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Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture


The subject belongs to the group of subjects giving specialized fundamental preparation.
The lectures serve as a theoretical basis which acquaints the students with the following basic periods of the Park & Garden Arts History :
I. Ancient world – Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome, Byzantium, China & Japan, Mavritania, India.
II. Italian Renaissance. French Classicism. European Baroque. English and European free style parks. Park & Garden Arts in Russia. Park & Garden Arts in Europe and America in ХІХ and ХХ centuries. Contemporary landscape architecture achievements.
III. Park & Garden Arts in Bulgaria during Middle Ages, Bulgarian Renaissance and after the Liberation. First landscape architects and Bulgarian residencial parks. First Bulgarian public parks and gardens. Contemporary Bulgarian public parks and gardens.

The seminars are conducted in manual redesigning of the most popular world examples of the Park & Garden Arts and learning some of the details of their compositional schemes.

I. Basic: Lectures, Shtilianov Vl., 2011. 
II. Recommended : Kuleliev,I., Park & Garden Arts History, 2007

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