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Head of Department

Address: 10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Building А, office 329
Tel.: (+359 2) 91 907/375; 381; 263
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Miscellaneous Information:

Areas of scientific interests:

  • Geodesy
  • Photogrammetry and remote sensing
  • Cartography
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Representative publications:

  1. Asenova M., M. Velinova. Using Correlations Derived from Field and Aerial Photograph Measurements to Determine Main Stand Characteristics, Forestry Ideas, University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2006, Vol. 12, 1-2/2006, pp 28-42.
  2. Asenova M. Specialized GIS Applications In Creating Forestry Information System. Management & sustainable development, University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010, Vol. 25, 1/2010, pp 243-248.
  3. Asenova M., Mapping Of Protected Zones In Nature 2000 Network And Supplementing Forestry Databases With Hаbitat Data Using GIS, Geodesy, Cartography, Land Management, UGLMB, Sofia, Bulgaria, 5-6/2010, pp 18-25.
  4. Asenova M., GIS Application in Forest Certification, Conference proceedings, IX International Scientific Conference Management and Engineering’11, Technical University - Sofia, June 19-22, 2011, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Vol. I, pp 139-149.

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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