Addres: Bulgaria, Sofia 1797, 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., University of Forestry, Faculty of Agronomy
Location: building A, 3rd floor, room No. 342 and Bonsist sports complex, Rooms 7 and 8
Head of the Department: Assoc. Prof. PhD Yordanka Zlatarova
Responsible of quality: Senior Lecturer PhD Zhelyazko Dimitrov Georgiev
Office Manager: Dimitar Simeonov Gadjev, building A, 3rd floor, room no. 342, phone 0291907/ 261
Academic staff of the department:
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Yordanka Zlatarova
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Tanya Pancheva
- Senior Lecturer PhD Zhelyazko Georgiev
- Senior Lecturer PhD Bilyana Ovcharova
- Senior Lecturer PhD Ivanka Natova
- Senior Lecturer PhD Diana Tsotova
- Senior Lecturer PhD Tsvetina Tsakova
- Senior Lecturer Bronislava Ruseva
- Senior Lecturer Iliyana Ilieva-Blagoeva
- Senior Lecturer Petar Grozev
- Senior Lecturer Hristo Kolev
History: In July, 2023, after the closure of The Faculty of Business Management, the department of Foreign Languages pertaining to it, becomes a part of the Faculty of Agronomy and the newly-established department of Language training, physical education and sports.
The language section in this department dates back to 1960. Some of its former heads are Velichka Georgieva, Stefana Dimitrova, Ani Stancheva, Dimitrina Petrova, Stefan Politov, Evelina Georgieva and Tanya Pancheva.
In 2011 a Foreign Language computer laboratory was equipped for the purposes of applying ICT in foreign language teaching and research. The laboratory equipment is provided by the infrastructure project „Modern Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching at the University of Forestry“ financed by the University of Forestry, under the management of Senior Lecturer Evelina Georgieva.
The language teachers at the Department have written various textbooks for university students and have published dozens of articles in national and international journals. (see the information about individual lecturers).
Teaching Staff:
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Tanya Vasileva Pancheva – English for Specific Purposes for the degree subjects of Wood Technology, Interior Design, Veterinary Medicine and Alternative Tourism.
- Senior Lecturer Evelina Todorova Georgieva – German for Specific Purposes for Forestry, Wood Technology, Interior Design, Ecology, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Landscape Architecture, Veterinary Medicine and Alternative Tourism.
- Senior Lecturer, PhD Bilyana Stefanova Ovcharova – English for Specific Purposes: Forestry and Landscape Architecture.
- Senior Lecturer Iliyana Aleksandrova Ilieva-Blagoeva – Latin Language for Agronomy, Plant Protection and Veterinary Medicine (for Bulgarian and English-speaking students).
- Senior Lecturer, PhD Ivanka Natova – English for Specific Purposes: Agronomy, Plant Protection and Veterinary Medicine.
- Senior Lecturer PhD Tsvetina Tsvetanova Tsakova – Business English and ESP for Tourism, Ecology and Landscape Architecture.
- Senior Lecturer PhD Diana Yurievna Tsotova – Business Russian and Russian for Specific Purposes.
Major academic disciplines taught to students in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees:
- English for Specific Purposes (for Forestry, Wood Technology, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Ecology, Business Management, Alternative Tourism, Veterinary medicine, Agronomy and Plant Protection).
- German for Specific Purposes (for Forestry, Wood Technology, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Ecology, Business Management, Alternative Tourism, Veterinary medicine, Agronomy and Plant Protection).
- Russian for Specific Purposes (for Forestry, Wood Technology, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Ecology, Business Management, Alternative Tourism, Veterinary medicine, Agronomy and Plant Protection).
- Latin language (for Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy and Plant protection).
- Bulgarian language (for foreign students of Veterinary Medicine, Forestry, Wood Technology, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Ecology, Business Management, Alternative Tourism, Agronomy and Plant Protection).
Major fields of the language teaching and research activities:
- Methodology of higher education language teaching for specific purposes.
- Planning and assessment of tertiary education.
- Comparative linguistics.
- Syntax.
- Using information and communication technologies in foreign language teaching.
- Dialogic learning.
The Physical Education and Sports section was founded in 1956 as an assembly department together with UCT, and since 1957 has been an independent department with the first head Georgi Popov.
Unforgettable remain the first lecturers in the department who were national competitors in various sports in the 1960s, such as Lyubomir Ivanov, Senior Lecturer Nikola Boboshevski, Senior Lecturer Metodi Yosifov, Senior Lecturer Stefka Kozhuharova and Senior Lecturer Dimitar Dimitrov. In the following periods, the department is headed by Senior Lecturer Rumen Mladenov, Assoc. Prof. Atanas Dimitrov and Senior Lecturer Nelly Vassileva.
At the beginning of 2017, the Department of Physical Education and Sports received the Honorary Sign of the University of Forestry for contribution to the development of sport and science at the University and in connection with its 60th anniversary.
With almost 60 years of history, there are skiing and water sports practices. They cover students from 8 specialties. Students have the opportunity, within the framework of their studies at the University of Forestry, to practise and master the technique of otherwise expensive sports such as skiing, swimming, rowing and surfing.
Since the creation of the department, the sports disciplines that have always developed and contributed to the establishment of the University of Forestry as a university with traditions in sports and achieved prize rankings are: alpine skiing, ski-running, sport orientation, track and field events, basketball, football, etc. Our students were participants in world championships, world university winter and summer games.
In the last few years after the inclusion of new sports in the sports calendar, there has been a strong performance of our athletes in the sports: snowboarding, beach tennis, beach football, badminton, judo and kickboxing.
Due to the good organizational and training work with the athletes of the University of Forestry for the last 10 years, 45 individual and 13 team championships were won, numerous of second and third places of state university championships. Among the greatest achievements, we should note the won Complex championship title of the University of Forestry from the University Winter Games Pamporovo 2022 in the huge competition between 27 universities with over 350 participants, as well as the won gold medals in the disciplines snowboard-parallel slalom and snowboard-giant slalom by Tervel Zamfirov – 1st year, specialty veterinary medicine. Thus, he became the first ever two-time European university champion in these disciplines in December 2023 European University Winter Sports Championships in Val di Zoldo, Italy.
There is a diverse and rich scientific research at the Department. Four lecturers (Dimitar Dimitrov, Atanas Dimitrov, Yordanka Zlatarova and Zhelyazko Georgiev) were habilitated, and in 2005 Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov received the title "Professor".
Methodological guides for the training of ski, calanetics and fitness students, as well as three monographs and more than 200 publications are published.
The heads of the department were:
- Senior Lecturer Georgi Popov (1957-1962)
- Senior Lecturer Lubomir Ivanov (1960-1962)
- Senior Lecturer Mladen Doychinov (1962-1964)
- Senior Lecturer Nikola Boboshevski (1964-1971)
- Senior Lecturer Methodius Yossifov (1972-1983)
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Dimitar Dimitrov (1984-1989)
- Senior Lecturer Methodius Yossifov (1989-1990)
- Senior Lecturer Rumen Mladenov (1990-1998)
- Assoc. Prof. Valentin Tsolov (2000-2003)
- Prof. PhD Dimitar Dimitrov (2004-2005)
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Yordanka Zlatarova (2005-2024)
- Since april, 2024 the head of the department is Assoc. Prof. PhD Zhelyazko Georgiev
Disciplines and lecturers in the "Physical education and sports" section:
- Volleyball. The seminars are taught by Senior Lecturer Hristo Kolev, Assoc. Prof. Zhelyazko Georgiev and Senior Lecturer Bronislava Ruseva.
- Football. The seminars are taught by Senior Lecturer Petar Grozev and Assoc. Prof. Zhelyazko Georgiev.
- Table tennis. The seminars are taught by Senior Lecturer Petar Grozev, Assoc. Prof. Zhelyazko Georgiev and Senior Lecturer Bronislava Russeva.
- Tennis. The seminars are taught by Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Zlatarova and Assoc. Prof. Zhelyazko Georgiev.
- Calanetics. The exercises are led by Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Zlatarova.
- Fitness. The seminars are taught by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yordanka Zlatarova, Senior Lecturer Petar Grozev and Assoc. Prof. Zhelyazko Georgiev.
- Swimming. The seminars are taught by Senior Lecturer Bronislava Russeva.
- Skiing. The seminars are taught by Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Zlatarova, Assoc. Prof. Zhelyazko Georgiev, Senior Lecturer Hristo Kolev and Senior Lecturer Petar Grozev.
- Water sports / rowing /. The seminars are taught by Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Zlatarova, Senior Lecturer Bronislava Ruseva, Assoc. Prof. Zhelyazko Georgiev, Senior Lecturer Hristo Kolev and Senior Lecturer Petar Grozev.
- Tourist orientation and extreme sports. The seminars are taught by Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Zlatarova
Research fields of the lecturers from the "Physical Education and Sports" section:
- Professional-applied orientation of physical education at University;
- Development of the basic motor qualities of students through sports, which primarily affect the cardio-respiratory system;
- Investigation of the basic motor coordination of students /impact of different kinds of motor activity/;
- Exploring the problems of teaching activity with students in the field of physical education and sport;
- Improving the sports training of students - football, volleyball, swimming, tennis and ski-alpine in the conditions of the educational process of the university;
- Provide additional opportunities to improve the swimming training process with additional non-standard training tools.

Physical Education and Sports Section (From left to right) Senior Lecturer Bronislava Ruseva, Senior Lecturer Petar Grozev, Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Zlatarova, (Head of Department), Senior Lecturer Hristo Kolev, Assoc. Prof. Jelyazko Georgiev (Head of Department)