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Nevena Vasileva Shuleva – Assoc. Prof. PhD
In 1993 she graduated from the Higher Forestry Institute (afterwards renamed to the University of Forestry) majoring in Forestry and in 1996 she did a Master’s degree in Finances and Credit at South-West University. In 1996 she joined the Faculty of Business Management at the University of Forestry as an Assistant Professor. In 2009 she successfully defended a PhD theses under reference code 05.02.18 in the scientific field of Economics and Management (by sector) entitled: "Evaluation of forests with water protective functions”. In 2012 she became an Associate Professor in professional field 3.8 Economics at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Forestry.

Leads lectures on the following courses:
• Economics of agriculture – BSc program in Agronomy and Plant Protection;
• Consultancy – BSc program in Agronomy and Plant Protection;
• Agricultural policy – MSc program

Major fields of scientific interests:
• Economics and Management of Forestry and Agriculture;
• Ecosystem benefits (services);

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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