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Address: 10 Kliment Okhridsky Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Building А, office 420
Tel.: (+359 2) 91 907/391
Fax: (+359 2) 862 28 30
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Miscellaneous Information:

Graduated from University of Forestry - Sofia, specialty Landscape architecture in 1990. Since 1991: postgraduate student at the department of Landscape architecture. Author of the PhD thesis: “A survey of morphological and biological traits of some Bromeliaceae Juss. species, concerning their performance in the interior” (1995). Has worked consequently as a part-time assistant in Botany (Department of Dendrology); part and full-time assistant in Floriculture (Department of Landscape architecture). Since 2006 till now has been working as associated professor in Floriculture in the Department of "Landscape Architecture" .

Special interest: Bromeliads; epiphytes; ornamental annuals and biennials

Field of scientific interests:

  • Introducing new annual, biennial and perennial flowers in the landscape practice of Bulgaria
  • Long-term storage of seeds of annual and perennial flowers;
  • Contemporary use of flowers in flowering meadows ( Moorish meadows); Flowers in extensive roof planting; Flowers in bioremediation.

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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