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Miscellaneous Information:

She graduated her master degree in Ecology and Environmental Protection in the University of Forestry, in 1999. From 2000 she works as researcher in the research sector of the University of Forestry on subject No 487 – International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of air Pollution Effects on Forests. During the period June 2002 - November 2005 is PhD student in the scientific field "Ecology and protection of ecosystems" /Environmental monitoring/. In 2006, she graduated Ph.D. degree with thesis "Research of relationships between the different components in coniferous forest ecosystems from region of EEF “G. St. Avramov”. During the academic year 2007/2008 is a part-time assistant professor on "Environmental Monitoring". From 2008 is assistant professor in "Urban Ecology". She has written more than 15 publications.


Scientific interests:

  • Environmental problems in urban areas.
  • Functioning of forest ecosystems;
  • Environmental Monitoring.

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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