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Faculty of Business Management


Course contents: Content and modern forms of entrepreneurship. Types of entrepreneurial activity. Feature of the enterprise in a market economy. Organization and development of own business. Workings of enterprises with different organizational and legal forms. Motivation for entrepreneurship. Entry strategies in business. Challenges of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial networks and associations. Entrepreneurial activity of the small enterprise. Risk in entrepreneurial activity. Competition between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial secret. Relationships by credit organizations. Marketing in the enterprise. Innovative entrepreneurship. Culture of entrepreneurship. Assessment of the financial condition and ways to achieve financial sustainability of the enterprise. Prices and pricing policy of the company. Taxation of entrepreneurial activity.

Purpose and tasks of the course: Throughthe course "Entrepreneurship", the students will gain knowledgeandacquireskills related tothe selection ofideasand implementation ofa business.There are examinatingthecontentsandcontemporary forms ofentrepreneurship,entrepreneurialtypes, organization and development oftheir own business, entrepreneurshipinsmall businesses, the risk inentrepreneurship, financial issues related toentrepreneurship. Besidesthe theoretical issuesaddressed inthe lectures, students willdecideindividualassignmentsduringthe exercises.Upon completionof the course studentswill be ableto decideissuesrelated toentrepreneurship andthe development oftheir own business.The course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" has a link withthe courses, "Fundamentals of Management", "Business Planning", "Risk Management", "Marketing" and others.

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