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Associated professor Violeta Georgieva Dimitrova, PhD

M.Sc., Ecology and environment protection, 1999, University of Forestry, Sofia.
Ph.D., 2008, Ecology and environment protection, University of Forestry, Sofia.

Research profile:

  • Flora and vegetation;
  • Structure and functioning of the ecosystems;
  • Protected areas.


1. Metabolic profile of plant species from phytocenoses located on technogenic soils, 2019

2. Adaptation changes in beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) after felling or natural disturbance, 2019

3. Opportunities for conservation of conservation-significant plant species through in vivo and in vitro propagation in anthropogenic affected areas in Ostritsa protected area, 2019

4. Application of geoinformation technologies in the study of erosion in mountainous areas - the example of research in the Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria), 2019 г.

5. Upgrading of distributed scientific infrastructure “Bulgarian network for long-term ecosystem research, 2020

6. Migration of heavy metals in the soil-plant system, 2021

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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