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Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture


The subject belongs to the group of subjects giving specialized fundamental preparation . The major purpose of this subject is to provide the students with knowledge in the following basic fields: 
I.The basics, styles and concepts of landscape architecture 
II. Basic components and elements of Landscape Architectural Design 
III. Planning and space composition
IV. Aesthetic principles and composition devices
The lectures serve as a theoretical basis which acquaints the students with park & garden arts matter. Plants are given special attention during the course since they are the basic elements of the spatial design. 
The seminars are conducted in two terms . During the first term the students get acquainted with the basic requirements and the most essential concepts necessary for designing of the separate components of the park art 
(relief , plants, pavements, architecture, sculpture and water). Also, they acquire graphic skills to draw the elements of these components (trees, bushes, lawns, flower patterns, building materials, park elements, aquatic surfaces etc.) During the second term the students are taught how to put into practice the theoretical knowledge gained in the first term and they develop their graphic skills by designing their own preliminary designs .

I. Basic: 
• Lectures, Shtilianov V., 2011. 
• Handbook “Theory of Park Design : theoretical formulations and graphic skills” , Shtilianov V., 1997 ( second edition 2005 ). 
• Handbook “ The Park Arts ”, Shtilianov V., 2009. 
II. Recommended: 
1. Стойчев А. Парково и ландшафтно изкуство , 1960 г.
2. Фомина Л. Основи на парковото изкуство, 1988 г.
3. Booth, N. K. Basic elements of Landscape Architectural Design. 1983.
4. Clouston B. Landscape design wint plants, 1977.

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