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Faculty of Business Management


Department Economics

The Economics Department was founded in 1995 under the name "Humanities". In 1997 it was renamed "Economics".
The Department of Economics provides training in fundamental and specialty courses for acquiring knowledge in the field of economics, administration, management, philosophy and alternative tourism within the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs, mainly in the fields of Business Administration, Alternative Tourism and Alternative Tourism Management within the Faculty of Business Administration, as well as for a number of other specialties in other faculties of the University of Forestry. The curriculum developed by lecturers from the department and the level of training provided by them are in accordance with the requirements and criteria of leading European and world universities and fully meet the accepted internal standards of the University of Forestry.
The teaching staff creates the prerequisites for a thorough understanding of the theoretical principles related to economics, administration, management, philosophy and alternative tourism, using the interdisciplinary approach to the development of new training courses. The Department staff successfully applied the principle of combining teaching and research. Interdisciplinary sessions, seminars, projects and independent research studies are presented in monographs, studies, articles, etc.
The state teaching staff of the department includes five associate professors, two senior assistant doctors, and one assistant. A habilitated guest-lecturer has been involved in law disciplines. The number of lecturers is variable, depending on the actual needs of some elective subjects.
The first head of the department was Prof. Ph.D. Georgi Puhalev. After him the chronological leaders were: Assoc. Prof. PhD. Nikolay Stoenchev, Prof. PhD. Ivanka Boneva, temporary assistant - Assoc. Prof. PhD Ilko Penkov. At present the head of the department is Prof. PhD. Nikolay Stoenchev.

The academic staff of the Department includes:

  • Prof. PhD Nikolay Stoyanov Stoenchev
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Nadia Simeonova Delcheva, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Krasimira Svetoslavova Staneva
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Yordan Petrov Yordanov, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Maya Alexandrova Tsoklinova-Koleva
  • Chief Assist. Prof.PhD Svetlana Taneva Staneva
  • Chief Assist. Prof. Ivailo Hristov Ivanov, PhD

Part-time lecturers

  • PhD Fatme Medzhidova Demireva

Guest lecturers

Organizer training

Eng. Liudmila Sotirova Jankova

The main directions of the educational and research activities in the department are:

  • Agricultural tourism;
  • Balneological and SPA tourism;
  • Business planning in tourism;
  • Business Ethics;
  • Water resources for tourism;
  • Guided tours and animation;
  • Economics of the Public Sector;
  • Cultural Tourism;
  • Macroeconomics;
  • Microeconomics;
  • General Economic Theory;
  • Fundamentals of alternative tourism;
  • Basics of law;
  • Public Administration;
  • Public finances;
  • Public Law;
  • Regional economy;
  • Quality management systems;
  • Statistics;
  • Economic policy in tourism;
  • Accounting;
  • Tourist destinations;
  • Tour operator, agent and transport activities;
  • Corporate risk management;
  • Philosophy;
  • Financial Management;
  • Hospitality and restaurant activities;
  • Private law and others.

The lecturers from the Department of Economics are involved in various international, national and inter-university projects. Significant is their practical activity in the field of economy, management and tourism. The course "Economics", conducted by the Department of Economics, contributes to the preparation of highly qualified specialists according to the generally accepted European standards. 

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