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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Department Infectious pathology, hygiene, technology and control of foodstuffs of animal origin

Аddress: Bulgaria, Sofia 1797, bul. ”Kliment Ohridski” 10, University of Forestry, Faculty of Veterinary medicine.

Location: Building „D” - floor 3, offices № 302, 307, 309, 310, 311, 312 and Building “С”-floors 1 and 3.

Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. PhD Chavdar Kamenov Philipov

History: The department was established in September 1999, based on pre-existing individual disciplines "Infectious Diseases", "Parasitology", "Virology", "Epizootiology", "Microbiology", "Veterinary Sanitary Expertise", "Organization and Management of Veterinary Medicine", "Forensic Veterinary Medicine" and "History of Veterinary Medicine". Head of the Department since its establishment until 2008 was Prof. Dr. Yotko Kamenov. From 2008 to 2017 the Head of Department was Assoc. Prof. Miloslav Vankov Zhikov, PhD. Prof. Dr. Teodora Petrova Popova was the Head of Department for the period 28.10.2015 - 28.01.2016, as well as from 30.10. to 10.11. 2017. From November 2017 until now the Head of Department is Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Miladinov Radanski, PhD.

Academic staff of the Department:

  • Assoc. Prof. Chavdar Kamenov Filipov, PhD
  • Prof. Teodora Petrova Popova, DSc
  • Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Miladinov Radanski, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Kostadin Pavlov Kanchev,PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Roman Pepovich Petkov, PhD
  • Assoc. Prof. Georgi Malinov Stoimenov, PhD
  • Chief Assist. Prof. Radoslav Mitkov Rafailov, PhD
  • Assist. Prof. Svetlin Mitkov Ivanov

Organizer of educational activities:  – Assist. Prof. Svetlin Mitkov Ivanov Building „D”, office № 310, tel.: 02/8192959

Quality Manager: Assoc. Prof. Roman Pepovich Petkov, PhD

Subjects and teachers:

  • Infectious diseases. The lectures and practices are held by Assoc. Prof. Chavdar Kamenov Filipov, Assoc. Prof. Roman Pepovich Petkov and Assoc. Prof. Georgi Malinov Stoimenov.
  • Parasitic diseases. The lectures and practices are held by Assoc. prof. Kostadin Pavlov Kanchev.
  • Epidemiology and Preventive Veterinary Medicine. The lectures and practices are held by Assoc. Prof. Chavdar Kamenov Filipov, Assoc. Prof. Roman Pepovich Petkov and Assoc. Prof. Georgi Malinov Stoimenov.
  • Microbiology. The lectures and practices are held by Prof. Teodora Petrova Popova.
  • Virology. The lectures and practices are held by Assoc. Prof. Chavdar Kamenov Filipov, Assoc. Prof. Roman Pepovich Petkov and Assoc. Prof. Georgi Malinov Stoimenov.
  • Hygiene, technology and control of foods from animal origin. The lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Miladinov Radanski, and practices are done by Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Miladinov Radanski and Assist. Prof. Svetlin Mitkov Ivanov.

Scientific directions of the academic stuff from department:

  • Prof. Teodora Petrova Popova, DSc - Microbiology; Epizootiology, infectious diseases and prophylaxis of infectious diseases in animals.
  • Assoc. Prof. Stanislav Miladinov Radanski, PhD - Veterinary Sanitary Expertise; Hygiene, technology and control of foodstuffs of animal origin.
  • Assoc. Prof. Chavdar Kamenov Filipov, PhD - Epizootiology, infectious diseases and prophylaxis of infectious diseases in animals.
  • Assoc. Prof. Roman Pepovich Petkov, PhD - Epizootiology, infectious diseases and prophylaxis of infectious diseases in animals.
  • Assoc. prof. Georgi Malinov Stoimenov, PhD - Epizootiology, infectious diseases and prophylaxis of infectious diseases in animals.
  • Assoc. Prof. Kostadin Pavlov Kanchev, PhD - Parasitology and invasive diseases in animals and humans.
  • Assist. Prof. Svetlin Mitkov Ivanov - Parasitology and invasive diseases in animals and humans.

Educational process:

  • The subject of Hygiene, technology and control of food from animal origin are studied by students in veterinary medicine in the ninth and tenth semester. The task of training is to familiarize them with the composition, properties and fundaments of the technology for extraction and processing of meat, meat products, dairy, poultry, eggs, honey, fish and technical animal materials as well as control and safety quality of raw materials and food stuffs of animal origin, the whole chain "from farm to table".
  • Microbiology is an important discipline with significance for the training of the students in veterinary medicine. The syllabus includes selected themes from the general and particular veterinary microbiology, which teaching gives to the students a theoretical knowledge and practical skills. They are necessary for their further teaching, as well as for their future activity as veterinary doctors. In the educational course in veterinary microbiology is given schooling in morphology and physiology of the pathogenic for the domestic animals and humans bacteria. In view of the fact that microbiology is in direct connection with infectious diseases, basic knowledge for the most important from the pathogenesis, clinical and pathological changes, diagnostic methods, prophylactic and therapeutic means also is given.
  • Subject "Epidemiology and Preventive Veterinary Medicine" aims to give students of veterinary medicine at the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge of mass occurring diseases in animals. Studied infectious process (macro-micro relations) and the epidemic process (the conditions of occurrence of epidemics and the drivers of the epidemic process). To summarize our experience and global prevention of mass diseases and steps to implement their control (the discovery, containment and eradication of epidemics emerged).
  • Parasitology is a biological science, which aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge about parasitism and parasites on animals, which are beneficial to humans, about their systematics, morphology, biology, physiology, biochemistry and ecology, about the interaction between the parasites and their hosts (pathogenesis, immunity), and also to arm them with scientific training and skills to reveal important points of epizootology and diagnostics of parasitic diseases, to treat verminous animals, to organize the prevention and fight against parasytoses in different technologies of animal breeding, to protect the environment from invasions and pollution.Veterinary Parasitology is especially live now, when all reserves are being used in the private stock-farming and a big part of the animals are bred under pasture conditions, and simultaneously no prevention measures have been carried out for years. Veterinarians needs knowledge in Parasitology in order to be able to implement measures for protecting humans from dangerous parasitic diseases, which transmit directly to humans or through animal products. Parasitology is related to a lot of sciences of general biology and to almost all of the veterinary medicine ones, and also to the organization and economy of agriculture and first of all of stock-farming. Therefore, the theoretical and practical training in Parasitology requires the integration of knowledge and research methods in zoology, genetics, cytology, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, immunology, pathological physiology, pathology, pharmacology, feeding and zoohygiene, epizootology, non-infectious diseases, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, organization and economy of stock-farming, veterinary and sanitary expertise.
  • Infectious Diseases - during the study course students are introduced to various communicable diseases common to two or more species of animals and humans (zoonoses). Special attention is paid to the actual country and the region highly contagious disease. Materials included in course are directly related to the subject of microbiology, virology, immunology and epidemiology. The program provides for consideration of individual nosological units or groups, in each case to introduced students with the following main characteristics: an etiological factor; historical background; epidemiology of the disease; pathogenesis of disease; clinical manifestations of disease; diagnosis; differential diagnosis; treating, preventing, fighting infectious disease.
  • Virology - Viral diseases in all animals and humans showed tremendous growth in recent decades. Around 60% of the mass disorders in large farms are associated with viral infections, which cause significant damages. The course of „Virology” aims to give to students of veterinary basic modern knowledge for the nature of viruses, their properties, their pathogenicity and their circulation. Simultaneously, students are introduced in most general plan to the most actual viral infections in domestic animals and the methods for their diagnostics. The knowledge gained in this course „Virology” prepare students of veterinary medicine to understand, assimilate and analyze easier the material in epidemiology and preventive veterinary medicine and infectious diseases in different animals, which they study in the upper courses.


Project title: Epizoothological investigations on spread of pox in partridges in Bulgaria.

Key words:
partridges (Perdix perdix), avian pox, epizoothology

Project title: Following of the surviving of pathogenic micro-organisms in poultry litter in periodic-adding process of methane fermentation and comparative assessment in relation to the decontamination in other methods of bioprocessing.

Scientific group: Assoc. prof. Teodora P. Popova (FVM, FTU), Dr. Iosko P. Petkov (FVM, FTU), Prof. Bayko D. Baykov (FTU and NBU), Assoc. prof. Ivan S. Simeonov – (IM, BAN), Ionko N. Nakov (student, FVM, FTU), Plamen D. Kiosev (student, FVM, FTU)

Microbiological investigations, connected with tracing of the changes in the quantities of the bacteria in bioreactors with periodic-addingand unbroken mesophilic regimes of anaerobic removing its fence of water solutions of litter from broiler chickens have been carried out. Marked strains of Esherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, multiresistant to amphenicols and tetracyclines, have been introduced in the bioreactors in definite quantities. In order to establish the quantities of the marked and not marked microorganisms, a samples from the exits (the last bioslames) have been taken at intervals of 3 – 4 days to the ends of two compared processes. In the both regimes of anaerobic removing its fence of water solution of poultry litter, gradually diminution of the contents of the marked strains has been established. The reduction was most fast at the staphylococci and most slowly at P. aeruginosa.
Moreover comparative investigations of the efficacy of two methods for treatment of litter from broiler chickens and of cattle manure have been performed in order with a view to their decontamination. The experiments have been done in ordinary composts and after treatment with CaO. For that purpose marked strains of E. coli, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus, multiresistant to amphenicols and tetracyclines, have been introduced in the manures in definite quantities at the initial stages of treatment. For establishment of the quantities of the marked and not marked microorganisms, a samples from the three variants of the composts have been taken in a week intervals.
For the isolation and cultivation of the marked bacteria selective media have been used, which contained definite wide-spectrum antibiotics in suitable concentrations: Eosin Methylene Blue agar for E. coli, Cetrimide аgar for P. aeruginosa and Chapman Stone agar for S. aureus. In order to determine the general quantity of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria Mueller Hinton’s agar without antibiotics has been used. The quantitative determination of the microorganisms has been accomplished by the classical method of serial tenfold increasing dilutions of the investigated materials in sterile physiological solution. Their sowings on the selected media with and without antibiotics have been performed threefold for each medium and dilution. After incubations in 37оС for 24-48 h the average number of the developed colonies has been determined and the quantity of the colony-forming units (CFU) in 1 mL of the initial material has been calculated.
At the periodic-addingmesophilic regime of anaerobic removing its fence, which flows in 45 days, the three marked strains were introduced in bioreactor each by 107CFU/g of all its content. After the fourth week from the beginning of the process marked staphylococci did not been established in the bioshlam. The marked E. coli disappeared after the fifth week, but P. aeruginosa have been revealed in minimal values till the end of the investigation. However, after the introducing of the bioshlame in the environment, single bacteria of that species will fall in unit of area in quantities which could not be able to provoke infections and to represent ecological danger. Their viability in the soils is not high, especially at low humidity and influence of the ultraviolet sun rays. That gives a reason the final bioshlame from the periodic-addingmesophilic regime to be evaluated as epizoothologically safe for introducing in the soils.
In the unbroken regime of anaerobic removing its fence, which flows in 22 days, the three marked strains were introduced in bioreactor each by 5.104CFU/g of all its content. In that concentrations they disappeared in shorter period (during 2 – 3 weeks).
In the composts of litter from broiler chickens the marked bacteria have been added each by 105CFU/g of all content. In the compost of cattle manure the same bacteria were introduced in double smaller concentrations. Behind the treatment with CaO the marked microorganisms died during about 2 – 3 weeks. After three weeks these bacteria did not established in ordinary composts too. Only in the poultry litter P. aeruginosa has been detected in little quantities through the fourth week, but later on disappeared from the compost.
The results from our investigations confirmed high efficacy of the treatment with CaO in order to fully decontamination of the poultry litter in short time. The ordinary compost was efficacy in this respect too, but by that method fully decontamination of the poultry litter achieved in a longer period of time. The last bioslame from the unbroken regime of anaerobic removing its fence was fully free from pathogenic bacteria too.

Key words: anaerobic removing its fence, periodic-adding process of methane fermentation, mesophilic regime, composts, marked bacteria.

This site is under construction!

Project title: Investigations on tuberculosis in badger (Meles meles) for monitoring of the disease in bases for intensive breeding of red deer in our country.

Key words: tuberculosis, badger (Meles meles).

The Microbiological Laboratory in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry, is situated in "Tzarigradsko shosse" № 73. The person in charge is assoc. prof. Teodora Popova, Ph.D.
It is a teaching, diagnostic and research laboratory and is a part of clinical - diagnostic unit of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Forestry. It provides the following activities:

  • Teaching: ● Practical training of students of Veterinary Medicine in the discipline Microbiology. ● Postgraduate study in the specialty "Microbiology and diagnostic of bacterial infections”.
  • Diagnostic. Microbiological and mycological diagnostic tests of clinical and pathological materials from domestic and wild animals are carried out. Isolation and identification of pathogens through application of complex microscopic, cultural, biochemical and serological methods are performed, as well as in vitro determination of the sensitivity of isolated bacteria to antibiotics and chemotherapeutics.
  • Research.

We are currently working on the following projects:

  • Alien terrestrial arthropods and their impact on biodiversity in Bulgaria (ATARTIB) - on-going (partner) - Project N 827/17.12.2008.
  • Ecologization of anaerobe biotechnologies by combination of energy cultures and waste biomass (Project N DVU 02-282/2010 ).

Much of the results of research and diagnostic activities are implemented in the educational process. They are demonstrated to students during the practical classes. Permanent preparations are made, by which the collection for practical exercises is filled regulary. In some cases, pictures and other visual materials are made and used for academic work.

The laboratory has the necessary equipment for microbiological work (research microscope with camera and capabilities for ultramicroscopic and fluorescent study, educational microscopes, thermostats, refrigerators, autoclave, sterilizers, water bath, scales, centrifuges, distiller, etc.). Also a large collection of microbial strains, permanent microscopic preparations and necessary glassware, culture media, diagnostic kits, chemicals and other supplies are available.

Head of laboratory:  Аssoc. Prof. T. Popova, PhD

The ways of infection of animals and humans with parasites are diverse. One of the ways most often is per os infection, which happens through pod and water. Water is permanently necessary for the existence of humans and animals and plays a very important role in episootology and epidemiology of a number of parasitic diseases, because the infection with some parasites is realized through the water. There is even such parasites, which undergo one part of their development in water and their biological cycle cannot be finished without it. Some of them release third-stage larvae in the water.

The applied methods of purification of water through chlorination send other means do not make harmless. The water as regards eggs and larvae of helminthes and oocysts of eimeria.
Our preliminary investigations show that the hydrodynamic effect in water medium, produced with the help of hydrodynamic generator (HD-2) and being result of occurance of physical phenomena, leads to full destruction of the larvae and eggs of some parasites.
Our observations show that the occurred forces in water medium, where the larvae are put in lead to disintegration of their bodies. The same injuries are observed as well in treatment of fertile eggs of equid strongylates in result of which those eggs do not develop.
The above gives us a reason by this project to carry out detailed investigation of the influence of this effect on the sexual products of parasites with economic importance in our country.
On the basis of the obtained results from the investigation should be prepared regulations for treatment of drinking water and technological water with purpose of purification from sexual products of helminthes and protozoa.

Project title: Virological and serological investigations on pox in partridges in Bulgaria

Key words: partridges (Perdix perdix), avian pox, virus isolation, immunization, cross protection.

Project title: Virus-induced chicken hepatoma – a model for investigations on cancerogenesis and antineoplastic activities of metal compounds.


The LSCC-SF(Mc29) permanent cell line established from a transplantable chicken nepatoma induced by the myelocytomatosis virus Mc29, was cloned and four sublines were obtained – Е7, Е10, D6E10, G9B4. It was found in our previous investigations (Grant CC 1/2000) that these cells differed significantly in morphology, karyotype, proviral load and tumour growth in vivo. The aim of the project presented here is to study comparatively the expression of some tumour associated antigen/s/ (TAA/s/) and tumour suppressor genes (p53) in the experimental model. Hybridoma cells will be developed and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) obtained will be characterized and used for identifying the TAA/s/ in hepatoma cells. P53 will be evaluated by immunological (usim\ng commercial antibodies) and molecular techniques (PCR, sequencing). Some other avian cells transformed by the myelocytomatosis viruses Mc29 and Mc31 will be included in some of the experiments for comparative investigations.
Cytotoxic and antiproliferative activities of newly synthesyzed metalloporfirins and complexes of Cu(II), Co(II), Zn(II), Ni(II), V(IV), Pt(II), Pd(II) and Ru(II) complexes with different ligands (Schiff and Mannich bases and their derivatives, biguanides, aminoacids) on LSCC-SF(Mc29) cells will be compared to that of some of tumour and nontumour cells from chicken, mouse, rat and human origin. In order to study better the biological activities of metal complexes their antimicrobial effects in vitro will be also studied.

Key words: transplantable chicken nepatoma induced by the myelocytomatosis virus Mc29, tumour associated antigens, monoclonal antibodies, protein p53, cytotoxic/antiproliferative activity, metal compounds/metalloporfirins, cell lines, antimicrobial activity.

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