The course "Theory of colors and shapes" presents to the students different aspects of shape, color and their mutual links with compositional construction. The focus of the exercises is on the construction of various types of flat and three dimetional compositions based on the use of symmetry, asymmetry and a combination of both.
In terms of colors tasks are graded according to their complexity. The first task is based on the principle of mohnohromic color. In each subsequent composition colors are used to increase their numbers, and the principle of interaction among them is different from the previous. The structure of the compositions is comprised of rectilinear and curvilinear shapes, forms with a combined specifics or geometrical objects.
The concept of the construction of the compositions is related to their deployment in one or more planes. The course is directly tied to the specifics of the exercises. Its content is oriented to an introduction of principles of color science, tabular and prostranestvenoto building compositions.