Assoc. Prof. PhD Slavcho Asenov Savev

Address: | 10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Building А, office 334 |
Fax: | (+359 2) 862 28 30 |
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Classes taught:
Slavcho Asenov Savev – Assoc. Professor, PhD
Higher education was completed in 1994 in the University of Forestry, speciality Forestry, specialisation Ecology and environmental protection. In 1995 was he assigned as a PhD student in the Department of Silviculture. In 1998 started to work in University of Forestry as Assistant Professor. In 2003 he defended a PhD thesis "Investigation of non-timber forest plant resources in the region of Petrohan ¬– Western Balkan mountain in order to their rationalily use". Since 2003 he is Assistant Professor.Major fields of scientific interests:
- Non-timber forest-vegetation resources and ecosystem services;
- Phytocenology;
- Medicinal plants;
- Forest mycology.
- Non-wood forest resources – research, inventory, technology of using;
- Breeding of forest and medicinal species.