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Georgi Malinov Stoimenov – Associate Professor
He graduated the University of Forestry, majoring “Veterinary medicine” in 2011. He started to work in University of Forestry as Assistant Professor in 2013. In 2017 he defended his thesis on "Studies on influenza A viruses in wild birds in Bulgaria". From 2017, he is Chief Assistant Professor.

Major fields of scientific interests:

  • Studies on influenza A viruses in wild birds in Bulgaria
  • Virology;
  • Epidemiology in particular Molecular Epidemiology;
  • Infectious disease.

List of selected publications:

  1. Stoimenov GM, Goujgoulova GV, Nikolov B, Petrova R, Teneva A, Dimitrova I., 2016. Histopathological findings in Dalmatian pelicans (Pelecanus crispus) naturally infected with avian influenza subtype A H5N1 in Bulgaria. Journal of Helenic Veterinary Medical Society, 68 (3), 369-376, ISSN 1792-2720 DOI:
  2. Anton Kril, Branimir Nikolov, Ani Georgieva, Roman Pepovich, Kalin Hristov, Georgi Stoimenov, Elena Nikolova, Reneta Petrova, Julian Ananiev, Vasil Manov. In ovo hepatocarcinogenicity of N-nitrosodimethylamine and N-nitrosodiethylamine in White Leghorn chickens Journal of Helenic Veterinary Medical Society, 69 (3), 1117-1124, ISSN 1792-2722 DOI:
  3. Georgi M. Stoimenov, Gabriela V. Goujgoulova, Branimir Nikolov, Kalin Hristov, Atanaska Teneva 2019. Pathological changes in natural infection of pheasants with highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N8) in Bulgaria. J Vet Res. 2019 Dec 19;63(4):497-502. doi: 10.2478/jvetres-2019-0073
  4. Ivan Dinev, Ivan Zarkov, Gabriela V. Goujgoulova, Georgi M. Stoimenov, Georgi Georgiev, and Dian Kanakov (2020) Pathological evaluation of influenza A(H5N8) infection outbreaks in mule ducks in Bulgaria. Avian Diseases In-Press.

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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