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Miscellaneous Information:

Elena Ilieva Dragozova - Associate Professor, PhD
architecture". Since 2005 she is Assistant Professor in the Department of "Management of Resources and of Nature" to the Faculty of Management. Assistant professor of 2007do 2011, Chief Assistant professor from 2011 to 2016,
Associate professor of March 2016.
She defended PhD thesis in May 2012 entitled "STUDY OF MODEL MANAGEMENT OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE CITIES’ GREEN SYSTEMS." It has developed a separate monograph in 2013 called "Optimal Welfare for the Territorial Organization of Landscape Architecture Activity", "Avangard Prima" Publishing House- Sofia. Participate in co-development of five monographs: Analysis of Drivers and Barriers to Sustainable Land-use Management in TETEVEN AND YUNDOLA. WP 3.1 Case Study Reports for Bulgaria. 2014. Publishing House, University of Forestry. Sofia .; Integated Forest Management Scenarios in TETEVEN AND YUNDOLA. WP 3.2 Case Study Reports for Bulgaria. 2014. Publishing House, University of Forestry. Sofia .; Plan for development of forests in the Municipality of Velingrad. 2015. Publishing House, University of Forestry. Sofia.; Plan for development of forests the Municipality Teteven. 2015. Publishing House, University of Forestry. Sofia.; Roadmaps for the future TETEVEN AND YUNDOLA Bulgaria. WP. 3.3 Backcasting, WP 2.3 Analysis of implications. 2015.Publishing House, University of Forestry. Sofia.
She has published independently and in collaboration four books and two electronic courses: Landscape Architecture: A Guide entrepreneurship. How to start a business ?, 2010; Business communications and PR.2011. Avangard Prima Publishing; Introduction to Management (revised edition). 2012. Ed. House in Forestry; Business communications and PR. Manual exercises for students in specialties "Business Management" and "Alternative tourism" in the UF, 2014. Ed. Intel Entrance, Sofia;
Electronic course - module "Economics and Management of landscape architecture" specialty "Landscape architecture". Blackboard - e-learning system. 2014. Business communications and PR. E-course exercises for students in specialties "Business Management" and "Alternative tourism" in the UF, Blackboard - a system of electronic obuchenie.2014.

Leading lecturer of

  • Economics and Management of landscape architecture
  • Management
  • Human resource Management
  • Organizational behavior
  • Conducts seminars to students of Business communications and PR

Major fields of scientific interests:

  • Economics and Management of landscape architecture;
  • Management of the investment process;
  • Human Resource Management.

Detailed CV and List of selected publications

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