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Emil Rozenov Kitchoukov - Associate Professor, PhD, Eng.

Emil Kitchoukov completed his higher education in 1986 at the Higher Forestry Institute (now the University of Forestry), Sofia, as a forestry engineer with a specialization: "Conservation and Enrichment of the Natural Environment". In 1987, he joined the Higher Forestry Institute (LTU) as a research felow, a member of a team working on the International Cooperative Program for Assessment and Monitoring of the Impact of Atmospheric Pollution on Forest Ecosystems in Bulgaria. Since 1993 he has been a regular assistant Professor in the organization and planning of forestry, since March 1995 - senior assistant Professor, and since July, 1997 - Chief. Assis. Professor in the same discipline and Lecturer in Forest Assessment. In 2010 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Economic evaluation of commercial forests (following the example of Lovech RDC)". From January 2012 he is Assoc. Professor of Entrepreneurship in the Department of Marketing and Production Management, and from September 2017 to May 2019 he is the Head of the Department.
From April 11, 2019, by the decision of the Academic Council of the University of Forestry №37 / April 10, 2019, the Department of Marketing and Production Management was transformed into the Department of Management and Alternative Tourism with the Head of Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emil Kicthoukov.
By a decision of the Faculty Counsel of 10.03.2020 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emil Kitchoukov was approved as a Head of Department Management and Alternative Tourism.

Major fields of scientific interests:

  • Assessment of forests;
  • Organization and planning of forestry;
  • Organization and management of production;
  •  Entrepreneurship.

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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