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Faculty of Agronomy


Department Horticulture

Address: Bulgaria, 1797 Sofia, 10 "Kliment Ohridski" Blvd, University of Forestry, Faculty of Agronomy.

Location: Building "D", Studentski Grad, 1 "Vasko Abadzhiev" Str., 2nd floor, room № 221

Head of department: Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi, Building "D", 2nd floor, room № 225

Department of "Horticulture" was founded in 1999 by a decision of the Academic Council of The University of Forestry, to ensure the training of students majoring in Agronomy. As Acting Head of Department was appointed Assoc. Prof. PhD Krasimira Malinova.
For Head of Department of Horticulture were elected: Assoc. Prof. PhD Violeta Todorova (2003-2007); Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Apostolova (2008-2011), Prof. PhD Kiril Popov (2012-2018).
Since 2018 for Head of Department of Horticulture is elected Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi.
Students are studied in auditoriums and classrooms in Building D in Studentski Grad. Practice sessions are held at the Educational and Еxperimental Field Vrazhdebna of the UF, where has classrooms, orchard, vineyard, greenhouses and vegetable garden, where students acquire practical skills.

Academic staff of the Department:

  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Atanasova Apostolova
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Mihaylova Hristova-Cherbadzhi
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD Nevena Vasileva Shuleva
  • Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Denitsa Dimitrova Serbezova
  • Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Hristova Yordanova
  • Chief Assist. Prof. PhD Georgi Mitkov Dimitrov
  • Assist. Prof. Marko Todorov Mihaylov

Organizer learning activity: Krasimira Siklunova, building "D", 2nd floor, room № D 221

Teachers from the Department provide training for students in degree "Bachelor" - specialty "Agronomy" (A) and specialty "Plant Protection" (PP); in degree "Master" - specialty "Horticulture and Viticulture" (HV), specialty "Plant Breeding and Seeds Production of Crops" (PBSPC) and specialty "Sustainable management of soil resources" (SMSR).

Subjects and lecturers:

  • Ampelography (HV, PBSPC): Lectures are held by Prof. PhD. Kiril Popov, exercises are held by Assist. Prof. Marko Mihaylov
  • Application of the population methods in the selection of the crop plants (PBSPC): Lectures and exercises are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Krasimira Malinova
  • Beekeeping (A, PP): Lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Krasimira Malinova, the exercises are held by the Assist. Prof. PhD Tsvetelina Nikolova
  • Biodiversity and conservation of genetic resources (HV, SMSR, PBSPC): Lectures and exercises are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi
  • Business Planning (A, PP): Lectures and seminars are held by Prof. PhD Vladimir Piralkov
  • Consulting (A, PP): Lectures and exercises are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Nevena Shuleva
  • Economy and Management (A, PP): Lectures and are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Nevena Shuleva
  • Enology (A): Lectures are held by Prof. PhD Kirill Popov, exercises are held by the Assist. Prof. Marko Mihaylov
  • Experimental design and data analysis (PBSPC, PP-masters, SMSR): Lectures and exercises are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi
  • Floriculture (PBSPC): Lectures and exercises are held by Prof. DSc Bistra Atanasova - a part time lecturer
  • Formed and ornamental fruitgrowing (A): Lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Apostolova, exercises are held by the Assist. Prof. Marko Mihaylov
  • Fruitgrowing (A, PP): Lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Apostolova exercises are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Denitsa Serbezova
  • General Agricultural Policy of the European Union (PBSPC, PP-masters): Lectures and exercises are held by Assoc. Prof. Nevena Shuleva
  • General economic theory (PP): The lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nevena Shuleva
  • Greenhouse vegetable growing (A PP): Lectures are held by Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban, exercise are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
  • Introduction to Organic Agriculture (A): lectures and exercises are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
  • Mushroom growing (A, PP): Lectures are held by Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban, exercise are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
  • Mushroom growing (delicacy mushrooms) (PBSPC): Lectures are held by Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban, exercise are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
  • Organic Agriculture (PP): Lectures are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
  • PlantBreeding and Seeds Production (A, PP): Lectures and exercises are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi
  • Plantbreeding and seeds production of cereals (PBSPC): Lectures and exercises are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi
  • Plantbreeding and seeds production of essential oils and medicinal plants (PBSPC): Lectures and exercises are held by Prof. DSc Slavka Lukipudis - a part time lecturer
  • Plantbreeding and seeds production of flower crops (PBSPC): Lectures and exercises are held by Prof. DSc Bistra Atanasova - a part time lecturer
  • Plantbreeding and seeds production of technical and fodder crops (PBSPC): Lectures and exercises are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi
  • Plantbreeding of fruit species (HV, PBSPC): Lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Apostolova exercises are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Denitsa Serbezova
  • Plantbreeding of resistance to biotic and abiotic factors (PBSPC): Lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi and Assoc. Prof. PhD Atanaska Teneva
  • Plantbreeding of the vine (HV, PBSPC): Lectures are held by Prof. PhD Kirill Popov, exercises are held by the Assist. Prof. Marko Mihaylov
  • Plantbreeding of vegetable crops (HV, PBSPC): Lectures and exercises are held by Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban
  • Pomology (HV, PBSPC): Lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Apostolova exercises are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Denitsa Serbezova
  • Post-harvest technologies in fruitgrowing (HV): Lectures and exercises are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Denitsa Serbezova
  • Post-harvest technologies in vegetablegrowing and mushroom growing (HV): Lectures and exercises are held by Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban
  • Post-harvest technologies in viticulture (HV): Lectures are held by Prof. PhD Kirill Popov, exercises are held by the Assist. Prof. Marko Mihaylov
  • Production of fruit planting material (HV): Lectures and exercises are held by Ch. Assist. PhD Denitsa Serbezova
  • Production of seeds and seedlings of vegetable crops (HV): Lectures and exercises are held by Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban
  • Production of vine planting material (HV): Lectures are held by Prof. PhD Kirill Popov, exercises are held by the Assist. Prof. Marko Mihaylov
  • Project management in agribusiness (HV): Lectures and exercises are held by Prof. PhD Vladimir Piralkov
  • Rare fruit species (A): Lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Maria Apostolova exercises are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Denitsa Serbezova
  • Rare vegetable crops (A, PP): Lectures are held by Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban, exercise are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
  • Sericulture (A, PP): Lectures are held by Assoc. Prof. PhD Krasimira Malinova, the exercises are held by the Assist. Prof. PhD Tsvetelina Nikolova
  • Small fruit crops (HV): Lectures and exercises are held by Ch. Assist. PhD Denitsa Serbezova
  • Soil less growing plants (HV): Lectures and exercises are held by Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban today
  • Urban, suburban and greenhouse gardening (HV): Lectures and exercises are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Denitsa Serbezova
  • Vegetablegrowing (A, PP): Lectures are held by Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban, exercise are held by Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
  • Viticulture (A, PP): Lectures are held by Prof. PhD Kirill Popov, exercises are held by the Assist. Prof. Marko Mihaylov

Scientific directions:

  • Viticulture
  • Fruit Growing
  • Vegetable growing
  • Mushroom growing
  • Organic gardening
  • Plantbreeding
  • Seeds production
  • Beekeeping
  • Sericulture
  • Business planning
  • Economy
  • Management

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