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Address: 10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Building А, office 124
Tel.: (+359 2) 91 907/335
Tel.: +359898447098
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Miscellaneous Information:

Bachelor’s degree, 2008, Woodworking and Furniture Production, University of Forestry, Sofia; M.Sc., 2009, Furniture Production, University of Forestry, Sofia; PhD degree, 2014, Doctoral programme: Machines and Technical Equipment for the Forestry, Logging, Woodworking and Furniture Industry; Assistant Professor, 2014. Since 2016 - Chief Assistant Professor at the Department of Woodworking Machines. In 2017 graduated from Technical University of Sofia, Specialty: Computer Aided Design and Technology in Machine-Building (CADTM), Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT).

Classes taught:

  • Woodworking Machines
  • Machines for Furniture and Furnishings Manufacture
  • Design and Testing of Woodworking Machines
  • Pressing and Surface Treatment Machines
  • Operation and Maintenance of Woodworking Machines
  • Computer Simulation Modeling
  • Virtual Engineering
  • Computer Aided Design of Woodworking Machines and Equipment

Research interests:

  • Woodworking Machines;
  • Metal Cutting Machines;
  • CNC Machines;
  • Machine science;
  • Cutting Tools.

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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