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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Department Surgery, radiology, obstetrics and gynecology

Аddress: Bulgaria, Sofia 1797, bul. ”Kliment Ohridski” 10, University of Forestry, Faculty of Veterinary medicine.

Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlatozareva Zlateva-Panayotova, PhD, DVM

Quality Manager: Chief Assist. Prof. Konstantin Bogdanov Aminkov, PhD, DVM

Organizer of educational activities: Sofiyka Mladenova Markova – Building „D”, office № 122, tel. 02/8192923

History: The Department was established in 1996 with Head of Department Assoc. Prof. Kolyu Vlahov and was called "Surgery and Physiotherapy with Clinic". In 1999 the name was changed to "Surgery, radiology, obstetrics and gynecology and biotechnology of reproduction", due to merging with the department of "Obstetrics", with Head of Department Prof. Lyubomir Naydenov Kanchev, DCs. In 2000 the Head of the Department was Assoc. Prof. Bogdan Yanev Aminkov, PhD, DVMSc. Since 2008 the Department has been divided into two separate departments, one with the name "Surgery, anesthesiology, radiology, state veterinary medicine and public health", headed by Prof. Bogdan Aminkov PhD, DVMSc and „Obstetrics, gynecology, biotechnology of reproduction, pathological anatomy and biochemistry ", headed by prof. Parvan Parvanov, PhD, DVMSc.

Since 2016 the two departments have been re-transformed into the Department of “Surgery, radiology, obstetrics, and gynecology”. Head of Department is prof. Parvan Mitov Parvanov, PhD, DVMSc, and from February 2018 the Department is headed by Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlatozareva Zlateva-Panayotova, PhD, DVM. In 2020, for a short period, the position was taken by Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Hristov Mehandzhiyski, PhD, DVM. From 2020 to the present, the head of the department is Assoc. Prof. Nadia Zlatozarova Zlateva-Panayotova, PhD, DVM.

In 2024, the department employs two associate professors, three chief assistants and three assistants.

The obligatory disciplines taught in the department are "Propaedeutics of surgical diseases in animals", "Radiology", "Anesthesiology and emergency veterinary medicine", Module "Surgery" and Module "Obstetrics" /diseases of small animals, diseases of equids, diseases of farm animals/, "Obstetrics, reproduction and reproductive disorders /obstetrics - general part, andrology and artificial insemination/", "Herd health management", Mobile clinic of Surgery and Obstetrics.
The elective disciplines "Veterinary Dentistry", "Physiotherapy" and "Neurology and Neurosurgery" are also taught in the department.

Scientific research is in the field of clinical and experimental surgery and anesthesiology, imaging diagnostics, oncology, veterinary orthopedics and dentistry, ophthalmology, regenerative medicine, obstetrical and gynecological diseases and inflammation of the mammary gland in animals, reproduction in productive animals and artificial insemination, reproduction in dogs and cats, reproductive endocrinology and physiology, reproductive pathology, diseases in newborns, veterinary neonatology and pediatrics.

Academic staff of the department:

  • Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlatozareva Zlateva-Panayotova, PhD, DVM
  • Assoc. Prof. Kalin Yordanov Hristov, PhD, DVM
  • Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Bogdanov Aminkov, PhD, DVM
  • Chief Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov Marinov, PhD, DVM
  • Chief Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Aleksandrov Stoimenov, PhD, DVM
  • Assist. Prof. Seven Ruzhdi Mustafa, PhD, DVM
  • Assist. Prof. Tsveta Bogomilova Georgieva, DVM
  • Assist. Prof. Lilia Ventsislavova Petrova, DVM

Disciplines and lecturers:

  • Propedeutics of Surgical Diseases in Animals: lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlateva-Panayotova PhD, Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD and practical classes by Ch. Assist. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD, Assist. Prof. Seven Mustafa PhD and Assist. Prof. Lilia Petrova.
  • Radiology: lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlateva-Panayotova PhD, Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD and practical classes by Ch. Assist. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD, Assist. Prof. Seven Mustafa PhD and Assist. Prof. Lilia Petrova.
  • Anesthesiology and Emergency Veterinary Medicine: lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlateva-Panayotova PhD, Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD and practical classes by Ch. Assist. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD, Assist. Prof. Seven Mustafa PhD and Assist. Prof. Lilia Petrova.
  • Module of Surgery /diseases of small animals, diseases of equids, diseases of farm animals/: lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlateva-Panayotova PhD, Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD, Assist. Prof. Seven Mustafa PhD and practical classes by Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlateva-Panayotova PhD, Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD, Assist. Prof. Seven Mustafa PhD and Assist. Prof. Lilia Petrova.
  • Mobile Clinic of Surgery: the practical classes are held by Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlateva-Panayotova PhD, Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD, Assist. Prof. Seven Mustafa PhDv and Assist. Prof. Lilia Petrova.
  • Obstetrics, reproduction, and reproductive disorders: lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Kalin Hristov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Alexander Stoimenov and practical classes by Ch. Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Stoimenov PhD and Assist. Prof. Tsveta Georgieva.
  • Module of Obstetrics /diseases of small animals, diseases of equids, diseases of farm animals/: lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Kalin Hristov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Alexander Stoimenov and practical classes by Assoc. Prof. Kalin Hristov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Stoimenov PhD and Assist. Prof. Tsveta Georgieva.
  • Mobile Clinic of Obstetrics: the practical classes are held by Assoc. Prof. Kalin Hristov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Stoimenov PhD and Assist. Prof. Tsveta Georgieva.
  • Veterinary Dentistry: lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlateva-Panayotova PhD, Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD and practical classes by Ch. Assist. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD, Assist. Prof. Seven Mustafa PhD and Assist. Prof. Lilia Petrova.
  • Physiotherapy: lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlateva-Panayotova PhD, Assoc.Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD and practical classes by Ch. Assist. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD, Assist. Prof. Seven Mustafa PhD and Assist. Prof. Lilia Petrova.
  • Neurology and Neurosurgery: lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlateva-Panayotova PhD, Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD and practical classes by Ch. Assist. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD, Assist. Prof. Seven Mustafa PhD and Assist. Prof. Lilia Petrova.
  • Herd Health Management: lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlateva-Panayotova PhD, Assoc. Prof. Kalin Hristov PhD, Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Aminkov PhD, Ch. Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov PhD and Ch. Assist. Prof. Alexander Stoimenov.

Scientific specialities:

Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlatozarova Zlateva-Panayotova, PhD, DVM – scientific specialty "Surgery, radiology and physiotherapy of animals"

  • Anesthesiology
  • Soft-tissue surgery
  • Imaging diagnostics
  • Physiotherapy
  • Regenerative medicine

Assoc. Prof. Kalin Yordanov Hristov, PhD, DVM – scientific specialty “Obstetrics and gynecology of animals and diseases of newborn animals“

  • Diseases of the mammary gland in small ruminants
  • Reproduction and reproductive disorders in the dog
  • Diagnosis of pregnancy in companion animals

Assoc. Prof. Konstantin Bogdanov Aminkov, PhD, DVM – scientific specialty "Surgery, radiology and physiotherapy of animals"

  • Regenerative medicine
  • Soft-tissue surgery
  • Imaging diagnostics
  • Anesthesiology

Chief Assist. Prof. Georgi Marinov Marinov, PhD, DVM – scientific specialty "Surgery, radiology and physiotherapy of animals"

  • Soft-tissue surgery
  • Experimental surgery
  • Anesthesiology
  • Imaging diagnostics
  • Regenerative medicine

Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Aleksandrov Stoimenov, PhD, DVM – scientific specialty “Obstetrics and gynecology of animals and diseases of newborn animals“

  • Obstetric care in large animals
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of pregnancy
  • Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the mammary gland

Assist. Prof. Seven Ruzhdi Mustafa. PhD, DVM – scientific specialty "Surgery, radiology and physiotherapy of animals"

  • Exotic animal’s anesthesiology
  • Dentistry
  • Experimental and regenerative surgery
  • Ophthalmology

Assist. Prof. Tsveta Bogomilova Georgieva, DVM – scientific specialty “Obstetrics and gynecology of animals and diseases of newborn animals“

  • Reproduction and reproductive disorders in rabbits
  • Andrological diseases in large and small animals
  • Artificial insemination in large and small animals

Assist. Prof. Lilia Ventsislavova Petrova, DVM – scientific specialty "Surgery, radiology and physiotherapy of animals"

  • Soft-tissue and abdominal surgery in dogs and cats
  • Anesthesiology and emergency medicine
  • Imaging diagnostics in small animals

Specializations that have been completed at the department "Surgery, Radiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology":

  1. Dr. Vesela Andreeva, topic "Abdominal and soft-tissue surgery"
  2. Dr. Gergana Markova, topic "Soft-tissue surgery in the dog"
  3. Dr. Vladi Kirilov, topic "Orthopedic techniques of bones and joints in small animals"
  4. Dr. Dimitar Ivanov, topic "Neurosurgery of spinal cord in dogs and cats"
  5. Dr. Krassimira Kodzhanikolova, topic "Ultrasound, X-ray and CT diagnostics of diseases of organs in the abdominal cavity"
  6. Dr. Galina Stoykova, topic "Abdominal and soft-tissue surgery"
  7. Dr. Evgenia Mircheva, topic "Abdominal and soft-tissue surgery"
  8. Dr. Metodi Bresliski, topic "Basic principles of soft-tissue surgery and orthopedic surgery"
  9. Dr. Haralambos Andrea Savva, topic "Abdominal and soft-tissue surgery"
  10. Dr. Petar Nanev, topic “Soft-tissue and abdominal surgery in dogs and cats“

Current specializations:

  1. Dr. Bozhidar Gavazov, topic „Orthopedics and traumatology in dogs and cats“
  2. Dr. Lilia Petrova, topic “Soft-tissue and abdominal surgery in dogs and cats“
  3. Dr. Katrin Naydenova, topic “Soft-tissue and abdominal surgery in dogs and cats“
  4. Dr. Petia Tsanova, topic “Soft-tissue and abdominal surgery in dogs and cats“
  5. Dr. Evgeni Evtimov, topic “Plastic, plastic-reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in animals for company“
  6. Dr. Ayshe Barkurt, topic “Soft-tissue and abdominal surgery in dogs and cats“
  7. Dr. Evelina Ignatova, topic “Soft-tissue and abdominal surgery in dogs and cats“
  • Project № НИС-Б-1288/19.10.2023 “A study of the influence of plant extracts on the qualitative indicators of seminal fluid of cockroaches during different reproductive periods”
    Head of the project: Assoc. Prof. Kalin Yordanov Hristov, PhD, DVM
  • Project № НИС-Б-1148/05.04.2021 “A comparative study of the regenerative potential of platelet-rich plasma, sodium hyaluronate and dexpanthenol in the treatment of experimentally induced chemical and mechanical corneal ulcers in rabbits”
    Head of the project: Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlatozarova Zlateva-Panayotova, PhD, DVM
  • Project № НИС-Б-1075/16.03.2020 “Study of the protective mechanisms of the mammary gland and the spread of mastitis in sheep”
    Head of the project: Assoc. Prof. Kalin Yordanov Hristov, PhD, DVM
  • Project № НИС-Б-29/27.03.2018 “Study of the regenerative potential of bone marrow and platelet-rich plasma in the presence of hydroxyapatite in the healing of critically long fractures of the radius in rabbits”
    Head of the project: Prof. Bogdan Yanev Aminkov, PhD, DVMSc
  • Project № НИС-Б-151/08.03.2017 “Application of bone marrow (BM) and a mixture of bone marrow and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to the knee joint in ovine osteoarthritis”
    Head of the project: Assoc. Prof. Nadya Zlatozarova Zlateva-Panayotova, PhD, DVM
  • Center for Physiotherapy and Kinesitherapy;
  • Image Diagnostics Center;
  • X-ray compartment;
  • Department of Surgery, Traumatology and Neurosurgery;

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