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This is a small students’ study group aimed at using a computer algebra system to solve mathematical problems. This group brings together some of the best students and professors from the University of Forestry. The meetings of the group are weekly for about 1-2 hours.

Mathematics courses at the UF are the base and as a generalized syllabus is accepted the following
1. Linear algebra and analytic geometry
2. Calculus
3. Ordinary differential equations
4. Probabilities and mathematical statistics
5. Training participants in the annual National Student Olympiad in Computer Mathematics (
The computer algebra system which is used for now in the work of the study group is MAXIMA (see

The workshop in Mathematics works more than 15 years and many members of the department “Mathematics and physics” have worked with the students. The aim of the workshop is to develop the mathematical knowledge’s and skilling of excellent students. The exercises are one or two times per week at second semester. Nonstandard problems from different areas of mathematics are solving. From the participants of the workshop is selected the LTU team for the National Student Olympiad in Mathematics (NSOM), which is held at the end of each academic year.

For the last 5 years this workshop has been led by Assoc. Prof. D. Vladeva. Students Preslava Sadinova and Gergana Alexandrova (Engineering Design) and Anita Todorova (Landscape Architecture) worked hard and the achieved results are excellent:

  • In 2016 Preslava Sadinova won bronze medal in NSOM organized by Russe University;
  • In 2017 Anita Todorova and Gergana Alexandrova won bronze medals in NSOM organized by Plovdiv University;
  • In 2018 our team is ranked third, individual participants won 2 bronze medals for Anita Todorova and Preslava Sadinova and one silver medal for Gergana Alexandrova. The olimpiad was organized by University of Forestry;
  • In 2019, Preslava Sadinova and Gergana Alexandrova won silver medals in NSOM organized by VVMU “N. Vaptsarov”, Varna.

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The team represented University of Forestry at NSOM’2017

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Awarding a bronze medal to Anita Todorova at NSOM’2018

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Gergana Alexandrova, silver medals at NSOM’2018 , NSOM’2019 and a bronze medal at NSOM’2017

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Preslava Sadinova, a silver medal at NSOM’2019 and bronze medals at NSOM’2016 and NSOM’2018

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