Chief. Assist. Prof. PhD Zhelyu Georgiev Avramov

Zhelyu Georgiev Avramov – Chief Assistant Professor, PhD
He graduated in 1992 at the Higher School of Agriculture (now Plovdiv University), specialty "Plant and Soil Protection". He defended his Ph.D. in "Phytoplasmas Causing Grapevine Yellows on Vitis vinifera L.and Diagnostic Methods" in 2014 and was awarded the title "Doctor" with professional field 6.2 "Plant Protection", Scientific Specialty "Phytopathology" – Academy of Agricultural. In 2015 he started to work in University of Forestry as an Assistant Professor in 2015 and from 2018 is a chief assistant professor.Leads lectures on the following courses:
• Forecasting and signaling - I-part, Bachelor's degree spec. RZ;
• Legislation in RZ - Bachelor "Bachelor" spec. RZ;
• Agroecology - "Bachelor" spec. Agronomy;Leads seminars on the following courses:
• General Phytopathology - Bachelor's Degree spec. RZ;
• Agricultural Phytopathology - Bachelor's Degree spec RZ;
• Phytopathology - Bachelor's Degree in Specialization in Agronomy;
• Forecasting and signaling - I-part, Bachelor's degree spec RZ;
• Agroecology - "Bachelor" spec, RZ;Major fields of scientific interests:
• Epidemiology and identification of phytoplasm, causing plant diseases;
• Identification of virus pathogenses for plant diseases;