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Master of Veterinary Medicine

E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone+359 2 8192902;
Mobile +359 888934509

Office address:
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry, 10 Kliment Ohridski blvd., 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria

Research profile:
Anesthesiology, cat, dog, surgery of small animals


  1. Zlateva, N., Operative treatment of dermoid sinus in dog. Bulg. J. Vet. Med.12, supll. 1, 199-203, 2009
  2. Aminkov, B., N. Zlateva, Ectopic ureter in dog. Bulg. J. Vet. Med.12, supll. 1, 204-209, 2009
  3. Zlateva N., Influence of venously and inhalation anesthesia of the blood sugar levels in ovariohysterectomia of cats. Book of reports from the annual scientific meeting Сборник доклади от научната конференция, ЛТУ, София, 148-153, 2008
  4. Zlateva N., A case of endometrial adenocarcinoma and pyometra in uteri in the cat.Book of reports from the annual scientific meeting, LTU Sofiya, 247-251, 2007.
  5. PeevIl.,N. Zlateva, Acaseofhypothyroidismindog. Book of reports from the annual scientific meeting, LTU Sofiya 286-293, 2007
  6. Zlateva N., Dermoid sinus: diagnosis and treatment.Book of reports from the annual scientific meeting, LTU Sofiya147-152, 2006
  7. Peshev R., V. Krastev, R, Bostanjieva, Al. Dimitrova, D.Dimov, N.Zlateva, I.Sirakov, H.Haralambiev. Haemagglutination inhibition activity of dog sera against rabbit lagoviros. Veterinary medicine, 9, 3-4, 28-32, 2005
  8. Aminkov, B., N. Zlateva, Epidural anesthesia for castration of the bitch. Bulg. J. Vet. Med.7, 2,113-119, 2004
  9. Zlateva N. Sluchay na sertolievo-kletachen tumor pri kuche,Veterinarnomeedicinski novini 5-6, 34-36, 2004
  10. Simeonova G.,D.Dimov, D.Dinev, N.Zlateva.Feline urologic syndrome (FUS).II. Changes in some clinical and laboratory indices. Bulg. J. Vet. Med.4, 3, 2001
  11. Hubenov H., D.Dinev, N. Zlateva, N. Goranov, T. Filipova. A case of urolithiasis in a captive bear. Veterinarski arhiv 69, 3, 161-165, 1999
  12. Kamenov Y., V.Radev, N. Zlateva. On diagnosis and clinical of angiostrongylosis of cats. Experimental pathology and parasitology. 2,51-54, 1999
  13. Aminkov, B.,N. Zlateva, N.Borisov,D. Dinev, D.Dimov. The urolitiasis in male cats. Veterinary medicine, 5, 1, 57-60, 1999
  14. Dinev D., P.Georgiev.H.Hubenov, N.Zlateva, D.Bakalov,Changes in some hormonal parameters in halothane anesthetized horses. Bulg. J. Vet. Med.1, 1,33-40 1998

Presentations, reports:

  1. ManovV., N. Zlateva, D. Pavlov. A case of polyneoplastic and inflammatory changes in reproductive tract and mammary gland of the dog. Book of reports from the annual scientific meeting, LTU Sofiya 2009

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