The Department of Management and alternative tourism provides specialized expert services in the following areas:
- Valuation of land properties in forest areas;
- Ecological and economic expertise in the field of forestry, forest industry and tourism.
- Expertise in the field of balneology, spa, wellness, rural, etc. alternative forms of tourist offer. As well as in hotel, restaurant and tour operator activities.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emil Kitchoukov - Head of the Center for Entrepreneurship Promotion at the University of Forestry.
- Head of three research topics at LTU
- 1999 - 2004 Member of the Central Commission for Forest Assessment at the National Forest Management, and from. 2012 Consultant at the Executive Forest Agency at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food on land valuation in forest areas.
- Head of international groups of students in intensive Erasmus courses: "INNO TOOLS" on "Innovative tools at the enterprise level-Innovative tools in the periphery of the European Union", April, 2008, Suceava, Romania and "START-RUBIZ" on "Starting new enterprises for rural development", May, 2010, Zvolen, Slovakia.
Participation in programs, tips and developments:
- Participation at the expert level in 1991 in the International Cooperative Project "Long Term Environmental Risks for soils, sediments and groundwater in the Danube basin" with a coordination center in Budapest, as coordinator of the Bulgarian modeling unit.
- 1994 - 1996 - participation in the development of curricula for the specialty "Industrial Management". Member of the commission for development of the curriculum for the profile "Environmental Management" in the specialty "Industrial Management" at FSU - LTU.
- Participation in the development of a methodology for economic analysis of UOGS, LTU divisions and in the development of the analysis itself by the department. A member of the working group prepared a draft of the Rules for the structure and activity of the Training and Experimental Forestry, divisions of LTU.
- Participation in a team in the development of 6 research topics in NIS - LTU, 4 topics in the institute plan and one in the fund "Scientific Programs" at LTU.
- In 1997 - participation in the development of the “Law on Restoration of the Ownership of Forests and Lands from the Forest Fund” and the “Law on Forests”, adopted by the National Assembly in XI. and m. XII.1997
- In 1998 - participation in the development of "Regulations for the implementation of the Forest Act", "Ordinance on revenues and expenditures and the order in which is drawn up, implemented and reported National Fund" Bulgarian Forest "," Ordinance on forest assessment and on the lands in the forest fund ”and“ Instruction for use of the forests through tender, competition and negotiations with a potential user ”.
- Member of a working group for restoration of the ownership over the forests and the lands from the forest fund, according to Order N RD 09-160 / 16.11.1998 of the Minister of ZGAR.
- Author of the Curriculum in the disciplines: "Entrepreneurship", "Investment planning in plant protection", "Economic evaluation of forests" for the specialty "Business Management" at FSU LTU and the discipline "Evaluation of forests and lands from the forest fund" for the specialty "Forest economy ”(direction“ Forestry ”) - master's degree at FGS of LTU. Co-author of Curricula in the disciplines "Organization and planning of forestry" for the specialty "Forestry" and "Organization and operational management of forestry" for the specialty "Economic Management", in the part "Exercises".
- Member of the COST E51 project working group “Integrating Innovation and Policy Development for the Forest Sector”, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium (
- Member of the working group on the project FPS COST Action FP1201 Forest LAnd Ownership Changes in Europe: Significance for Management And Policy (FACESMAP)
- Funding institution: COST Office, Brussels, Belgium
- Action website:
- Member of the COST Targeted Network 1401 project working group, Capacity Building in Forest Policy and Governance in the Western Balkan Region-CAPABAL,
- Expert at the Supreme Administrative Court and the Sofia City Court.
- Founder and member of the Management Board of the ECO ENTREPRENEURSHIP Foundation, Bulgaria.