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Teodora Petrova Popova – Professor, DV, PhD, DVMSc
She was awarded a master’s degree in Veterinary Medicine and an additional degree “Doctor- veterinarian” from the Institute of Zootechnics and Veterinary Medicine (Vetrinary Faculty) in Stara Zagora, in 1986. During the period 1986 - 1987 she worked as a specialist veterinarian in the Farm for Young Breeding Animals in Filipovtsi - Sofia. From 1987 to 1996 she was a Research Associate III - I degrees of Virology (scientific specialty 01:06:13 "Virology") in the Research and Productive Veterinary Institute of Immunology in Sofia. In 1995 she defended her thesis entitled "Study of the humoral and cell-mediated immunity in connection with immunoprophylaxis of fowlpox in chickens" (scientific specialty 03:01:27 "Immunology") and acquired a PhD degree. In 1996 she joined the University of Forestry as an Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Virology in the Faculty of Vetrinary Medicine. In 2002 she became an Associate Professor (scientific specialty 04:03:12 "Epizootology, infectious diseases and prevention of the infections in animals”). In 2013 she defended her second thesis entitled “Antimicrobial activity in vitro of chemical and herbal preparations and influence of some factors of environment on different microorganisms with a view to oversight on their ecology and possibilities for control” and received the Doctor of Veterinary Sciences degree During the period 29.10.2015-28.01.2016 she was Head of the Department "Infectious pathology and HTCFAO” in the University of Forestry. Since 2016 she has been a professor in the University of Forestry. 


Major fieds of scientific interest:

  • Veterinary Medicine;
  • Infectious Pathology;
  • Microbiology;
  • Virology;
  • Immunology. 

Detailed CV and List of Selected Publications

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