Specialty „Plant protection“, Degree “ Master of science“, I year. Type of the course: required Credits: 5 ECTS
Course objectives:
The aim of the course is to provide students with information about plant health principles and practice for protectio the territory of Europe from the introduction and spread of quarantinе pests.
Course description:
The lectures are divided into 3 modules.
1. Organization of phytosanitary control. The students become familiar in detail with the regulations and organization of phytosanitary control in Europe and Bulgaria, as well as with the organization of work of the BFSA regarding phytosanitary control.
2. Bioecological features of quarantine organisms. Students become familiar with the bioecological features of quarantine pests and pathways of their introduction.
3. Management of quarantine pests. Students become familiar with quarantine species management approaches.
In module 4 Risk Analysis and Phytosanitary Expertise in the form of laboratory exercises, students gain skills to perform phytosanitary risk analysis and phytosanitary inspection of plants and plant products.