Prof. Diana Ivanova Georgieva
- Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2007-2013 - BG051PO001-3.1.09-0019 "Building a unified system for qualification and career development of teachers at the University of Forestry - Sofia" - project manager
- Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2007-2013 - BG051PO001-4.3.04: Development of electronic forms of distance learning in the higher education system, 2013-2014 - expert course development.
- Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2007-2013 - BG051PO001-3.1.07 - 0041 "Update of the curricula of the specialties in the Faculty of Business Administration of LTU in accordance with the requirements of the labor market - EDUCOMP", 2013- 2015 - expert curriculum
- Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2007-2013 - BG051PO001-3.3.06-0056 "SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY", 2013-2015 - PhD student.
- Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2007-2013 - BG051PO001-3.1.07 - 0074 "Updating the curricula of the specialties in the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture" LTU in accordance with the requirements of the labor market ", 2013- 2015– expert curriculum
Prof. Dr. Nikola Ivanov Stoyanov
- Project COST FP1001, EU, Brussels, 2011 - 2016, “Improving data and information on potential timber stocks: A European approach to a multi-resource national forest inventory”, - Member of the Project Steering Committee.
- Innovation and Sustainability of Forestry in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Perspectives (SUSI-CEE), 2010-2011, Project funded by Austria, led by BOKU, Vienna. Coordinator and team leader for Bulgaria.
- Case Forest Pedagogics Towards Sustainable Development Project “Educational project funded by the European Union - Comenius program, developed under the leadership of the Forest Management Sweden. 2007-2009. Head for Bulgaria - Assoc. Prof. N. Stoyanov
- COST E-51 Project, EU, Brussels, “Integrating Innovation and Policy Development for the Forest Sector”, 2006 -2011 - Member of the Project Steering Committee.
- Project № 00043507 Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Bulgaria, Joint Initiative of UNDP, MoEW and MAF - funded by GEF.SLM-RI -2005-01.2006, Consultant - member of the working team.
- Intensive training course for forestry students. EU- Erasmus- Socrates, Sopron, Hungary, September, 2007, Member of the Steering Committee of the project, lecturer in the course, leader of a group of students working on the topic: Innovation in forest products.
- Intensive training course for forestry students. EU- Erasmus- Socrates, Zvolen, Slovakia, 5-15 September, 2006, Member of the Steering Committee of the project, lecturer in the course, leader of a group of students working on the topic: Innovation in forest products.
- Intensive training course for forestry students. EU- Erasmus- Socrates, Iisalmi, Finland, 16 -27 May, 2005, Member of the Steering Committee of the project, lecturer in the course, leader of a group of students working on the topic: Innovation in forest products.
- Project: Towards a sustainable forest sector in Europe: Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. PC INNOFORCE, Vienna, 2003 -2008, Working Group Leader - Innovation and Innovation Systems in Wood Products.
- Forest Resources Assessment Project, UNECE / FAO Timber Branch, Trade Development and Timber Division, UN Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, Switzerland - Development of a monograph on the topic: Forest and Forest Products Country Profile: Republic of Bulgaria, 2005. // www.
- Development of a concept for determining tariff-tax categories of plantations - a project funded by the Bulgarian-Swiss Forest Program, 2003 - project manager.
- Development of a methodology for the development of labor standards for logging - a project funded by the Bulgarian-Swiss Forest Program, 2003 - project manager.
- Stoyanov N., Ts. Todorov, 1998, Technological project of a wood-cutting workshop as a part of the wood processing enterprise "Loviko dub" at LVK "Gamza" Suhindol. Project funded by LVK "Gamza" Suhindol.
- Center for Entrepreneurship Promotion at LTU. Project funded by MEET.2009-2012. Member of the management team.
- Functions of the Forestry Committee, its divisions and companies. 1993, NIS - VLTI, topic № 473, head. With ent. № 4-31 / 21.12.1993, 30 pages. Author's team: Yovkov J., Zdr. Vasilev, G. Rafailov, N. Stoyanov, Iv. Paligorov et al.
- Yovkov Iv., N. Stoyanov, Iv. Paligorov et al. 1994. Summary analysis of the activity of UOGS - divisions of VLTI. Adopted by the AC of VLTI.
- Yovkov Iv., N. Stoyanov, Iv. Paligorov et al. 1994.Draft for internal regulations for structure and activity of UOGS - divisions of VLTI. Adopted by the AC of VLTI.
- Yovkov Iv., N. Stoyanov, Iv. Paligorov et al. 1994. Methodology for analysis of the activity of UOGS - divisions of VLTI. Adopted by the AC of VLTI.
- Instruction on forest use through tender or competition and negotiations with a potential user. Topic 640 / 22.02.1998 Working team: Assoc. Prof. Iv. Paligorov - Head, Members: Assoc. Prof. Iv. Yovkov, Assoc. Prof. N. Stoyanov, Prof. G. Pukhalev, Chief Assistant Professor K. Mikhova, Chief Assistant Professor P. Dragozova, Ch. Assistant Professor E. Kichukov, Assistant Professor D. Georgieva, Chief Assistant Professor D. Ivanova.
- Development of a concept for consulting and training of private forest owners in Bulgaria., Project 13.04.2000 - German-Bulgarian project. Head; Assoc. Prof. N. Stoyanov.
- Study of the timber market in Bulgaria "Bulgarian Timber Market Study" - 2000 - 2001 - International project. Team: Bemman A., V. Grosse, D. Ivanova, I. Paligorov, N. Stoyanov, I. Yovkov and others. Funded by GTZ - German-Bulgarian forest project, TU Dresden and LTU Sofia.
- Analysis of the timber market in the Republic of Bulgaria - 2000 - 2001. Leaders from the Bulgarian side: Assoc. Prof. D. Ivanova
Assoc. Prof. Emil Kichukov
- COST E-51 Project, EU, Brussels, “Integrating Innovation and Policy Development for the Forest Sector”, 2006 -2011 - Member of the project working group. Intensive training course for students in forestry and business management. EU-Erasmus-Socrates, Suceava, Romania, April, 2008, Member of the Project Steering Committee, leader of a group of students working on the topic: Innovation and business projects in forestry and agriculture. Intensive training course for students in forestry and forest industry. EU- Erasmus- Socrates, Zvolen, Slovakia, May, 2010, Member of the Project Steering Committee, leader of a group of students working on the topic: Innovation and business projects in rural areas (Agroforestry).
- International project: FPS COST Action FP1201 Forest LAnd Ownership Changes in Europe: Significance for Management And Policy (FACESMAP) Chair of the Action: Dr Gerhard WEISS (AT) Funding institution: COST Office, Brussels, Belgium Action website: Domain website: Form of participation: participant in a working group
- International project: COST TARGETED NETWORK TN 1401 CAPABAL, Capacity building in forest policy and governance in Western Balkan region Chair of the Action: Dr. Diyana Vuletic (Hr) Funding institution: COST Office, Brussels, Belgium Action website: Domain website: Form of participation: participant in a working group
- International Science Network: FPS COST Action FP1201 Forest LAnd Ownership Changes in Europe: Significance for Management And Policy (FACESMAP), SG “New business models” SG Leader: Kajanus Miika Members: Kajanus Miika, Gübbük Hamide, Nevenic Radovan, Riedl Marcel, Mizaraite Diana, Stoyanova Maria, Kitchoukov Emil, Wilhelmsson Erik, Feliciano Diana, Nybakk Erlend Funding institution: COST Office, Brussels, Belgium Action website: Form of participation: participant in a working group
- International Scientific Network: COST TARGETED NETWORK TN 1401 CAPABAL, Capacity building in forest policy and governance in Western Balkan region Leader: Dr. Diyana Vuletic (Hr) Funding institution: COST Office, Brussels, Belgium Action website: Domain website: Form of participation: participant in a working group
- International Expert Group: COST TARGETED NETWORK TN 1401 CAPABAL, Capacity building in forest policy and governance in the Western Balkan region, WG 1 Sustainable Forest Management SG Leader: Stephan Posavec Members: Posavec Stephan, Kitchoukov Emil, and others Funding institution: COST Office, Brussels, Belgium Action website: Form of participation: participant in a working group Bulgarian Scientific Network: National Association for Forecasting and Planning, Svishtov Form of participation: founder and member of the association
- Project manager: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emil Kichukov, Type of participation: Participant, Project term: 24 months - 01.2016-01.2018, Funded by: LTU Sofia "DEVELOPMENT OF A MARKETING STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF DISTANCE LEARNING IN ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT IN LTU AS A TOOL FOR STRENGTHENING THE FIR. Type of participation: Participant, Project term: 12 months -01.2016 - 01.2017, Funded by: LTU Sofia
Assoc. Prof. Radostina Popova
- Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2007-2013 - BG051PO001-3.1.07 - 0041 "Updating the curricula of the specialties in the Faculty of Business Administration of LTU in accordance with the requirements of the labor market - EDUCOMP" - 2013- 2015 - expert department.
- Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2007-2013 - BG051PO001-3.3.06-0056 "SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY" - 2013-2015 - postdoctoral student.
- Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2007-2013 - BG051PO001-4.3.04: Development of electronic forms of distance learning in the higher education system - 2013-2014 - expert course development.
- NIS contract at LTU №29 / 13.04.2009, 2009-2010: Study of methods and technologies for increasing the competitiveness of furniture manufacturing enterprises - member of the working team.
Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Neykov
- "BG051PO001-3.1.07" Updating curricula in higher education in relation to the requirements of the field of labor " – expert of Forest Industry
- NIS-№ 63/2014: "Development of a model for optimizing the structure of financial mechanisms in the forestry system" - researcher
- NIS-B-1013/2019 Analysis and evaluation of economic efficiency as a result of implementation of a certificate for sustainable forest management in forest industry enterprises - leader
- NIS-B-1002 / 03.2019 "Study of performance indicators and possibilities for use of ecological biocomposite materials - researcher
- NIS-B-1074 / 16,03,2020 "Development of a model to support the consolidation of land in forest areas in the Republic of Bulgaria" – researcher
Ch. Assistant Professor Dr. Anton Simeonov Kostadinov
- BG051PO001-3.3.07-0002 "Student Internships"
- BG051PO001-3.1.07-0041 "Updating the curricula of the specialties in the Faculty of Business Administration of LTU in accordance with the requirements of the labor market - EDUCOMP"
- BG051PO001-4.3.04 "Development of electronic forms of distance learning in the system of higher education"
- BG051PO001-3.1.09 "System for qualification and career development of teachers in higher education"