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Miscellaneous Information:

Pavlin Biserov Vitchev – Assoc. Prof., PhD
He graduated with a bachelor's degree in 2004 from the University of Forestry, majoring in Woodworking and Furniture Production, and in 2008 with a Master's degree in Woodworking and Furniture Production, an elective module in “Woodworking Machinery and facilities”. In 2010 he started working at the University of Forestry as an assistant. In 2015 he defended his PhD thesis on "Study of the noise characteristics of a woodworking shaper". In 2021, after a competition, he received the academic position of "Associate Professor" in the discipline "Wood Cutting and Cutting Tools".
Professional field: 6.5 Forestry.
Scientific specialty: Technology, mechanization and automation of the woodworking and furniture industry.
Scientific expertise: Author of over 50 scientific publications in international scientific journals; He has presented more than 15 scientific papers at international scientific conferences in Slovakia, Romania, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Northern Macedonia and others. Member of the team of 14 scientific, applied and infrastructure projects; Member of the program committee of 2 international scientific conferences; Member of the editorial board of the international scientific journal Innovation in Forest Industry and Engineering Design (Web of Science).

Classes taught:
• Processing of wood materials with multifunctional power tools
• Cutting wood and cutting tools
• Machines and tools for wood processing
• CNC machines, tools and processes
• Interior acoustics

Main topics of scientific interests:
• Woodworking machines and equipment;
• Woodworking tools;
• Acoustic and vibration characteristics of woodworking machines;
• Interior acoustics.

Detailed CV – HERE 

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