Developed and defended diploma works in the Department of Agronomy for the period 01.01.2019- 31.12.2019 - 9 works (4 in EDP “Bachelor”, 5 in EDP “Master”)
Ivana Angelova Angelova
FN 51331, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Distribution and degree of weeding with pigweed species and other weeds in sunflower seedings in Plovdiv and Stara Zagora region
Scientific advisers: Assoc. Prof. PhD Tsveta Moskova and Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Georgi Dimitrov
Zahari Zahariev Trayanov
FN 51318, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Agronomic evaluation of soils in the area of Oryahovo
Scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof. PhD Rositsa Ilieva
Nikolay Iliev Filipov
FN 61525, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Effect of natural biostimulator “Kelpack” on cucumbers under different forms of treatment
Scientific adviser: Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
Olga Oleg Milanova
FN 51334, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Effect on some undisputed soil coverings in greenhouse lettuce cultivation (Lactuca sativa var Capitata L.)
Scientific advisers: Assoc. Prof. PhD Svetoslav Anev, and Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
Zanko Petkov Velinov
FN 961263, specialty Plant production, master
Title: Ways for lavender propagation
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Stamen Dimitrov
Yoanna Zhekova Stoilova
FN 961369, specialty Perennial plantations and horticulture, master
Title: Testing a new liquid organic fertilizer enriched with microelements
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. DSc. Veselin Kutev
Kalina Metodieva Nedyalkova
FN 961270, specialty Perennial plantations and horticulture, master
Title: Complex evaluation of rucola specimens grown under the Sofia Field conditions
Scientific adviser: Prof. DSc. Nidal Shaban
Nedyalko Ventsislavov Margitin
FN 961136, specialty Plant breeding and seed production, master
Title: Efficiency of crop production in the agricultural company “Nedko Mitev” ltd, Dobrich for the period 2014 - 2016.
Scientific adviser: Prof. DSc Slavka Lukipudis
Todor Ivanov Kasabov
FN 961246, specialty Plant protection, master
Title: Weed control at sunflower grown as Express Sun technology
Scientific advisers: Prof. PhD Ivan Zhalnov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Stamen Dimitrov
Developed and defended diploma works in the Department of Agronomy for the period 01.01.2018- 31.12.2018 – 14 works (8 in EDP “Bachelor”, 6 in EDP “Master”)
Viktor Vasilev Bichev
FN 51267, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Investigation of the possibilities for building roof facilities for urban horticulture
Scientific adviser: Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
Liliya Georgieva Tsvetkova
FN 51291, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: State and perspectives of plum production in Bulgaria.
Scientific adviser: Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Denitsa Serbezova
Nikolay Mirchev Karatanchev
FN 62062, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Study of honey plants in the Petrich area for creation of apiary.
Scientific adviser: Assist. Prof. PhD Tsvetelina Nikolova
Teodora Boradzhieva
FN 62031, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Organic potato production.
Scientific adviser: Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
Valery Veskov Petkov
FN 62042, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Investigation of soil moisture dynamics in the cultivation of broad beans.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Vera Petrova
Ilian Andrianov Nikolov
FN 51247, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Influence of agrometeorological conditions on the phenological development of the weed species white pigweed (Amaranthus albus L.).
Scientific advisers: Assoc. Prof. PhD Tsveta Moskova, Assist. Prof. PhD Georgi Dimitrov
Lili Sasheva Georgieva
FN 62028, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Developing a design of irrigation regime for corn grain.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Vera Petrova
Nansi Krasimirova Ivanova
FN 51234, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Change of soil reaction in the fertigation of vegetable crops in heavy alluvial soil.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. DSc. Veselin Kutev
Angela Vildanova Kodzhabasheva
FN 961237, specialty Plant protection, master
Title: Investigation of resistance to mildew of new sunflower forms (caused by Plasmopara helianthi Novot).
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi
Velizar Plamenov Vasilev
FN 961147, specialty Plant protection, master
Title: Investigation of resistance to herbicides of new sunflower forms.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi
Georgi Yordanov Yordanov
FN 961236, specialty Plant protection, master
Title: Investigation of phomopsis resistance (caused by Phomopsis helianthi Munt.-Cvet. et al) in sunflower.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi
Zdravko Kirilov Bambov
FN 96683, specialty Perennial plantations and horticulture, master
Title: Complex evaluation of the extensive production of cultivated oyster mushroom on natural wood stumps.
Scientific adviser: Prof. DSc. Nidal Shaban
Veselin Yordanov Alexandrov
FN 95205, specialty Sustainable management of soil resources, master
Title: Characteristics and suitability of Sofia city soils for agriculture and landscaping.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Rositsa Ilieva
Miroslav Spasov Koldov
FN 961232, specialty Plant protection, master
Title: Integrated weed control in apple orchard.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Spaska Kalcheva
Developed and defended diploma works in the Department of Agronomy for the period 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017 – 5 works (4 in EDP “Bachelor”, 1 in EDP “Master”)
Erik Nikolaev Minchev
FN 51173, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Investigation the possibilities for composting of plant wastes from the EEF “Vrazhdebna”.
Scientific adviser: Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Milena Yordanova
Theodora Dragomirov Nikolova
FN 51029, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Agrobiological complex evaluation of winter garlic Allium sativum in various technological production directions.
Scientific adviser: Prof. DSc. Nidal Shaban
Yoana Zhekova Stoilova
FN 51239, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Use of soil electrical conductivity to evaluate the quality of fertigation in vegetable crops.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. DSc. Veselin Kutev
Mariana Biserova Georgieva
FN 51198, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Storage and processing of tobacco.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Spaska Kalcheva
Iva Naskova Boeva
FN 96, specialty Plant breeding and seed production, master
Title: Comparative cultivation of oil-bearing crops in organic farming in Sofia-region.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi
Developed and defended diploma works in the Department of Agronomy for the period 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016 – 8 works (6 in EDP “Bachelor”, 2 in EDP “Master”)
Emiliya Dimitrova Serdarova
FN 51109, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Opportunities for growing pear varieties in the Pazardzhik region.
Scientific adviser: Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Denitsa Serbezova
Yoanna Georgieva Noleva
FN 51128, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Storage of vine planting material, grafting and stratification of grafted cuttings.
Scientific adviser: Prof. Dr. Kiril Popov
Kristina Ivova Kamenova
FN 51108, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Study of plant resources for the honey productivity of the newly created apiary in the suburban villa area in the Montana region.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Krasimira Malinova
Miroslav Spasov Koldov
FN 61804, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Opportunities for growing an apple orchard in the village of Lesnovo, municipality. Elin Pelin.
Scientific adviser: Ch. Assist. Prof. PhD Denitsa Serbezova
Vasil Yordanov Vasilev
FN 61967, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Processing and realization of fish produced in Bulgaria.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Spaska Kalcheva
Zhanet Atanasova Kostova
FN 51124, specialty Agronomy, bachelor
Title: Bulgarian wine and dessert grapes varieties - competitive to foreign.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Spaska Kalcheva
Maria Georgieva Georgieva
FN 961030, specialty Plant protection, master
Title: Using statistical methods to evaluate inheritance in simple sunflower crosses.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. PhD Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi
Albena Plamenova Trifonova
FN 96908, specialty Perennial plantations and horticulture, master
Title: Content assessment of mineral nitrogen in soils from real farms for potential risk of nitrate pollution of the environment.
Scientific adviser: Assoc. Prof. DSc Veselin Kutev