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Address: 10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Building А, office 338
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Miscellaneous Information:

Areas of scientific interests:

  • Forest growth and yield
  • Forest inventory; forest and forest land evaluation
  • Forest management and planning
  • Research and decision support in forest management

Representative publications:

  1. Toma Tonchev: Tonchev, T. 2005. Stand diameter distribution of coppice beech stands for conversion in Balkan mountains. Forestry ideas, XI, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 50-58.
  2. Tashev, A., Y. Poryazov, T. Tonchev. 2007. Growth peculiarities of Pinus brutia Ten. in Bulgaria (Eastern Rhodopes). In Proceedings of International Symposium “Sustainable forestry – problems and challenges; Perspectives and challenges in wood technology”. 24-26 October 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia. pp. 289-295.
  3. Mihov, I., K. Bogdanov, Y. Poryazov, T. Tonchev, I. Dobrichov, M. Velinova. 2009. New site index tables as basis of forest management organization. Management and sustainable development, XI, vol. 22, pp. 123-130.
  4. Poryazov, Y., T. Tonchev, G. Dimitrova. 2009. Study on taper curve form of mature European beech stems in Training and Educational Forestry Enterprise “Petrohan” – Barzia. Management and sustainable development, XI, vol. 22, pp. 141-149.
  5. Bogdanov, K., T. Tonchev. 2009. Possibilities of balancing of economic, ecological and social functions of the forests”. International Conference “Forestry: Bridge to the Future” 13 – 15 May 2010. Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  6. Mihov, I., K. Bogdanov, T. Tonchev, Y. Poryazov. 2010. Construction of new site index tables for beech and oak stands. Management and sustainable development, XII, vol. 25, pp. 264-270.
  7. Mihov, I., T. Tonchev. 2010. Growth model for Macedonian pine (Pinus peuce Griseb.) stands in Bulgaria. Silva Balcanica, XI, vol. 1, pp. 59-66.

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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