Assoc. Prof. PhD Georgi Georgiev Kostov

Address: | 10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Building А, office 336 |
Tel.: | (+359 2) 91 907/274 |
Fax: | (+359 2) 862 30 68 |
e-mail: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Classes taught:
Georgi Georgiev Kostov – Associate Professor, PhD
High education graduated in 1984, as forestry-engineer. Became assistant professor at University of Forestry in 1988.
His PhD thesis is defended in 1989. The topic is: “Investigation under ecology and management of mixed spruce, fir, beech forests on Rila and Rhodopi mountains”. Since 1998 he is associate professor in Silviculture.
Additional specializations at IIASA – Austria, Alterra – Niderland; ETH – Switzerland, OSU – USA. During the periods 2009–2011 and since 2014 was the responsible for forests deputy ministry at Ministry of agriculture and Food of BulgariaMain directions of scientific interest:
- Close to nature forestry;
- Multifunctional forest management;
- Adaptive forest management;
- Dynamics of forest resources.