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Miscellaneous Information:

Assoc. Prof. N. Tritchkov graduated from the University of Forestry, specialty "Mechanical Wood Technology" in 1985. In 1989 started his career as an Assistant Professor at the same university. In 1993 he defended doctoral thesis “Optimization of processes for processing of poplar wood in timber production” and obtained Doctoral degree. Since 1997 he has been an Associate Professor.


Main areas of scientific interest:

  • Research, modeling and optimization of technologies and processes for production of engineered wood and solid wood materials;
  • Modeling and optimization of wood composites
  • Main areas of professional interest:
  • Technological design process of woodworking and furniture industry;
  • New technologies and machines for production of engineered wood and solid wood materials;
  • Complex and efficient use of wood raw material in woodworking and furniture industry.

Doctoral Tesis:

“Optimization of processes for processing of poplar wood in timber production” at the Technical University in Sofia, Specialized Scientific Council “Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Machines”.

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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