Research Projects with the participation of the staff of the language section:
- Project № BG051PO001-4.3.04-0052 “Development of Centre for Electronic Forms of Distance Learning at the University of Forestry”financed by the European Social Fund Operational Programme “Development of Human Resources”, 2013 – 2014;
- Project BG051PO001-3.1.09-0019 “Building a Unified System for Training and Career Development of Teachers at the University of Forestry – Sofia” 2014 – 2014; ”
- ProjectBG051PO001-3.1.07 – 0041“Updating theCurriculum for the Degree Subjects in the Faculty of Business Management at the University of Forestry in Accordance with the Requirements of the Labour Market –EDUCOMP” 2014-2015;
Infrastructure project “Modern Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching at the University of Forestry”, 2011; - Project “Development Training of English, German and Greek in the Bulgarian Vocational Curricular System“, № BG/00/B/P/LA/132035, Leonardo da Vinci sub programme, 2000 – 2002;
- Project “European and National Framework on Forest Protection - Training for Forest Monitoring and Audit (TFMA)”, № BG/04/B/F/PP-166027, Leonardo da Vinci sub programme, 2004 – 2006;
- Project “The Language of Safety and Health Signs and Signals in Wood Industry (LANSAWOOD)”, № 134575-LLP-2007-1-BG-Leonardo-LMP, Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci Sub Programme, 2007 – 2009;
Participation in Study Visits, Theme: Use of ICT in Learning, Blackpool, UK, 14.06 - 18.06.2010; - Project “BEST - Language Support to Vocational Education and Training in Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Turkish and Romanian”, № 2008-1-BG-LEO05-00458, Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci Sub Programme, 2008 – 2010;
- Project “Vocational English Training for Woodworking Industry”, № 2009-1-BG1-LEO05-01646, Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci Sub Programme,2009 – 2011;
- Project “Tools for Integrated Training of Language and ECVET Defined Vocational Skills in Mechanised Forestry (Tools for Skills)”, № 2012-1-SE1-LEO05-11672; Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci Sub Programme,2012 – 2014;
- Project “Innovative e-Guide in Construction Workplace Health and Safety (e-Guide CWH&S)”, №2013-1-BG1-LEO05-08722; Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci Sub Programme,2013 – 2015;
- Project “SFM on Forest: Developing the Vocational Education Modules for Implementing Sustainable Forest Management (ForestVET)”, №2013-1-TR1-LEO05-47503; Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci Sub Programme,2013 – 2015;
- Project№ BG051PO001-3.3.06-0056 “Supportforthe DevelopmentYoung Peoplein the University of Forestry” financed by the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”and the European Social Fund, 2013-2015;
- Project№ BG051PO001-3.1.07-0074 “Updating the Curriculum for the Degree Subjects in the FacultyEcology and Landscape Architecture at the University of Forestry” 2013-2015;
- Project of the Research Department of the University of Forestry “Researching Options for Multilingual Positioning of Information Resources of Institutions and Economic Entities by means of Web 2.0 Technologies”,2008.
Research Projects with the participation of the staff of the sport section:
- FS„The Student Sports - Investing in the Future", CO-РД-56-804/15.10.2013 under the Program for the development of physical education and sport in Sofia Municipality for 2013. The project was implemented in support of the nomination of "Sofia and the Southwest region candidate for European Capital of Culture - 2019".