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Faculty of Agronomy


Project No Project title Project team from the Department of Agronomy Period Funding organization
Projects funded by international institutions
808 (BMPSCN) Best Management Practices for Sustainable Crop Nutrition in Bulgaria

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Nikolova,

Assoc. Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kiril Popov,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Apostolova

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhivko Zhivkov,

Assoc Prof. Dr. Spaska Kalcheva

Ch. Prof. Natalia Koleva

senior lecturer Nina Gerasimova

2008-2012 International Institute of Plant Nutrition (IPNI)
  Effect of timing of submission and forms of potassium fertilizers on the yield and quality of eggplant

Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Nikolova,

Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban

2011-2013 K+S Kalii Gmbh. Germany
Projects funded through the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009-2014
  Development and model implementation of sectoral policies aimed at ecosystem services PoliciES Assoc. Prof. Dr.Nevena Shuleva, 2015-2016 MOEW
Projects funded by the National Scientific Fund
DO 02-133/27.07.2009 Decision preparation system to evaluate the impact of low quality water on food production.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhivko Zhivkov.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spaska Kalcheva

2009-2011 Bulgaria-India bilateral co-operation project funded by the MES
DO 02-42/05.12.2008 Impacts on food production and the environment of irrigation with low quality water

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhivko Zhivkov.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spaska Kalcheva

2009-2010 Bulgaria-Ukraine Bilateral Cooperation Project: funded by the MES
SR SS DO 1-919/17.11.2006 An expert system for the use of irrigation water according to its quality

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spaska Kalcheva

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Nikolova

2007-2009 MES SR SS
SR SS MES № 1613/17.11.2006 Bio- and energy potential of non-traditional plant species

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Nikolova,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhivko Zhivkov,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spaska Kalcheva

Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr. Milena Yordanova

Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr. Natalia Koleva

senior lecturer Nina Gerasimova

2007-2009 MES SR SS
SS-1602/2006 Investigation and efficient use of the genetic resources of raspberry Rubus idaeus Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr Denitsa Serbezova 2007-2009 MES
SS 816/2005 Providing environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture in waterlogged farmland by management of ground water levels Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr. Natalia Koleva 2005-2006 MES
ТК01/0187 Wild berry species in Bulgaria - a valuable resource for human health Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr Denitsa Serbezova 2009-2012 MES
Projects financed with funds granted by targeted government budget for the inherent scientific activity of the University of Forestry
B 23/2018г Impact of agriculture on the Grey partridge population Ch. Prof. Dr. Natalia Koleva 2018-2019 SRS-UF
154/08.03.2017 Features in the echnologies and economic assessment on some species and varieties of perennials in Bulgaria

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nevena Shuleva,

Prof. Dr.   Kiril Popov

Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Denitsa Serbezova

Assist. Prof. Marko Mihaylov,

2017-2018 SRS-UF
158/8.03.2017 Study the influence of bio-carbon on the soil fertility and crop development Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr Milena Yordanova 2017-2018 SRS-UF
14/19.01.2016 Comparative study of different types of compost for determining phases of composting, quality of the compost and methods of application Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr Milena Yordanova 2016-2017 SRS-UF
17/19.01.2016 Response to abiotic stress factors in different salads (Lactuca sativa L.) var. romana and var. capitata in Sofia field

Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban.

Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr. Milena Yordanova

2016-2017 SRS-UF
20/19.01.2016 Migration of nitrates in the soil in the conditions of fertigation under backgrounds with mineral and organic fertilization of vegetables

Assoc. Prof. DSc. V. Koutev,

Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr. Milena Yordanova

Ch. Prof. Dr. Natalia Koleva

2016-2017 SRS-UF
72/23.03.2011 Establishing new sunflower forms by applying the remote hybridization Assoc. Prof. Dr. Miroslava Hristova-Cherbadzhi 2011-2013 SRS-UF
78/23.03.2011 Territorial allocation of the production factors as a mechanism for enhancement of the competitiveness in forestry Assoc. Prof. Dr.Nevena Shuleva 2011 SRS-UF
34/13.04.2009 Energy and water saving technologies for production of competitive agricultural production

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spaska Kaltcheva,

Assoc. Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhivko Zhivkov,

Assoc Prof. Dr. Spaska Kalcheva

Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Milena Yordanova Ch. Prof. Natalia Koleva

senior lecturer Nina Gerasimova

2009-2011 SRS-UF
№116/07.04.2005 Biology, distribution and control of weed species cocklebur (Xantium strumarium L.)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spaska Kaltcheva

Assist. Prof. Natalia Koleva

2005 SRS-UF
№76/29.04.2004 Research the influence of different types of soil covering /mulch/ on agrochemical properties of the soil during growing of broccoli for fall field production

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Nikolova Assoc. Prof. DSc Nidal Shaban,

Assist. Prof. Milena Yordanova

2004-2006 SRS-UF
Projects funded by the Agricultural Academy
R 131; RD-08-56/08.04.2014 г. Plant resources at small fruit crops – investigation, cultivar testing and breeding activity at strawberry and raspberry Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr Denitsa Serbezova 2014-2017 Аgricultural Academy
POZM 155 Development of environmentally concerned technologies for the production of sweet cherries and sour cherries Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr Denitsa Serbezova 2012-2015 Аgricultural Academy
R89 Investigation the genetic resources of the small berry species to improve the cultural structure and genotype of strawberries and raspberries Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr Denitsa Domozetova 2011-2013 Аgricultural Academy
POZM 83 Contemporary technologies for the production of sweet cherries and sour cherries Ch. Assist. Prof. Dr Denitsa Domozetova 2008-2011 Аgricultural Academy
15/Аgricultural Academy, Sofia Improvement of the cultivar structure by studying the plant resources and creating new genotypes and improving the technologies for clonal micropropagation of small berry crops Assist. Prof. Dr Denitsa Domozetova 2005-2010 Аgricultural Academy

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