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Dear colleagues and friends,
University of Forestry and Faculty of Forestry are organizing an International Scientific Conference "Forestry: Bridge to the Future", which will take place on 05–08 May 2021 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The conference was scheduled for 06-09.05.2020 and subsequently postponed. The Organizing committee of the conference decided to conduct the event in a hybrid format. Participants will have the choice of attending in person or virtually.

Participants attending the event in person will benefit from live interactions and networking opportunities. Additional measures for social distancing and hygiene will ensure a safe and comfortable experience.

The Conference scope covers the broad range of forestry science. We have invited eminent keynote speakers, like: Prof. Valeriu-Norocel Nicolescu, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering; Mart-Jan Schelhaas, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands, Wageningen Environmental Research; Prof. Georgi Kostov, University of Forestry, Bulgaria, Department of Sylviculture; Prof. Raffaele Spinelli, National Research Council of Italy, Trees and Timber Institute.

Detailed information can be found on the Conference website:, as well as on the following e-mails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marius Dimitrov
Chairman of the Organizing Committee

On November 22, 2019, in the Academic Hall of the University of Forestry, an Academic Cooperation Framework Agreement was signed by and between the University of Forestry and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

On behalf of the University of Forestry the meeting was attended by: Corresponding member, Prof. DSc Ivan Iliev – Rector of the University of Forestry, Prof. Boyanka Zhelyazova, PhD – Vice Rector of Accreditation, international integration and public relations, Prof. Milko Milev, PhD – Vice Rector of Educational activities, Assoc. Prof. Neno Trichkov, PhD – Vice Rector of Scientific and development activities, eng. Iliya Benchev – Assistant Rector, Prof. Mariana Doncheva, PhD – Dean of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Assoc. Prof. Marius Dimitrov, PhD – Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Prof. Zhivko Gochev, PhD – Dean of the Faculty of Forest Industry, Prof. DSc Bogdan Aminkov – Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assoc. Prof. Ivona Dimitrova, PhD – Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy, Prof. Rumen Tomov, PhD – Head of the “Transfer of Scientific Knowledge and Technologies” sector, Prof. Petar Zhelev, PhD and Assoc. Prof. Petar Antov, PhD – International and Public Relations Coordinator of the University of Forestry.

The following guests from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, participated in the meeting: Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Papaioannu – Rector of the Aristotle University, and the following heads of schools and laboratories at the Aristotle University - Prof. Dr. Theocharis Zagas – Head of the School of Forestry and Natural Environment, Prof. Dr. Apostolos Scaltsoyiannes – Head of the Laboratory of Forest Genetics and Plant Breeding, Prof. Dr. Alexios Polidoros – School of Agriculture, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Tsaktsira – Laboratory of Forest Genetics and Plant Breeding, as well as Prof. Dr. Rene Rohr from the University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France.

The Rector of the University of Forestry – Corresponding member, Prof. DSc Ivan Iliev presented the structure, educational activities and the main scientific areas of the University.

The Rector of the Aristotle University, Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Papaioannu, delivered a presentation with information about the University, as well as a presentation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; Prof. Dr. Theocharis Zagas made a presentation with information related to the School of Forestry and Natural Environment, and Prof. Dr. Alexios Polidoros presented information about the School of Agriculture.

The Rector of the Aristotle University, Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Papaioannu, attended a meeting with Greek students, studying Veterinary Medicine at the University of Forestry. After signing the cooperation agreement, the guests from the Aristotle University visited the Library and Information Centre of the University of Forestry, the Laboratory of Biotechnologies and Molecular Genetics, the renovated fifth floor and laboratories, as well as the Technology Transfer Centre.

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The University of Forestry is a unique higher education institution in Bulgaria providing training of specialists in all three education and qualification degrees (Bachelor, Master and PhD) in the field of Forestry, Forest Industry, Landscape Architecture, Engineering Design, Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Business Management, Alternative Tourism and Ecology and Environmental Protection. The University of Forestry has been accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has been providing training of students in the speciality of Veterinary Medicine, education and qualification degree Master of Sciences since 1994.

The speciality of Veterinary Medicine is included in the Classifier of higher education areas and professional fields of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has a programme accreditation for training students in Veterinary Medicine. The training in Veterinary Medicine is open to all applicants who have graduated from а secondary/high school. The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is in full compliance with the Uniform State Requirements. It is a full-time training, following the curriculum and training programmes that comply with the requirements of the EU Directive 2005/36/EC and the amending EU Directive 2013/55/EU as well as with the Bulgarian legislation. The course of education takes 11 semesters (5.5 years) and ends with sitting state examinations. The students graduate by sitting a State Exam and are awarded the qualification “Veterinary Surgeon” and the degree “Master of Sciences” (M.Sc.), and they could proceed further on as post-graduate students for obtaining a PhD degree.

The practical training course of the students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Forestry is an important element of their education as veterinarians and it includes three practices – after VIth, VIIIth and Xth semesters. The first training practice concerns Animal Science and its duration is two weeks. The second training practice concerns clinical practice and its duration is four weeks. The third (probation) prediploma internship is the last stage (before getting the diploma) of the students’ training and it has characteristics of a professional specialization. The institutions for implementation of these practices are livestock institutes and husbandry complexes, agricultural cooperatives, private farms, vet-clinics or offices which are selected by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. There is a possibility to perform the practice abroad according to the specific conditions of the programme and permission by the Dean of Faculty.

The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is carried out by academic staff, consisting of highly-qualified, competent and internationally accredited university lecturers, in accordance with the requirements of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

Studying Veterinary Medicine, the students acquire knowledge in the following fields:

  • Anatomy, Physiology, Husbandry, Animal Reproduction and Hygiene;
  • Animal Nutrition, Technologies Related to Food Production for Animals;
  • Ethology and Animal Protection;
  • General Pathomorphology and Special Pathological Anatomy of the Animals.

The students obtain the skills to:

  • Determine the causes, nature, development, diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases; differentiate animal diseases;
  • Assess the risk connected with the possibilities of disease transmission from animals to human.

Furthermore, the students acquire competences in the following fields:

  • Preventive medicine related to research, analysis and certification;
  • Hygiene, technology, control, production, storage and processing of food of animal origin for human consumption, including abilities to understand and explain the best practices in this respect;
  • Responsible and adequate use of veterinary pharmaceutical products for the treatment of animals and ensuring the food chain safety as well as environmental protection.


The recruitment procedure is based on three different requirements. The first one is based on the level of education and knowledge on the basic subject - Biology. The second one is based on the proficiency in English language. The third one is based on the presented documents. The selection of applicants is based on sitting an entrance test. The test is in English language, entirely in the field of Biology. It is consisted of two main parts. The first one is a reading comprehension text (scientific or popular scientific), followed by ten multiple choice questions. The second one includes thirty multiple choice questions, aiming at assessing applicants’ knowledge in the field of Biology.

The following documents are required for application:

  1. Application form – application form with attached photo of the applicant, containing brief personal information and the desired speciality.
  2. Copy of the document (diploma) for completed secondary/high school education with an Appendix showing the grades in Biology and Chemistry of the applicant. The grades in Biology and Chemistry must be at least 62% of the maximum possible value according to the grading system of the respective country.
  3. Certificate issued by authorized institution indicating that the diploma hold by the applicant gives him/her the rights to continue his/her education at university in his/her native country.
  4. Medical certificate indicating that the applicant is clinically healthy.
  5. Copy of the applicant’s ID card.
  6. Two recent photos of the applicant (3.5/4.5 cm).

Documents concerning items 2, 3 and 4 have to be translated, legalized and certified in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Bulgaria with the State in which they were issued.

The rating of applicants is based on the total score of the following components:

  1. The grade from the entrance test;
  2. The grade in Biology from secondary/high school diploma;
  3. The grade in Chemistry from secondary/high school diploma.

Terms for the 2018/2019 academic year:

  1. Submission of application documents and payment of application fee (personally or by an authorized person or company) – from 25.06 to 05.09.2018 in the University of Forestry (main Campus address: 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria), floor 1, office 104 – Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – every working day from 8:30 to 16:00.
  2. Entrance test – on 08.09.2018 at 11:00. All applicants should come to Hall 101 between 9:00 and 10:00 to be informed about the Hall where the entrance test will be held.
  3. Announcement of entrance test results and list of admitted students – 10.09.2018 at 13:00 at the Dean’s office (main campus, floor 1, office 105).
  4. Information and identification of entrance test results – 10.09.2018 at 14:00, office 101.
  5. Enrollment of admitted students – 11.09 – 21.09.2018.

Entrance Sample Test

LIST of literature sources in English for the entrance exam in Biology for the speciality of Veterinary Medicine taught in English language at the University of Forestry, Sofia

The University of Forestry is a unique higher education institution in Bulgaria providing training of specialists in all three education and qualification degrees (Bachelor, Master and PhD) in the field of Forestry, Forest Industry, Landscape Architecture, Engineering Design, Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Business Management, Alternative Tourism and Ecology and Environmental Protection. The University of Forestry has been accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has been providing training of students in the speciality of Veterinary Medicine, education and qualification degree Master of Sciences since 1994.

The speciality of Veterinary Medicine is included in the Classifier of higher education areas and professional fields of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has a programme accreditation for training students in Veterinary Medicine. The training in Veterinary Medicine is open to all applicants who have graduated from а secondary/high school. The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is in full compliance with the Uniform State Requirements. It is a full-time training, following the curriculum and training programmes that comply with the requirements of the EU Directive 2005/36/EC and the amending EU Directive 2013/55/EU as well as with the Bulgarian legislation. The course of education takes 11 semesters (5.5 years) and ends with sitting state examinations. The students graduate by sitting a State Exam and are awarded the qualification “Veterinary Surgeon” and the degree “Master of Sciences” (M.Sc.), and they could proceed further on as post-graduate students for obtaining a PhD degree.

The practical training course of the students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Forestry is an important element of their education as veterinarians and it includes three practices – after VIth, VIIIth and Xth semesters. The first training practice concerns Animal Science and its duration is two weeks. The second training practice concerns clinical practice and its duration is four weeks. The third (probation) prediploma internship is the last stage (before getting the diploma) of the students’ training and it has characteristics of a professional specialization. Its duration is twelve weeks. The institutions for implementation of these practices are livestock institutes and husbandry complexes, agricultural cooperatives, private farms, vet-clinics or offices which are selected by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. There is a possibility to perform the practice abroad according to the specific conditions of the programme and permission by the Dean of Faculty.

The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is carried out by academic staff, consisting of highly-qualified, competent and internationally accredited university lecturers, in accordance with the requirements of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

Studying Veterinary Medicine, the students acquire knowledge in the following fields:

• Anatomy, Physiology, Husbandry, Animal Reproduction and Hygiene;
• Animal Nutrition, Technologies Related to Food Production for Animals;
• Ethology and Animal Protection;
• General Pathomorphology and Special Pathological Anatomy of the Animals.

The students obtain the skills to:
• Determine the causes, nature, development, diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases; differentiate animal diseases;
• Assess the risk connected with the possibilities of disease transmission from animals to human.

Furthermore, the students acquire competences in the following fields:
• Preventive medicine related to research, analysis and certification;
• Hygiene, technology, control, production, storage and processing of food of animal origin for human consumption, including abilities to understand and explain the best practices in this respect;
• Responsible and adequate use of veterinary pharmaceutical products for the treatment of animals and ensuring the food chain safety as well as environmental protection.


The recruitment procedure is based on three different requirements. The first one is based on the level of education and knowledge on the basic subject – Biology. The second one is based on the proficiency in English language. The third one is based on the presented documents. The selection of applicants is based on sitting an entrance test. The test is in English language, entirely in the field of Biology. It is consisted of two main parts. The first one is a reading comprehension text (scientific or popular scientific), followed by ten multiple choice questions. The second one includes thirty multiple choice questions, aiming at assessing applicants’ knowledge in the field of Biology.

The following documents are required for application:
1. Application form – application form with attached photo of the applicant, containing brief personal information and the desired speciality.
2. Copy of the document (diploma) for completed secondary/high school education with an Appendix showing the grades in Biology and Chemistry of the applicant. The grades in Biology and Chemistry must be at least 62% of the maximum possible value according to the grading system of the respective country.
3. Certificate issued by authorized institution indicating that the diploma hold by the applicant gives him/her the rights to continue his/her education at university in his/her native country.
4. Medical certificate indicating that the applicant is clinically healthy.
5. Copy of the applicant’s ID card.
6. Two recent photos of the applicant (3.5/4.5 cm).

Documents concerning items 2, 3 and 4 have to be translated, legalized and certified in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Bulgaria with the State in which they were issued.

The rating of applicants is based on the total score of the following components:
1. Duplicated grade from the entrance test;
2. The grade in Biology from secondary/high school diploma;
3. The grade in Chemistry from secondary/high school diploma.

Terms for the 2019/2020 academic year:
1. Submission of application documents and payment of application fee (personally or by an authorized person or company) – from 03.06 to 10.09.2019 in the University of Forestry (main Campus address: 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria), floor 1, office 104 – Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – every working day from 8:30 to 16:00.
2. Entrance test – on 12.09.2019 at 11:00. All applicants should come to Hall 101 between 9:00 and 10:00 to be informed about the Hall where the entrance test will be held.
3. Announcement of entrance test results – 13.09.2019 at 13:00 at the Dean’s office (main campus, floor 1, office 105).
4. Information and identification of entrance test results – 13.09.2019 at 14:00, office 101.
5. Announcement of the list of admitted students - 13.09.2019 at 15:00, office 101.
6. Enrollment of admitted students – 13.09 – 20.09.2019, office 104, from 8:30 to 16:00.

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The recruitment procedure is based on three different requirements. The first one is based on the level of education and knowledge on the basic subject - Biology. The second one is based on the proficiency in English language. The third one is based on the presented documents. The selection of applicants is based on sitting an entrance test. The test is in English language, entirely in the field of Biology. It is consisted of two main parts. The first one is a reading comprehension text (scientific or popular scientific), followed by ten multiple choice questions. The second one includes thirty multiple choice questions, aiming at assessing applicants’ knowledge in the field of Biology.

The following documents are required for application:

  1. Application form – application form with attached photo of the applicant, containing brief personal information and the desired speciality.
  2. Copy of the document (diploma) for completed secondary/high school education with an Appendix showing the grades in Biology and Chemistry of the applicant. The grades in Biology and Chemistry must be at least 62% of the maximum possible value according to the grading system of the respective country.
  3. Certificate issued by authorized institution indicating that the diploma hold by the applicant gives him/her the rights to continue his/her education at university in his/her native country.
  4. The EU and EEA citizens, together with the diploma for completed secondary educaiton, shall also present a certificate, issued by the regional Department at the Ministry of Education, for recognized completed secondary education with grades, equated to the grades according to Art. 9, para. 1 of Ordinance No. 11 of 1 September 2016 for evaluation of the students’ training results.
  5. Medical certificate indicating that the applicant is clinically healthy.
  6. Copy of the applicant’s ID card.
  7. Two recent photos of the applicant (3.5/4.5 cm).

Documents concerning items 2, 3 and 5 have to be translated, legalized and certified in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Bulgaria with the State in which they were issued.

The rating of applicants is based on the total score of the following components:

  1. Duplicated grade from the entrance test;
  2. The grade in Biology from secondary/high school diploma;
  3. The grade in Chemistry from secondary/high school diploma.

Terms for the 2021/2022 academic year:

  1. Submission of application documents and payment of application fee (personally or by an authorized person or company) – from 01.06 to 03.09.2021 in the University of Forestry (main Campus address: 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria), floor 1, office 104 – Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – every working day from 8:30 to 16:00.
  2. Sample test and check the platform – 09.09.2021
  3. Entrance online test – on 10.09.2021 at 11:00.
  4. Announcement of entrance test results – 13.09.2021 at 13:00 online on the e-mails of applicants.
  5. Information and identification of entrance test results – 13.09.2021 at 14:00, office 101.
  6. Announcement of the list of admitted students - 13.09.2021 at 15:00, office 101
  7. Enrollment of admitted students – 14.09 – 21.09.2021, office 104, from 8,30 to 16,00.

Click here for pdf sample test


Click here for the detailed instructions for entrance exam

For all questions related to the application, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


ОD 4.2.3-08

for enrollment in the summer semester of the academic year 2020/2021 and conducting classes with the students in the regular form of training
The deadline for enrollment is until 26th February 2021

I. Conditions for enrollment in the summer semester of the academic year 2020/2021:

  1. Certified winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021. The certification of the students for the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021 is formed on the basis of lists provided by the lecturers in the Dean’s office. Students are informed about the certification of the course by the lecturers. The deadline for certification is the end of the regular exam session of the winter semester. The certification (signature) on the individual disciplines and of the semester will be performed the during the resume of the in-person training.
  2. Paid semester fee - the fee for the summer semester is paid only by bank transfer to the bank account of the UF:
    BNB - Central Office
    BG 73 BNBG 9661 3100 1035 01
    Mandatory details of the payment bank documents:
    Recipient - University of Forestry
    The names of the student and faculty number
    Grounds for payment - semester fee.
    The fee for the summer semester of the academic year 2020/2021 is 4400 BGN (2250 Euros)
    Upon fulfillment of the requirements, the student has the right to be enrolled. If necessary, the student may communicate with the inspector, responsible for the English language training, in order to clarify his/her student situation.

II. Enrollment order:

Students should send an e-mail to the inspector of the Dean's office and attach the following document: scanned copy (photocopy) of the bank document for paid semester fee.
E-mail address of the inspector: Eng. Maria Pochinkova - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Enrolled students receive an e-mail from the inspector.

III. Conducting the training:

  1. Classes with students for the summer semester of the academic year 2020/2021 will begin in an electronic environment on 22.02.2021 and will continue in accordance with the current orders issued by the Minister of Health and the Rector of UF.
  2. The weekly schedules for the summer semester 2020/2021 will be published until 19.02.2021 on the website of UF in the following section: Education - Schedule of studies - Schedule of studies – Faculty of veterinary medicine – Veterinary medicine-eng. The schedules include the classrooms in case of transition to in-person training.
  3. Learning in an electronic environment is conducted synchronously in accordance with the weekly training programs through Office 365 applications (Teams, Forms, etc.) or other electronic platforms, incl. Blackboard. Students must register on the Office 365 platform. The lecturers present the topics according to the calendar plan in classes according to the weekly programs. Additional instructions, provision of teaching materials, assignments, consultations, etc. are held without overlapping with the weekly study programs of the students.

    Students should be responsible for keeping their passwords! In case of a problem with the registration, please contact the University Computer Center by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    The actual e-mail address of the student should be entered in the text field of the message sent to the administrator.

The Rectorate of the University of Forestry invites you to the official graduation ceremony of bachelor’s and master’s degree students which will take place on Wednesday, 22 May 2024 at 11 am at the University Academic Hall.

Graduates should come between 9.30 - 11 am at the Academic Hall desk with an identity document to receive a graduation cap, gown and scarf for the ceremony.

After the end of the ceremony at the Academic Hall (Aula), the official ceremonies of the faculties will continue as follows:

Faculty HALL
Faculty of Forestry


Akad. Mako Dakov

Faculty of Forest Industry Hall 513
Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Hall 501
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine AULA
Faculty of Agronomy Hall 101

The academic management of the University of Forestry invites all students, teachers and staff to the ceremony of the opening of academic year 2020/2021. The ceremony will take place on September 28th, 2020 (Monday) from 10:00 am in the courtyard of the University.

After the opening ceremony, a meeting with the first-year students with the dean's management of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will be held in Hall 301 (Educational Laboratory Corpus) - from 10:45 am for Bulgarian students and from 11:45 for the students in English program


The Governing Body of the University of Forestry invites you to the official ceremony of graduation of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students, which will take place on the 23.05.2023 (Tuesday) at 13.00 h at the University Academic Hall.
The graduates should come from 11.00 to 12.30 h at the Academic Hall desk with an identity document where they would receive an academic toga, cap and scarf for the ceremony.

After the end of the ceremony at the Academic Hall (Aula), the official ceremonies of the different faculties will continue as follows:

  • Faculty of Forestry - Hall Akad. Mako Dakov
  • Faculty of Forest Industry - Hall 501
  • Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture - Hall 101
  • Faculty of Management - Hall 513
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - AULA
  • Faculty of Agronomy - Hall ELC 205

The Governing Body of the University of Forestry invites you to the official ceremony of graduation of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students, which will take place on the 19.05.2022 (Thursday) at 11.00 h at the University Academic Hall.

The graduates should come from 9.00 to 10.30 h at the Academic Hall desk with an identity document where they would receive an academic toga, cap and scarf for the ceremony.

After the end of the ceremony at the Academic Hall (Aula), the official ceremonies of the different faculties will continue as follows:

Faculty HALL
Faculty of Forestry


ELC 301

Faculty of Forest Industry 513 Hall
Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Hall 501
Faculty of Management Hall 407
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine AULA
Faculty of Agronomy HALL-ELC 205

The Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2023/2024 of the University of Forestry will be held on the 25th (Monday) of September 2023 at 10:00 h at the University Academic Hall. After the end of the ceremony at the Academic Hall (Aula), the official ceremonies of the different faculties will continue as follows:

Faculty of Forestry - Academic Hall (Aula) from 10:45 h
Faculty of Forest Industry - Academic Hall (Aula) from 12:30 h
Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture - Hall 401 (central building) - from 10:45 h
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - "Academician Mako Dakov" hall (central building) - from 10:45 h for training in Bulgarian and from 11:45 h for training in English
Faculty of Agronomy - Hall 301 (Educational - laboratory building) - from 10:45 h

START OF CLASSES FOR ALL COURSES – 13:15 h (for Faculty of Forest Industry – from 15:15 h)

May 05-08, 2021, Sofia – Bulgaria

University of Forestry and Faculty of Forestry are organizing a scientific conference entitled ”Forestry: Bridge to the Future”.

The Conference will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, in the period May 05-08, 2021

Poster eng 2021

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The University of Forestry is a unique higher education institution in Bulgaria providing training of specialists in all three education and qualification degrees (Bachelor, Master and PhD) in the field of Forestry, Forest Industry, Landscape Architecture, Engineering Design, Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Business Management, Alternative Tourism and Ecology and Environmental Protection. The University of Forestry has been accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has been providing training of students in the speciality of Veterinary Medicine, education and qualification degree Master of Sciences since 1994.

The speciality of Veterinary Medicine is included in the Classifier of higher education areas and professional fields of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has a programme accreditation for training students in Veterinary Medicine. The training in Veterinary Medicine is open to all applicants who have graduated from а secondary/high school. The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is in full compliance with the Uniform State Requirements. It is a full-time training, following the curriculum and training programmes that comply with the requirements of the EU Directive 2005/36/EC and the amending EU Directive 2013/55/EU as well as with the Bulgarian legislation. The course of education takes 11 semesters (5.5 years) and ends with sitting state examinations. The students graduate by sitting a State Exam and are awarded the qualification “Veterinary Surgeon” and the degree “Master of Sciences” (M.Sc.), and they could proceed further on as post-graduate students for obtaining a PhD degree.

The practical training course of the students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Forestry is an important element of their education as veterinarians and it includes three practices – after VIth, VIIIth and Xth semesters. The first training practice concerns Animal Science and its duration is two weeks. The second training practice concerns clinical practice and its duration is four weeks. The third (probation) prediploma internship is the last stage (before getting the diploma) of the students’ training and it has characteristics of a professional specialization. The institutions for implementation of these practices are livestock institutes and husbandry complexes, agricultural cooperatives, private farms, vet-clinics or offices which are selected by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. There is a possibility to perform the practice abroad according to the specific conditions of the programme and permission by the Dean of Faculty.

The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is carried out by academic staff, consisting of highly-qualified, competent and internationally accredited university lecturers, in accordance with the requirements of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

Studying Veterinary Medicine, the students acquire knowledge in the following fields:

  • Anatomy, Physiology, Husbandry, Animal Reproduction and Hygiene;
  • Animal Nutrition, Technologies Related to Food Production for Animals;
  • Ethology and Animal Protection;
  • General Pathomorphology and Special Pathological Anatomy of the Animals.

The students obtain the skills to:

  • Determine the causes, nature, development, diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases; differentiate animal diseases;
  • Assess the risk connected with the possibilities of disease transmission from animals to human.

Furthermore, the students acquire competences in the following fields:

  • Preventive medicine related to research, analysis and certification;
  • Hygiene, technology, control, production, storage and processing of food of animal origin for human consumption, including abilities to understand and explain the best practices in this respect;
  • Responsible and adequate use of veterinary pharmaceutical products for the treatment of animals and ensuring the food chain safety as well as environmental protection.


The recruitment procedure is based on three different requirements. The first one is based on the level of education and knowledge on the basic subject - Biology. The second one is based on the proficiency in English language. The third one is based on the presented documents. The selection of applicants is based on sitting an online entrance test. The test is in English language, entirely in the field of Biology. It is consisted of two main parts. The first one is a reading comprehension text (scientific or popular scientific), followed by ten multiple choice questions. The second one includes thirty multiple choice questions, aiming at assessing applicants’ knowledge in the field of Biology.

The full instructions about the exam see here.

The following documents are required for application:

  1. Application form – application form with attached photo of the applicant, containing brief personal information and the desired speciality.
  2. Copy of the document (diploma) for completed secondary/high school education with an Appendix showing the grades in Biology and Chemistry of the applicant. The grades in Biology and Chemistry must be at least 62% of the maximum possible value according to the grading system of the respective country.
  3. Certificate issued by authorized institution indicating that the diploma hold by the applicant gives him/her the rights to continue his/her education at university in his/her native country.
  4. The EU and EEA citizens, together with the diploma for completed secondary educaiton, shall also present a certificate, issued by the regional Department at the Ministry of Education, for recognized completed secondary education with grades, equated to the grades according to Art. 9, para. 1 of Ordinance No. 11 of 1 September 2016 for evaluation of the students’ training results.
  5. Copy of the letter of attorney if documents are submitted by other person.
  6. Copy of the applicant’s passport or ID card.
  7. Scanned copies of documents from p.1 to p.7. Scanned copies of documents from p.1 to p.7 shall be sent to the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in PDF format maximum file size – 10 MB. The photo of candidate shall be in a separate file in JPEG format.
  8. Two recent photos of the applicant (3.5/4.5 cm).
  9. Copy of the document for paid application fee.

To participate in the ranking, applicants who have passed the preliminary exam shall submit the required application documents by September 9, 2022.

Documents concerning items 2, 3, 4 and 6 have to be translated, legalized and certified in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Bulgaria with the State in which they were issued.

The rating of applicants is based on the total score of the following components:

  1. Duplicated grade from the entrance test;
  2. The grade in Biology from secondary/high school diploma;
  3. The grade in Chemistry from secondary/high school diploma.

Terms for the 2022/2023 academic year:

  1. Submission of application documents and payment of application fee (personally or by an authorized person or company) – from 01.06 to 09.09.2022 in the University of Forestry (main Campus address: 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria), floor 1, office 104 – Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – every working day from 8:30 to 16:00.
  2. Sample test andcheck the platform – 15.09.2022
  3. Entrance test – on 16.09.2022 at 14:00.
  4. Announcement of entrance test results – 19.09.2022 after 10:00.
  5. Information and identification of entrance test results – 19.09.2022 between 11:00 to 13:00.
  6. Announcement of the list of admitted students - 19.09.2022 at 14:00, office 101
  7. Enrollment of admitted students – 20.09 – 26.09.2022, office 104, from 8,30 to 16,00.

Entrance test sample


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The University of Forestry is a unique higher education institution in Bulgaria providing training of specialists in all three education and qualification degrees (Bachelor, Master and PhD) in the field of Forestry, Forest Industry, Landscape Architecture, Engineering Design, Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Business Management, Alternative Tourism and Ecology and Environmental Protection. The University of Forestry has been accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has been providing training of students in the speciality of Veterinary Medicine, education and qualification degree Master of Sciences since 1994.

The speciality of Veterinary Medicine is included in the Classifier of higher education areas and professional fields of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has a programme accreditation for training students in Veterinary Medicine. The training in Veterinary Medicine is open to all applicants who have graduated from а secondary/high school. The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is in full compliance with the Uniform State Requirements. It is a full-time training, following the curriculum and training programmes that comply with the requirements of the EU Directive 2005/36/EC and the amending EU Directive 2013/55/EU as well as with the Bulgarian legislation. The course of education takes 11 semesters (5.5 years) and ends with sitting state examinations. The students graduate by sitting a State Exam and are awarded the qualification “Veterinary Surgeon” and the degree “Master of Sciences” (M.Sc.), and they could proceed further on as post-graduate students for obtaining a PhD degree.

The practical training course of the students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Forestry is an important element of their education as veterinarians and it includes three practices – after VIth, VIIIth and Xth semesters. The first training practice concerns Animal Science and its duration is two weeks. The second training practice concerns clinical practice and its duration is four weeks. The third (probation) prediploma internship is the last stage (before getting the diploma) of the students’ training and it has characteristics of a professional specialization. The institutions for implementation of these practices are livestock institutes and husbandry complexes, agricultural cooperatives, private farms, vet-clinics or offices which are selected by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. There is a possibility to perform the practice abroad according to the specific conditions of the programme and permission by the Dean of Faculty.

The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is carried out by academic staff, consisting of highly-qualified, competent and internationally accredited university lecturers, in accordance with the requirements of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

Rules for admission of students in the specialty “veterinary medicine”, educational and qualification degree “master”, training for a fee, for the academic year 2023/2024

Studying Veterinary Medicine, the students acquire knowledge in the following fields:

  • Anatomy, Physiology, Husbandry, Animal Reproduction and Hygiene;
  • Animal Nutrition, Technologies Related to Food Production for Animals;
  • Ethology and Animal Protection;
  • General Pathomorphology and Special Pathological Anatomy of the Animals.

The students obtain the skills to:

  • Determine the causes, nature, development, diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases; differentiate animal diseases;
  • Assess the risk connected with the possibilities of disease transmission from animals to human.

Furthermore, the students acquire competences in the following fields:

  • Preventive medicine related to research, analysis and certification;
  • Hygiene, technology, control, production, storage and processing of food of animal origin for human consumption, including abilities to understand and explain the best practices in this respect;
  • Responsible and adequate use of veterinary pharmaceutical products for the treatment of animals and ensuring the food chain safety as well as environmental protection.


The following documents are required for application:

1. The application form needs to be printed, filled out by hand (all fields are required) and to be sent to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. A copy of the document for paid application fee needs to be sent to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The fee amounts to 297 BGN. The bank account of the University of Forestry to which the fees shall be transferred is:


BG 73 BNBG 9661 3100 1035 01


Mandatory details of the bank transfer payment documents:

Beneficiary: University of Forestry

Names of the applicant student: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx

Details of the payment: applicant student fee

The application form and payment document shall be send from 02.05.2023 to 30.05.2023

Two days before the exam (on 31.05.2023) each applicant student shall receive on the e-mail, indicated in the application form, an username, password and a link to access the Blackboard online platform, where the preliminary exam will be held. The applicants can check the platform with sample test.

One day before the exam (on 01.06.2023) each applicant student shall receive an invitation to his/her e-mail address to add the Skype account of his/her invigilator, which he/she shall confirm and contact the invigilator via Skype.

The preliminary exam in Biology in English shall be conducted on June 2, 2023 at 13:00 local time, Sofia – Currently Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) (UTC +3).

The full instructions about the exam see here.

The test is in English language, entirely in the field of Biology. It is consisted of two main parts. The first one is a reading comprehension text (scientific or popular scientific), followed by ten multiple choice questions. The second one includes forty multiple choice questions, aiming at assessing applicants’ knowledge in the field of Biology

The results of the test shall be published on the website of the UF on June 6 (Tuesday) after 10:00. The access to the results shall be personal for each applicant student.

To participate in the ranking, applicants who have passed the preliminary exam shall submit the required application documents by September 8, 2023.


The recruitment procedure is based on three different requirements. The first one is based on the level of education and knowledge on the basic subject - Biology. The second one is based on the proficiency in English language. The third one is based on the presented documents. The selection of applicants is based on sitting an online entrance test. The test is in English language, entirely in the field of Biology. It is consisted of two main parts. The first one is a reading comprehension text (scientific or popular scientific), followed by ten multiple choice questions. The second one includes forty multiple choice questions, aiming at assessing applicants’ knowledge in the field of Biology.

The following documents are required for application:

  1. Application form – application form with attached photo of the applicant, containing brief personal information and the desired speciality.
  2. Copy of the document (diploma) for completed secondary/high school education with an Appendix showing the grades in Biology and Chemistry of the applicant. The grades in Biology and Chemistry must be at least 62% of the maximum possible value according to the grading system of the respective country.
  3. Certificate issued by authorized institution indicating that the diploma hold by the applicant gives him/her the rights to continue his/her education at university in his/her native country.
    1. Together with the diploma for completed secondary educaiton, all candidates shall also present a certificate, issued by the regional Department at the Ministry of Education, for recognized completed secondary education with grades, equated to the grades according to Art. 9, para. 1 of Ordinance No. 11 of 1 September 2016 for evaluation of the students’ training results.
  4. Copy of the letter of attorney if documents are submitted by other person.
  5. Copy of the applicant’s passport or ID card.
    1. Scanned copies of documents from p.1 to p.7. Scanned copies of documents from p.1 to p.7 shall be sent to the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  in PDF format maximum file size – 10MB. The photo of candidate shall be in a separate file in JPEG format.
  6. Two recent photos of the applicant (3.5/4.5 cm).
  7. Copy of the document for paid application fee.

Documents concerning items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 have to be translated, legalized and certified in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Bulgaria with the State in which they were issued.

The rating of applicants is based on the total score of the following components:

  1. Duplicated grade from the entrance test;
  2. The grade in Biology from secondary/high school diploma;
  3. The grade in Chemistry from secondary/high school diploma.

Terms for the 2023/2024 academic year:

  1. Submission of application documents and payment of application fee (personally or by an authorized person or company) – from 05.06 to 08.09.2023 in the University of Forestry (main Campus address: 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria), floor 1, office 104 – Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – every working day from 8:30 to 16:00.
    1. On 08.09.2023 each applicant student shall receive on the e-mail, indicated in the application form, an username, password and a link to access the Blackboard online platform, where the preliminary exam will be held.
  2. Sample test andcheck the platform – 11.09.2023
  3. Entrance test – on 12.09.2023 at 13:00 local time, Sofia – Currently Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) (UTC +3).
  4. The full instructions about the exam see here.
  5. Announcement of entrance test results – 13.09.2023 after 15:00.
  6. Information and identification of entrance test results – 13.09.2023 between 15:30 to 16:30.
  7. Announcement of the list of admitted students - 14.09.2023 at 14:00, office 101
  8. Enrollment of admitted students – 14.09 – 21.09.2023, office 104, from 8,30 to 16,00.


Entrance test sample


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The University of Forestry is a unique higher education institution in Bulgaria providing training of specialists in all three education and qualification degrees (Bachelor, Master and PhD) in the field of Forestry, Forest Industry, Landscape Architecture, Engineering Design, Veterinary Medicine, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Business Management, Alternative Tourism and Ecology and Environmental Protection. The University of Forestry has been accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has been providing training of students in the speciality of Veterinary Medicine, education and qualification degree Master of Sciences since 1994.

The speciality of Veterinary Medicine is included in the Classifier of higher education areas and professional fields of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has a programme accreditation for training students in Veterinary Medicine. The training in Veterinary Medicine is open to all applicants who have graduated from а secondary/high school. The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is in full compliance with the Uniform State Requirements. It is a full-time training, following the curriculum and training programmes that comply with the requirements of the EU Directive 2005/36/EC and the amending EU Directive 2013/55/EU as well as with the Bulgarian legislation. The course of education takes 11 semesters (5.5 years) and ends with sitting state examinations. The students graduate by sitting a State Exam and are awarded the qualification “Veterinary Surgeon” and the degree “Master of Sciences” (M.Sc.), and they could proceed further on as post-graduate students for obtaining a PhD degree.

The practical training course of the students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Forestry is an important element of their education as veterinarians and it includes three practices – after VIth, VIIIth and Xth semesters. The first training practice concerns Animal Science and its duration is two weeks. The second training practice concerns clinical practice and its duration is four weeks. The third (probation) prediploma internship is the last stage (before getting the diploma) of the students’ training and it has characteristics of a professional specialization. The institutions for implementation of these practices are livestock institutes and husbandry complexes, agricultural cooperatives, private farms, vet-clinics or offices which are selected by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. There is a possibility to perform the practice abroad according to the specific conditions of the programme and permission by the Dean of Faculty.

The training in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is carried out by academic staff, consisting of highly-qualified, competent and internationally accredited university lecturers, in accordance with the requirements of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).

Studying Veterinary Medicine, the students acquire knowledge in the following fields:

  • Anatomy, Physiology, Husbandry, Animal Reproduction and Hygiene;
  • Animal Nutrition, Technologies Related to Food Production for Animals;
  • Ethology and Animal Protection;
  • General Pathomorphology and Special Pathological Anatomy of the Animals.

The students obtain the skills to:

  • Determine the causes, nature, development, diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases; differentiate animal diseases;
  • Assess the risk connected with the possibilities of disease transmission from animals to human.

Furthermore, the students acquire competences in the following fields:

  • Preventive medicine related to research, analysis and certification;
  • Hygiene, technology, control, production, storage and processing of food of animal origin for human consumption, including abilities to understand and explain the best practices in this respect;
  • Responsible and adequate use of veterinary pharmaceutical products for the treatment of animals and ensuring the food chain safety as well as environmental protection.


The following documents are required for application:

1. The application form needs to be printed, filled out by hand (all fields are required) and to be sent to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. A copy of the document for paid application fee needs to be sent to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The fee amounts to 293 BGN. The bank account of the University of Forestry to which the fees shall be transferred is:


BG 73 BNBG 9661 3100 1035 01


Mandatory details of the bank transfer payment documents:

Beneficiary: University of Forestry

Names of the applicant student: Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx

Details of the payment: applicant student fee

The application form and payment document shall be send from 02.05.2024 to 30.05.2024

Two days before the exam (on 03.06.2024) each applicant student shall receive on the e-mail, indicated in the application form, an username, password and a link to access the Blackboard online platform, where the preliminary exam will be held. The applicants can check the platform with sample test.

One day before the exam (on 04.06.2024) each applicant student shall receive an invitation to his/her e-mail address to add the Skype account of his/her invigilator, which he/she shall confirm and contact the invigilator via Skype.

The preliminary exam in Biology in English shall be conducted on June 5, 2024 at 12:00 local time, Sofia – Currently Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) (UTC +3).

The full instructions about the exam see here.

The test is in English language, entirely in the field of Biology. It is consisted of two main parts. The first one is a reading comprehension text (scientific or popular scientific), followed by ten multiple choice questions. The second one includes forty multiple choice questions, aiming at assessing applicants’ knowledge in the field of Biology

The results of the test shall be published on June 7 (Friday) after 10:00. The access to the results shall be personal for each applicant student.

To participate in the ranking, applicants who have passed the preliminary exam shall submit the required application documents by September 5, 2024.


The recruitment procedure is based on three different requirements. The first one is based on the level of education and knowledge on the basic subject - Biology. The second one is based on the proficiency in English language. The third one is based on the presented documents. The selection of applicants is based on sitting an online entrance test. The test is in English language, entirely in the field of Biology. It is consisted of two main parts. The first one is a reading comprehension text (scientific or popular scientific), followed by ten multiple choice questions. The second one includes forty multiple choice questions, aiming at assessing applicants’ knowledge in the field of Biology. The full instructions about the exam see here.

The following documents are required for application:

  1. Application form – application form with attached photo of the applicant, containing brief personal information and the desired speciality.
  2. Copy of the document (diploma) for completed secondary/high school education with an Appendix showing the grades in Biology and Chemistry of the applicant. The grades in Biology and Chemistry must be at least 62% of the maximum possible value according to the grading system of the respective country.
  3. Certificate issued by authorized institution indicating that the diploma hold by the applicant gives him/her the rights to continue his/her education at university in his/her native country.
  4. Together with the diploma for completed secondary educaiton, all candidates shall also present a certificate, issued by the regional Department at the Ministry of Education, for recognized completed secondary education with grades, equated to the grades according to Art. 9, para. 1 of Ordinance No. 11 of 1 September 2016 for evaluation of the students’ training results.
  5. Copy of the letter of attorney if documents are submitted by other person.
  6. Copy of the applicant’s passport or ID card.
  7. Scanned copies of documents from p.1 to p.6. Scanned copies of documents from p.1 to p.6 shall be sent to the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in PDF format maximum file size – 10MB. The photo of candidate shall be in a separate file in JPEG format.
  8. Two recent photos of the applicant (3.5/4.5 cm).
  9. Copy of the document for paid application fee.

Documents concerning items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 have to be translated, legalized and certified in accordance with the international treaties of the Republic of Bulgaria with the State in which they were issued.

The rating of applicants is based on the total score of the following components:

  1. Duplicated grade from the entrance test;
  2. The grade in Biology from secondary/high school diploma;
  3. The grade in Chemistry from secondary/high school diploma.

Terms for the 2024/2025 academic year:

  1. Submission of application documents and payment of application fee (personally or by an authorized person or company) – from 10.06 to 05.09.2024 in the University of Forestry (main Campus address: 10 Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria), floor 1, office 104 – Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – every working day from 8:30 to 16:00.
  2. On 09.09.2024 each applicant student shall receive on the e-mail, indicated in the application form, an username, password and a link to access the Blackboard online platform, where the preliminary exam will be held.
  3. Sample test andcheck the platform – 10.09.2024
  4. Entrance test – on 11.09.2024 at 12:00.
  5. Announcement of entrance test results – 12.09.2024 after 15:00.
  6. Information and identification of entrance test results – 13.09.2024 between 10:30 to 12:30.
  7. Announcement of the list of admitted students - 13.09.2024 at 14:00, office 105.
  8. Enrollment of admitted students – 16.09 – 20.09.2024, office 104, from 8,30 to 16,00.

Entrance test sample

University of Forestry, Sofia and Wildlife & Game Management Scientific Society (GAMEST) organized the 6th International Wildlife & Game Management Symposium: “Modern aspects of sustainable management of game populations” ( which was held in Sofia and Experimental Forestry Enterprise Yundola on 14-16 June 2018.

The Symposium has established itself as a leading event for universities and institutions working on wildlife, biodiversity and natural habitats in Central and Southeast Europe. The conference was held under the patronage of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Mr. Rumen Porozhanov.

Organizer from Bulgarian side was Wildlife Management Department with co-organizers – the sixth State Forestry Enterprises and Union of Hunters and Anglers in Bulgaria.

More than 50 researchers from 14 European countries took part in the Symposium and shared the most important scientific results in Wildlife Biology & Ecology, Wildlife Management, Genetics and Game Health. The key speakers gave interesting talks in every section.

The symposium program included 27 presentations and 21 posters. Very interesting talks were given in Game Management of Brown Hare, Rock Partridge, Quail, and Pheasant, Chamois and Red deer, Game Genetics, Hunting Statistics and Game Diseases.

Scientists from Vladivostok and Lithuania also shared very interesting data in mathematical modelling of game populations and Bison genetics. Detailed program and Book of Abstracts could be found here.

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University of Forestry, Sofia and Wildlife & Game Management Scientific Society (GAMEST) organize the 6th International Wildlife & Game Management Symposium: “Modern aspects of sustainable management of game populations” ( which will be held in Sofia and Experimental Forestry Enterprise Yundola on 14-16 June 2018. The Symposium has established itself as a leading event for universities and institutions working on wildlife, biodiversity and natural habitats in Central and Southeast Europe. The conference is held under the patronage of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Mr. Rumen Porozhanov. Organizer from Bulgarian side is Wildlife Management Department with co-organizers – the sixth State Forestry Enterprises and Union of Hunters and Anglers in Bulgaria. More than 50 researchers from 14 European countries will participate in the Symposium and will share the most important scientific results in Wildlife Biology & Ecology, Wildlife Management, Genetics and Game Health.

Detailed program could be found here.

It is our honour and pleasure on behalf of the Organizing Committee to invite you to participate in the plenary opening of the Symposium on 14 June 2018 at 11:00 am at the University of Forestry – Aula.

XI-th International Scientific and Technical Conference INNOVATIONS IN FOREST INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING DESIGN, INNO-2022, 3-5 October 2022, Hotel Rila, Borovets, Bulgaria

EN INNO 2022

The Organising committee of the XIXth International Scientific Conference on Management and Sustainable Development, organised by the Faculty of Business Management at University of Forestry, is pleased to invite all academic staff, PhD students, student and followers of idea for sustainable development to the Conference Opening Ceremony which will take place on 24 March 2017 (Friday) at 10:00h in the Main Hall of the University of Forestry, Sofia.

The work in sessions and discussions will be held on 24, 25 and 26 March 2017 in the G. Avramov Training Center of the University of Forestry in Yundola.

For more information please visit

The University of Forestry organizes the XXVI International Scientific Conference Management and Sustainable Development. The forum will be held from 22 to 24 March 2024 at Georgi Avramov Training and Experimental Forest Range, Yundola.

More information about the event can be found on the website of the XXVI International Scientific Conference Management and Sustainable Development

The University of Forestry organizes the XXVII International Scientific Conference Management and Sustainable Development. The forum will be held from 21 to 23 March 2025 at Georgi Avramov Training and Experimental Forest Range, Yundola.

More information about the event can be found on the website of the XXVIIth International Scientific Conference on Management and Sustainable Development

conf poster 2025 en

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