decision of the Academic Council of University of Forestry (№37/10.04.2019) for the reorganization of three of the departments at Faculty of Business management, the Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources was established, which includes lecturers from the departments of Management of Natural Resources and the former Department of Economics. Acting Head of the Department from May 2019 to March 2020 Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Ilieva Dragozova was elected for Head of the newly established Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources. With decision of the Faculty Counsel of 10.03.2020, Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova was approved as a Head of Department.
In 2020, the Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources celebrates 70th anniversary since its creation in 1950. Photo material can be found here.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the Department, the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev hand in plaque "St.St. Kiril i Methodi” the Faculty of Business Management. Photo material can be found here.

In addition, the Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources was awarded with the badge of honour by the Chancellor of the University of Forestry Corresponding Member, Prof. DSc Ivan Iliev. Photo material can be found here.
Over the past 70 years, a significant contribution for development of research and promotion of education in the field of economics and management has been made by all colleagues who have been in the team of the department in different periods, regardless of the changes in its name and:
Assoc. Prof. PhD Yuli Mihaylov, Prof. PhD Hristo Sirakov, Prof. PhD Penyu Karadochev, Prof. TSc. Georgi Puhalev, Prof.D.Sc Ivan Yovkov, Prof. D.Sc Diana Ivanova, Prof. PhD Nikola Stoyanov, Prof. PhD Vladimir Piralkov, Prof.D.Sc Elizabeta Vachkova, Prof. PhD Angel Petkov, Prof. PhD Ivanka Boneva, Prof. PhD Angel Baev, Prof.D.Sc Panayot Kolarov, Prof. PhD Ivan Paligorov, Prof. PhD Jivko Gochev, Assoc. Prof. PhD Lilyana Polyanska, Assoc. Prof. PhD Radoslav Zarev, Assoc. Prof. PhD Petar Dankov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Stefan Stoilkov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Simeonova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Pandora Dragozova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Lilyana Teofilova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Mihova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Tsanko Balgarenski, Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikola Grigorov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Nadya Delcheva, Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva, Assoc. Prof. PhD Emil Kichukov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Nevena Shuleva, Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Georgieva, Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Maya Tsoklinova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev, Assist.Prof. Irina Todorova, Assist. Prof. Ivan Draganov, Assist. Prof. Todor Vasilev, Assist. Prof. Tsanko Todorov.

Disciplines and lecturers:

  • Anthropogenic resources (Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures, and Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the exercises.
  • Business communications and public relations (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Ecology and environmental protection, Master Degree). Prof. PhD Ivan Paligorov leads lectures, and Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova leads exercises.
  • Forest Policy (Forestry and Business Management). Prof. PhD Ivan Paligorov leads lectures and the exercises.
  • Ecological policy (Ecology and environmental protection). Prof. PhD Dilyanka Bezlova and Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Mihova lead the lectures.
  • Eco management (Business Management and Alternative Tourism). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Insurance (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures.
  • Insurance (Plant Protection). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Insurance Business (Veterinary medicine, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures.
  • Forestry economics (Forestry). Prof. PhD Ivan Paligorov leads lectures and Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Georgieva leads exercises.
  • Economics and management of forestry (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Economics of forest industry (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikolay Neykov leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Economics and management of landscape architecture (Landscape architecture). Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Environmental economics and management (Ecology and environmental protection). Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Mihova leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Economics of Public Sector (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Maya Tsoklinova-Koleva leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Economic statistics (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures.
  • Competitiveness in tourism (Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Macroeconomics (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Management (Landscape architecture). Assoc. Prof. PhDElena Dragozova leads the lectures and exercises.
  • International economic and monetary relations (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Ecotourism management (exercise Alternative Tourism, Master Degree). Prof. PhD Dilyanka Bezlova leads the lectures and exrcises.
  • Microecnomics (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Maya Tsoklinova-Koleva leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Research basis (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures.
  • Organizational behaviour (Business Management, Bachelor's degree).Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova leads the lectures and Assist. Prof. PhD Tsvetelina Simeonova-Zarkin leads the exercises.
  • Forests assessment (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Georgieva leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Public administration (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Prof. PhD Nikolay Stoenchev leads lectures and the exercises.
  • Public finance (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Maya Tsoklinova-Koleva leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Commodity Science (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Business Logistics (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Strategic management (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Accounting (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Technical basis for assessment of tangible fixed assets (Business Management, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Georgieva leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Management of investments (Business Management, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev leads the lectures.
  • Forestry management (Forestry, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Project management (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures, and Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the exercises.
  • Human resources management (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova leads the lectures and Assist. Prof. PhD Tsvetelina Simeonova-Zarkin leads the exercises.
  • Management of innovations and investments. (Business Management, Master Degree and Urban Ecology, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Risk management (Business Management, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Finance of tourist firm (Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Maya Tsoklinova-Koleva leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Financial Management (Business Management, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.
  • Insurance (in English) (Veterinary medicine, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.

Scientific directions of the lecturers from the department

  • Business communication and public relations;
  • Forest policy;
  • Environmental policy;
  • Ecomanagement;
  • Insurance;
  • Economics and management of forestry;
  • Economics of forest industry;
  • Economics and management of landscape architecture;
  • Economics and management of environmental protection;
  • Management;
  • Education for sustainable development;
  • Organizational behaviour;
  • Research basis;
  • Forests assessment;
  • Assessment for sustainable development;
  • Product management;
  • Resource provision;
  • Commodity Science;
  • Business Logistics;
  • Strategic management;
  • Management of investments;
  • Management of investment process;
  • Project management;
  • Human resources management;
  • Sustainable Development;
  • Finance and other.

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Master’s Degree Program of Business Administration Graduates

Graduate Faculty number Master’s thesis Scientific Supervisor
Miroslava Georgieva Zdravkova-Zarkova 98072 Business and environment at the territory of Montana Municipality Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Mihova
Margarita Apostolova Apostolova 98009 Communication Policy of CEZ Group Bulgaria Prof. PhD I. Paligorov
Stefan Petrov Bechev 97268 Evaluation of investment in forestry equipment by the RDP 2014-2020 Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Kolev
Magdalena Dimitrova Madzurova 97221 Business models for circular economy Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Mihova
Anelia Dimitrova Dimova 98071 Analysis of the possibilities for improving the logistics system at Logistics Ltd. Assoc. Prof. PhD. S. Kovacheva
Adriana Andreeva Strekalovska-Garkova 98026 Analysis of the logistics system of FMCG supply chains Assoc. Prof. PhD. S. Kovacheva
Denislav Alexandrov Sotirov 97220 European Union’s environmental policies and implementation in Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Mihova
Biserka Momchilova Dospatska 97212 Strategic possibilities for the development of Kasto chairs Ltd. Assoc. Prof. PhD. S. Kovacheva
Georgi Ganchev Kotev 97210 Ecotourism at Bourgas region – state and perspectives Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Mihova
Borislav Milchev Parvanov 98055 Analysis of the projects results of the Operational Program "Human Resources Development" Assoc. Prof. PhD. S. Kovacheva

Bachelor’s Degree Program of Business Administration Graduates

Graduate Faculty number Bachelor’s thesis Scientific Supervisor
Stilyan Radoslavov Yordanov 71049 Study of property insurance in Bulgaria for the period 2014-2019 Assoc. Prof. PhD. I. Ivanov
Erika Emilova Kirilova 71080 Analysis of satisfaction in working conditions in a commercial bank Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Spasimira Nikolova Geranova 71083 Socio-economic inequalities in Blagoevgrad district Assoc. Prof. PhD. I. Ivanov
Lilyana Angelova Apostolova 71084 Business demography of furniture companies in Bulgaria in the period 2014-2018 Assoc. Prof. PhD. I. Ivanov
Anton Dimitrov Dimitrov 71094 The car insurance market: conjuncture, tendencies and problems Assoc. Prof. PhD. I. Ivanov
Maria Georgieva Alexandrova 71098 Some problems of ethics in the activity of the public administration in Bulgaria Prof. PhD. N. Stoenchev
Kristina Georgieva Alexandrova 71099 Social and economic efficiency of the activity of the Ombudsman institution in Bulgaria Prof. PhD. N. Stoenchev
Bogomil Rashkov Yanev 71031 Application of the communication strategy with Stakeholders of the project Modernization of the branches of ProCredit Bank Prof. PhD. I. Paligorov
Margarita Viktorova Kirilova 71058 Analysis of the system for healthy and safe working conditions in the Levski Hospital Ltd. Levski Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Elizabeth Dimitrova Traykova 71064 Study of the motivation for improvement in KNS - Kerner Northwork Solution EAD Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Pavleta Boryanova Angelova 71068 Study of the economic nature of the quasi-market Healthcare sector in Bulgaria (on the example of the state hospital "Fifth Hospital - Sofia" EAD) Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Kameliya Mariyanova Yaneva 71069 Satisfaction from work and motivation of human resources in LEV INS Insurance Company AD Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Nikolay Ilyanov Popov 70597 Study of the Macroeconomic Policy in Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Pencho Marinov Stanchev 70955 Opportunities and Challenges of the Development of “Monbat” JSC on the market in car batteries in Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Georgi Georgiev Georgiev 71013 Assessment of the level of fiscal decentralization of Chelopech municipality Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Valentin Alexandrov Todorov 70913 Analysis of the transport company "Somat" Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Vasil Dimitrov Mingov 70965 Trends and Prospects in the Development of Demographic and Social Aspects of the Population in Blagoevgrad District Prof. PhD N. Stoenchev
Slavi Andreev Ivanov 70999 Problems with the employment of the population in Dobrich municipality Prof. PhD N. Stoenchev
Dimitar Rumenov Dimitrov 71002 Research on the remuneration system and opportunities for increasing motivation at Raiffeisenbank EAD Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Monica Todorova Asenova 71003 Improving the level of job satisfaction by examining the relationship between motivation and work performance Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Sylvia Krasimirova Shtregarska 70958 Impact of Local Fiscal Policy on Public Welfare (Example of Ugarchin Municipality) Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Polina Nikolaeva Mihaylova 70964 Governance aspects of environmental protection at Berkovitsa Municipality Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Mihova
Angelina Dimitrova Paskaleva 70966 Tourism and environment – threats and sustainable development Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Mihova
Radostina Yotova Sotirova 70977 Study the impact of behavioural factors on the willingness of consumers to consume goods and services Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Hristo Radkov Ivanov 70710 Foreign direct investment survey in Bulgaria in the period 2012 – 2017 Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Violeta Dobrinova Mindilova 70922 Trends and Challenges of the Development of the Quasi-Market Sector in Bulgaria (the example of the healthcare sector) Chief Assist. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Christina Ivova Gospodinova 70947 Public-private partnerships as a means of providing public services (the example of municipal enterprise “Urban Mobility Centre” JSC) Chief Assist. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Adriyan Rumenov Krumov 70773 Green Public Procurement – development, criteria and practices Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Mihova
Tanya Krasimirova Toneva 70733 Green construction – opportunities for environmental protection Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Mihova
Alexandra Martinova Mladenova 70840 Analysis of logistics management systems of the company Assoc. Prof. PhD. S. Kovacheva
Nikolay Parvanov Todorov 70846 Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment in Bulgaria in the period 2008–2014 Chief Assist. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Maria Ivanova Ivanova 70875 Analysis of the development of warehouse logistics in Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. PhD. S. Kovacheva
Daniela Sashkova Mikova 70889 Emissions trading – world and European initiatives, Bulgarian practices Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Mihova
Angel Naydenov Naydenov 70852 Study of the advantages and disadvantages of the Bulgarian economy after its accession to the European Union Chief Assist. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Ivanka Georgieva Panayotova 70816 Analysis of the labour market on the territory of Burgas District Chief Assist. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Svetoslav Naskov Yosifov 70825 Financial and economic analysis of Agrocom Ltd Chief Assist. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Christiana Yonkova Negentsova 70853 Analysis of the model “public sector-private sector” including part of public-private partnership on the example of “Metropolitan” JSC Chief Assist. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Christina Yamandzhieva Mikhailova 70838 Exploring the function of the utility of the bureaucrat (the example of Mezdra Municipality) Chief Assist. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Galya Krasteva Trifonova 70828 Analysis of the State intervention in the economy in the emergence of market failures (the example of state-regulated natural monopolies Chief Assist. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Svetoslav Yordanov Diviziev 70842 Study of the advantages and challenges of the Bulgarian economy in future membership of the Banking Union Chief Assist. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova

Denitsa Veselinova


70817 Analysis of knowledge as an economic resource Chief Assist. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova

Bachelor’s Degree Program of Alternative Tourism Graduates

Graduate Faculty number Bachelor’s thesis Scientific Supervisor
Elena Stanimirova Nesheva 75187 Restructuring of the tourist offer in Bulgaria under the influence of changes in consumer expectations Assoc. Prof. PhD. M. Tsoklinova
Vasilena Petrova Petrova 75189 Influence of seasonality on the financing of the economic activity of the tourist company Assoc. Prof. PhD. M. Tsoklinova
Svetoslava Stoeva Dunkova 75067 Possibilities for development of cultural tourism in Varna region Assoc. Prof. PhD. S. Kovacheva
Ralitsa Biserova Kasabova 75071 Investigation of the tourism potential of Silistra region Assoc. Prof. PhD. S. Kovacheva
Maria Georgieva Kostova 75119 Possibilities of the Nestinarian custom for cultural enrichment of tourist offers Assoc. Prof. PhD. S. Kovacheva

Master’s Degree Program of Forestry Graduates

Graduate Faculty number Master’s thesis Scientific Supervisor
Desislava Dimitrova Hristova 961321 Forestry and financial assessment of the use of timber in the Private Forestry Unit "Tsarska Bistritsa" for the period 2004-2018 Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva
Ismail Ali Ali 961053 Verification of the method of margin analysis in forest management on the territory of Shiroka Polyana State Forestry for the period 2015–2021 Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva
Daniela Borisova Dimitrova 96971 Analysis of the activity and financial condition of Tvarditsa State Forestry for the period 2014-2020 Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva
Marin Minchev Minchev 961187 Analysis of the activity and financial condition of Svishtov State Forestry for the period 2014-2020 Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva
Simeon Dimitrov Simeonov 96953 Comparative analysis of the value assessments of plantations with even-age and uneven-age on the territory of Kotel State Forestry Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva
Gunay Salimov Kadirov 91395 Verification of the method of margin analysis in forest management on the territory of Varna State Forestry for the period 2013–2020 Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva

List of projects with participation of academic staff from the Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources

Project Financing organization Duration Participants
Research of regional and local socio-economic inequalities of Bulgaria (ReLoSEIn) (КП-06-М25/2/13.12.2018) National Science Fund December 2018–December 2020 Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Classical line in modern economic theory University of National and World Economy, Economic Research Institute at Bulgarian Academy of Scinece November 2017–November 2020 Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Support for the development of scientific capacity at the University of Forestry (BG05M2OP001-2.009-0034) Science and Education for Smart Growth 2014–2020 Operational Program November 2017–December 2018 Prof. PhD I. Paligorov
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Nash equilibrium for cyclically open positive games (80-10-84/20.04.2017) Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” 2017 Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev
Support for the development of young people at the University of Forestry (BG051PO001-3.3.06-0056) Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program July 2013–July 2015 Prof. PhD I. Paligorov
Prof. PhD N. Stoenchev
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Mihova
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Updating the curriculums for the cpecialities of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture (BG051PO001-3.1.07-0074) Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program June 2013–June 2015 Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Mihova
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Updating the curriculums for the cpecialities of the Faculty of Business Management at the University of Forestry in accordance with the requirements of the labour market – EDUCOMP (BG051PO001-3.1.07-0041) Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program May 2013–April 2015 Prof. PhD I. Paligorov
Prof. PhD N. Stoenchev
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Mihova
Assoc. Prof. PhD N. Delcheva
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev
Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Establishment of a unified system for the academic staff qualification and career development at the University of Forestry – Sofia (BG051PO001-3.1.09-0019) Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program April 2013–October 2014 Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Training of PhD students, Innovators, Visionaries, Target Analysts and Implementers – Investment with European Dimension (BG051PO001-3.3.06-0032) Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program March 2013–March 2015 Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev
Improvement of management systems at the University of Forestry (BG051PO001-3.1.08-0033) Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program February 2013–October 2014 Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev
Development of a centre for electronic forms of distance learning at the University of Forestry (BG051PO001-4.3.04-0052) Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program October 2012–December 2014 Prof. PhD I. Paligorov
Prof. PhD N. Stoenchev
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Mihova
Assoc. Prof. PhD N. Delcheva
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva
Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev
Assoc. Prof. PhD M. Tsoklinova
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
INTEGRAL (Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes) (ENV.2011.2.1.6-1) EU FP7–Environment May 2012–October 2015 Prof. PhD I. Paligorov
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Student Practices (BG051PO001-3.3.07-0002) Human Resources Development 2007–2013 Operational Program January 2012–December 2015 Assoc. Prof. PhD E. Dragozova
Development of bio-resources extension service (BIOREX) at the University of Forestry America for Bulgaria Foundation 2012–2013 Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Mihova
Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Investigation of opportunities for optimization of economic relations between the logger operators University of Forestry May 2011–December 2011 Assoc. Prof. PhD N. Stoenchev
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Territorial distribution of production factors as a mechanism for enhancing the competitiveness of forestry (№ 78/17. 03. 2011) University of Forestry March 2011–December 2011 Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev
Research on business environment in Bulgaria (on the basis of expectations and assessments of Bulgarian companies) University of National and World Economy March 2009–December 2009 Assoc. Prof. PhD K. Kolev
Study of methods and technologies for increasing the competitiveness of furniture manufacturing companies University of Forestry May – December 2009 Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Alien terrestrial arthropods and their impact on biodiversity in Bulgaria (ATARTIB) National Science Fund January 2009–July 2010 Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Methodology for assessing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies in the furniture industry in Bulgaria University of Forestry May–December 2008 Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Development of applied methodology for design of marketing strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises in the furniture industry University of Forestry May 2006–December 2007 Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Development of a logistic model for research and optimization of the stocks of equipment spare parts in the Forestry Training Center of the University of Forestry (№48/02.06.2003) University of Forestry May 2003–October 2003 Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Wood market research in Bulgaria Bulgarian-Swiss Cooperation Programme 2000–2001 Prof. PhD I. Paligorov
Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Georgieva
Assoc. Prof. PhD К. Mihova
Assoc. Prof. PhD I. Ivanov
Supermolecular structure and physicomechanical properties of filled and elastified composites based on PP and PA (МУ-Х-01/1996) Science Researches National Fund 1997–1999 Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Investigation of the supramolecular structure and properties of mixtures of amorphous natural polymers with synthetic polymers or polyesters (№696/Х-430) Science Researches National Fund 1995–1998 Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Investigation of the effect of scale factor on the strength-deformation properties and aging of crystalline and amorphous polymers (№625/ТН 215) Science Researches National Fund 1993–1996 Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva
Phytoplastics – process study (№565/Х-84) Science Researches National Fund 1992–1995 Assoc. Prof. PhD S. Kovacheva

Expert competencies of academic staff of Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources

• Development of integrated forest management plans
• Development of normative documents related to forest management
• Financial and accounting expertise in the organization and control of public procurement in landscaping
• Methodological expert activity in the preparation of public procurement in landscaping
• Expertise in the stages of the investment process in landscape architecture
• Management and development of human resources
• Feasibility studies of project proposals
• Assessment of financial efficiencies of investments in real assets
• Analysis and assessment of investment risk
• Analysis and assessment of firm competitiveness, sector competitiveness and nation competitiveness
• Assessment of sustainable development in models for management of forest sector
• Analysis of micro and macro environment of enterprise
• Reporting and assessment of implementation of policies and budget programs
• Development of tourist markets and monitoring of the tourist business
• Financial and economic analysis of the enterprise
• Statistical analysis of economic information
• Forest assessment
• Accounting and financial analysis
• Business logistics and logistics management
• Logistics solutions for SMEs in woodworking and furniture companies
• Methods for optimizing the parameters of logistics systems in industry and tourism
• Logistic problems of tourist flows
• Strategic analysis and competitiveness
• Enterprise Economics and Management
• Organization and planning of logistics processes and systems
• Stock knowledge, product management and inventory management
• Packaging and packaging systems
• New packaging materials and technologies
• Circular economy – opportunities for recycling waste products and reverse logistics
• Sustainable use of resources
• The methodology of research, processing and use of scientific literature and information databases, etc.
• Valuation of landed properties in forest areas
• Valuation of agricultural land and permanent crops

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