Address: Bulgaria, 1797 Sofia, 10 “Kliment Ohridsky” blvd., University of Forestry, Faculty of Business Management.
Location: building “A”, floor IV, room 411
Head of the department: Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Ilieva Dragozova
The Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources is a unit within the Faculty of Business Management, which provides education and which is engaged in research activity in the field of economics, administration and management of various spheres and activities related to natural management and natural sciences. The members of the department are recognized researchers and lecturers in the scientific specialties “Economics and Management” and “Organization and Management of Production”.
The department is an established scientific unit that manage education in the doctoral program “Economics and Management” (forestry and forest industry). Over the years, dozens of PhD students have been trained and graduated in the fields of: economics and management of forestry, forest industry, management of natural resources, landscape architecture; human resource Management; logistics, consulting and financing.
Academic staff of the department:
- Prof. PhD Ivan Petrov Paligorov
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Draganova Kovacheva
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Ilieva Dragozova
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Petrova Georgieva
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Nikolov Kolev
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Hristov Ivanov
Guest and honorary lecturers:
- Prof. PhD Nikolay Stoyanov Stoenchev
- Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Ivanova Mihova
- PhD Milena Simeonova Licheva
- PhD Paula Veselinova Malkovska
Office Assistant: - building “A”, floor IV, room 411, tel. +359 91907/295
Quality manager: Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Ilieva Dragozova
History: The department originates from the Department of Economics, Organization and Planning, which was established in 1950. With the establishment of the Faculty of Business Management at University of Forestry in 1995, the Department of Economics, Organization and Social Sciences from the Faculty of Forestry is transformed into three departments at the Faculty of Business Management: the Department of Economics and Management, the Department of Organization and Planning and the Department of Humanities.
The first head of the Department of Economics, Organization and Planning from 1950 to 1964 was Assoc. Prof. Yuli Mihailov. After that the heads of the department were Prof. PhD Hristo Sirakov - 1965 - 1987; Prof. PhD Penyo Karadochev - 1988 - 1990; Prof. PhD Georgi Puhalev - 1990 – 1993. In October 1995 the head of the newly established Department of Economics and Management was Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikola Stoyanov - 1993-1995.
In April 1998, the Department of Economics and Management was transformed into the Department of Management of Natural resources, headed by Prof. PhD Georgi Puhalev.
Heads of the Department of Management of Natural resources from its foundation to the present are as follows. From 1998 to 2000 - Prof. PhD Georgi Puhalev. From 2000 to 2003 - Assoc. Prof. PhD Angel Petkov, from 2003 to 2013 - Assoc. Prof. PhD later Prof. Dr./DSc. Ivan Yovkov. From December 2013 to February 2016 Acting is Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Mihova and from 2016 to April 2019 with a regular term, the head of the department is Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Mihova.
In April 2019, with a decision of the Academic Council of University of Forestry (№37/10.04.2019) for the reorganization of three of the departments at Faculty of Business management, the Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources was established, which includes lecturers from the departments of Management of Natural Resources and the former Department of Economics. Acting Head of the Department from May 2019 to March 2020 Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Ilieva Dragozova was elected for Head of the newly established Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources. With decision of the Faculty Counsel of 10.03.2020, Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova was approved as a Head of Department.
In 2020, the Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources celebrates 70th anniversary since its creation in 1950. Photo material can be found here.
On the occasion of the anniversary of the Department, the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev hand in plaque "St.St. Kiril i Methodi” the Faculty of Business Management. Photo material can be found here.
In addition, the Department of Economics and Management of Natural Resources was awarded with the badge of honour by the Chancellor of the University of Forestry Corresponding Member, Prof. DSc Ivan Iliev. Photo material can be found here.
Over the past 70 years, a significant contribution for development of research and promotion of education in the field of economics and management has been made by all colleagues who have been in the team of the department in different periods, regardless of the changes in its name and:
Assoc. Prof. PhD Yuli Mihaylov, Prof. PhD Hristo Sirakov, Prof. PhD Penyu Karadochev, Prof. TSc. Georgi Puhalev, Prof.D.Sc Ivan Yovkov, Prof. D.Sc Diana Ivanova, Prof. PhD Nikola Stoyanov, Prof. PhD Vladimir Piralkov, Prof.D.Sc Elizabeta Vachkova, Prof. PhD Angel Petkov, Prof. PhD Ivanka Boneva, Prof. PhD Angel Baev, Prof.D.Sc Panayot Kolarov, Prof. PhD Ivan Paligorov, Prof. PhD Jivko Gochev, Assoc. Prof. PhD Lilyana Polyanska, Assoc. Prof. PhD Radoslav Zarev, Assoc. Prof. PhD Petar Dankov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Stefan Stoilkov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Simeonova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Pandora Dragozova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Lilyana Teofilova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Mihova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Tsanko Balgarenski, Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikola Grigorov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Nadya Delcheva, Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva, Assoc. Prof. PhD Emil Kichukov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Nevena Shuleva, Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Georgieva, Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov, Assoc. Prof. PhD Maya Tsoklinova, Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev, Assist.Prof. Irina Todorova, Assist. Prof. Ivan Draganov, Assist. Prof. Todor Vasilev, Assist. Prof. Tsanko Todorov.
Disciplines and lecturers:
- Anthropogenic resources (Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures, and Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the exercises.
- Business communications and public relations (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Ecology and environmental protection, Master Degree). Prof. PhD Ivan Paligorov leads lectures, and Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova leads exercises.
- Forest Policy (Forestry and Business Management). Prof. PhD Ivan Paligorov leads lectures and the exercises.
- Ecological policy (Ecology and environmental protection). Prof. PhD Dilyanka Bezlova and Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Mihova lead the lectures.
- Eco management (Business Management and Alternative Tourism). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures and exercises.
- Insurance (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures.
- Insurance (Plant Protection). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.
- Insurance Business (Veterinary medicine, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures.
- Forestry economics (Forestry). Prof. PhD Ivan Paligorov leads lectures and Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Georgieva leads exercises.
- Economics and management of forestry (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev leads the lectures and exercises.
- Economics of forest industry (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikolay Neykov leads the lectures and exercises.
- Economics and management of landscape architecture (Landscape architecture). Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova leads the lectures and exercises.
- Environmental economics and management (Ecology and environmental protection). Assoc. Prof. PhD Katinka Mihova leads the lectures and exercises.
- Economics of Public Sector (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Maya Tsoklinova-Koleva leads the lectures and exercises.
- Economic statistics (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures.
- Competitiveness in tourism (Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures and exercises.
- Macroeconomics (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.
- Management (Landscape architecture). Assoc. Prof. PhDElena Dragozova leads the lectures and exercises.
- International economic and monetary relations (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev leads the lectures and exercises.
- Ecotourism management (exercise Alternative Tourism, Master Degree). Prof. PhD Dilyanka Bezlova leads the lectures and exrcises.
- Microecnomics (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Maya Tsoklinova-Koleva leads the lectures and exercises.
- Research basis (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures.
- Organizational behaviour (Business Management, Bachelor's degree).Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova leads the lectures and Assist. Prof. PhD Tsvetelina Simeonova-Zarkin leads the exercises.
- Forests assessment (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Georgieva leads the lectures and exercises.
- Public administration (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Prof. PhD Nikolay Stoenchev leads lectures and the exercises.
- Public finance (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Maya Tsoklinova-Koleva leads the lectures and exercises.
- Commodity Science (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures and exercises.
- Business Logistics (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures and exercises.
- Strategic management (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures and exercises.
- Accounting (Business Management, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.
- Technical basis for assessment of tangible fixed assets (Business Management, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Daniela Georgieva leads the lectures and exercises.
- Management of investments (Business Management, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev leads the lectures.
- Forestry management (Forestry, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev leads the lectures and exercises.
- Project management (Business Management and Alternative Tourism, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Stanislava Kovacheva leads the lectures, and Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the exercises.
- Human resources management (Business Management). Assoc. Prof. PhD Elena Dragozova leads the lectures and Assist. Prof. PhD Tsvetelina Simeonova-Zarkin leads the exercises.
- Management of innovations and investments. (Business Management, Master Degree and Urban Ecology, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Konstantin Kolev leads the lectures and exercises.
- Risk management (Business Management, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.
- Finance of tourist firm (Alternative Tourism, Bachelor's degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Maya Tsoklinova-Koleva leads the lectures and exercises.
- Financial Management (Business Management, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.
- Insurance (in English) (Veterinary medicine, Master Degree). Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivaylo Ivanov leads the lectures and exercises.
Scientific directions of the lecturers from the department
- Business communication and public relations;
- Forest policy;
- Environmental policy;
- Ecomanagement;
- Insurance;
- Economics and management of forestry;
- Economics of forest industry;
- Economics and management of landscape architecture;
- Economics and management of environmental protection;
- Management;
- Education for sustainable development;
- Organizational behaviour;
- Research basis;
- Forests assessment;
- Assessment for sustainable development;
- Product management;
- Resource provision;
- Commodity Science;
- Business Logistics;
- Strategic management;
- Management of investments;
- Management of investment process;
- Project management;
- Human resources management;
- Sustainable Development;
- Finance and other.